Chapter 13

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The two groups finally meet up at their house, the first group found anxiously waiting for the other group's arrival.
"Finally!" Junmyeon practical shouts, throwing his arms around Jongdae and the rest of the boys.
"We were starting to think that you wouldn't come back." Baekhyun exclaims, quickly checking over each of the boys to see if they have any injuries.
"We don't know where Minseok or Jongin are, though. In the middle of our fight in the basement, the two suddenly disappeared and we haven't seen them since." Yixing explains, shrugging. All of a sudden, the two said males throw open the front door, nearly giving everybody a heart attack. Chanyeol almost faints. Again.
"Where the heck were you guys?" Kyungsoo pipes up, arms folded across his chest and eyes burning holes into the two. He was worried.
"Well, Jongin saved me, actually." Minseok explains. Just moments before the three spheres could hit Minseok, Jongin's body twisted into a vortex sucking him into a spiral of thin air before transporting him within the blink of an eye to the other side of the room. As he grabbed Minseok's hand and teleported once again, the two were gone mere seconds before the spheres collided. Jongin and Minseok gaze at the others, only realising now that they had all been injured in the blast. Jongin takes Yixing's hand and pulls up his sleeve to reveal burn marks which ravel and wind up his arms. The final burn marks are on his face, neck and legs. They aren't bad, but the poor boy must be in discomfort, Jongin thinks.
"You'll need ointment for those, Xing." Minseok says, walking to the bathroom to collect the first aid kit.
"Actually, all of you will." Junmyeon sighs softly, looking at the others with soft eyes.

"What are we going to do? What if they come after us?! We killed them, guys! We murdered people!" Mingyu freaks out, and it is only now that the group takes a moment to consider this fact.
"Holy shit. We've become as bad as what Jack the Ripper and the Zodiac killer were. We took lives." Jongin's voice trembles.
"Guys. I know that you are all upset, but look. You did it in self defence. It's their fault for coming after you." Junmyeon tries to comfort them.
"You weren't there, Jun. You didn't have to watch their eyes become lifeless, or their bodies slump to the floor. The bottom line is . . . We killed p-people. Whether we want to admit that or not. We are murderers." Kyungsoo begins to tear up and the others hang their heads in shame.
"I need to lie down. I don't know if I can do this anymore." Jongdae admits, walking out of the living room, tears streaking his face. His footsteps are heard clambering up the stairs before his door shuts. The rest of the boys stay in silence, moping about the loss of life that they themselves caused.
"Hey guys? Do you think that anybody is still alive out there?" Baekhyun asks, wiping away his tears.
"Maybe. Should we try and look for people? They could be suffering out there, and we may be the only people who survived." Sehun agrees.
"But what if they're still out there? Then what?" Minseok asks nervously. The others think carefully about this.
"Then we make a team. We make a team of those who have the strongest powers, help them get kitted up and then they go and look for people." Junmyeon speaks. The others seem unsure about this.
"First of all, let's see who doesn't have heir powers yet. Is it only you, Minseok?" Junmyeon asks. He gets a nod in response. "Alright. Who has what power?" Junmyeon gets a pen out of the drawer of the coffee table and grabs the phone book to write on.
"Well, I have wind. I know that Chan has fire, Dae has electricity, you have water, Jongin obviously can teleport . . . Um, Baekhyun has light, Yixing can heal people, Mingyu shoots ribbons or something and Kyung, you have?"
"I dunno, force? I made walls." Kyungsoo shrugs.
"You're like Donald Trump!" Jongin laughs, which gets Chanyeol and Baekhyun going. Jingsu leans her head against Sehun's shoulder, tapping his hand to get his attention. Kyungsoo glares at the trio playfully.
"If you're going, just make sure to stay safe, ok?" She asks, and Sehun smiles at her sweetly.
"Of course I will. But I need to protect you first and foremost." He says, pulling her closer to him. Junmyeon smiles at the two.

Jongdae is finally awake and is looking a little better. Junmyeon and Minseok are to decide who is to go (which preferably would be nobody, but if they were out there then they would want to be rescued too) and the two have been arguing non-stop for over an hour. Minseok clears his throat.
"This is the list of those who aren't to go; Jingsu, Sehun, me, Baekhyun. The rest of those I have not mentioned, well, it is pretty self explanatory, isn't it?"
"What?! I'm going? I don't want to have to kill people!" Jongdae's eyes are wide and he is biting his bottom lip to keep it from trembling.
"No, you aren't to kill people. We are going to be rescuing those who can be saved." Jongin explains. Jongdae's faces flushes a little in embarrassment.
"Oh. Ok." It is decided that Jongin is only to go to be a messenger (as he can teleport back and forth) and also because he is to help bring the wounded back (if there are any). Inside of a backpack that Yixing is to carry, is a first aid kit, just in case he cannot heal those with heavy wounds. The group of them set out, scanning the area for danger and for anybody lying. They make their way slowly too the hall, all boys on high alert - eyes wide, hearts thumping and hands and knees trembling. The breaths that they take in are deep as they move closer. Jongdae almost vomits at the thick smell of blood and already rotting flesh as they draw near. But the smell is no comparison for the gut-wrenching sight that they see. Hundreds of innocent people lie dead, strewn over each other, their bodies littered with bullet holes. Many of their eyes are still opened wide, reflecting their fear that they felt at the time. The melancholic atmosphere cuts down each of the boys and they weep salty tears for those that were brutally murdered. Chanyeol leans down and checks for pulses or any signs of life, but he is met with cold skin and dull eyes. After checking more than thirteen and receiving the same signs, a shout from the youngest present is enough to catch everybody's attention.
"I found one, guys!" He shouts, waving his arm in the air. The remainder of the boys look around carefully for any sign of the offenders before scurrying over to aid the person. Yixing holds his hands over the woman's chest, the palms of his hands glowing green, softly illuminating her features. She is young, perhaps only twenty four or so. She slowly begins to stir, her eyes opening slowly before squeezing shut due to the brightness of the soft viridescent glow. Yixing motions with his head to his backpack and Junmyeon pulls out the first aid kid, clicking the box open. He gets out tweezers, gauze and rubbing alcohol to remove the bullet, add support and disinfect the wound. Junmyeon hands Kyungsoo the tweezers and Jongdae, Jongin and Chanyeol turn their heads so that they don't have to watch.
"Why me?" Kyungsoo asks in a hushed tone.
"Because my hands are too shaky, Yixing is busy, Jongdae is too squeamish and the other two are just dumb." The younger of the two grabs the tweezers and uses his thumb and index finger to gently open the wound in the woman's leg further, blood rushing out of the bullet hole and running down her leg, beneath her thigh. Kyungsoo takes a deep breath, softly apologising to her as he softly prods a finger into the wound, searching for the bullet. Upon touching the warm metal, he dries his hands against his jeans, picks up the tweezers and slowly extracts the orange metal.

"Well done, Soo!" Jongin applauds him having watched the entire extraction. Jongdae finally turns around.
"Hey are you ok?" Kyungsoo's world spins and quickly turns black as he falls flat on his face.
"Oh my god!" Chanyeol rushes over while Junmyeon just bats the taller away with his hand.
"He's fine just leave him. He's sleeping." Junmyeon explains and Yixing chuckles while removing his hands from the woman's chest, the colour slowly returning to her face while the wound begins to stop bleeding and close up. Mingyu grabs the gauze and gently wraps it around the woman's thigh, making sure that it is tight enough to apply pressure to the wound, but not tight enough to cut off her blood circulation or worsen the wound.
"Thank you." She croaks, tears springing from her eyes and she wraps her arms around Yixing, showing him her gratitude. Jongin knows what he's to do and stands up to carry the woman.
"You might want to close your eyes for this part." He tells her, before spiralling into a vortex with her and vanishing. Unlike in the movies, there is no dramatic gush of wind or flash of light or whooshing sound. There is just the sight of him turning into a black hole and disappearing. The boys decide to move on, leaving Mingyu to carry the only person 'sleeping on the job'.

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading this chapter and also for bringing this story up to 200 reads! Thank you so much for supporting me and for commenting - it honestly does mean a lot to me. Anyways, stay safe for those of you experiencing high temperatures or for those of you in the UK (aka me) who are experiencing extreme snow and wind. Hope that you all have an awesome day/ sleep and I will now be working on my other stories lol. Bye, my peanut butter cookies! ❤️🍪

Word count: 1713

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