Chapter 12

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The boys all hide - half in the kitchen and the others in the basement. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Junmyeon, Jingsu and Sehun all sprint into the kitchen, out of breath while their hearts thud loudly in each of their chests, eyes scrambling and scanning the dark room for places to hide. Grabbing Jingsu's hand, Sehun crouches down to the floor in front of some cupboards, quietly clearing a space of pots and pans for his crush to hide. After stroking the side of her face to comfort her, he gently closes the door and finds another place to hide. Junmyeon empties the disgusting trash can near the fridge and hides the bag of trash inside a cupboard. He steps in and gently slides the lid closed, leaving a tiny gap so that he can still breathe. He wants to puke. Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun are still looking for places to hide when they hear the tapping of several feet along the marble, still pretty far away, though growing closer. Panic settles in their stomachs and their fingers tremble. Baekhyun crawls into a cupboard across from Jingsu and Sehun and Chanyeol hide in the utility store at the back of the room, lifting the fridge together to cover half of the doorway, before pulling it the rest of the way over by putting their hands beneath it. Sehun curses quietly when the fridge makes a small screech due to being dragged across the tile. The two pause for a split second, although hear the footsteps continue and hurriedly close the door once the gap is sealed. Less than two minutes later, every door along the corridor is slammed open, the sound of doors bouncing off of walls can be heard echoing in the dark abyss of the hallway. The boys (and Jingsu) hold their breaths as the kitchen door is thrust open, heels clicking against the tiled floor as a few cupboard doors are flung open, as well as the fridge door before the men leave, the clacking of shoes gradually getting quieter as they travel down the staircase at the far end of the hallway. They all get out of their hiding places and sprint along the hallway, pupils dilated, ears pricked and blood surging to their muscles. Adrenaline pumps through their veins, increasing their speed. They escape through the heavy metal door and their feet take them to where they know they'll be safe. It'd put all of their lives at great risk if they went to help the others in the basement and so, they are just going to wait at their designated waiting area. The house.

The boys hiding in the basement can feel the thick tension in the air, as quiet and shaky breaths leave their lips. It is almost pitch black in the room, but one of the men manage to find a light switch. A bulb hanging in the centre of the room glows orange, and casts a gentle glow on all of the objects lying about, not really lighting up the room all that well. Kyungsoo bumps into somebody, and thinks that it is Jongin. He pats his shoulder to apologise but immediately draws his hand away when he feels how muscular the shoulder is. They quietly introduce themselves, and tell each other that they mean no harm. The taller man's name is Mingyu. The boys push themselves further into the shadows, praying that the men won't find them. However, there are more men than expected - seven. They split up and cross the room, kicking large boxes out of the way and shoving things off of shelves. Yixing almost gasps when one of the men kick a box two along from him, but a large hand over his mouth prevents him from doing so. Jongin looks him in the eyes and Yixing nods, agreeing to be quiet. The men turn off the light and head up the first few stairs but stop when they hear something fall from a shelf. The light is turned back on and the men are more determined to find whoever caused the crash. Minseok silently curses at himself when he sits down, the book and empty can of juice laying just meters from him. He holds his breath, eyes becoming glassy in fear and fright. Jongdae holds his friend's hand, telling him to remain quiet. The men look behind the piano and suddenly tear off the white sheet, the silk fluttering onto the floor. The boys watch in confusion as the large group of men look around the piano, opening the lid and pushing aside the strings, as if they are looking for something. Jongdae holds up his hand, his body still hidden behind the box, and slowly begins to create a storm of electricity between his fingers. His hair stands up and Minseok who is sitting next to him can feel his own hair crackle. The ball of blue is flicked at one of the men and in less than three seconds, the tall man dressed in blue jeans and a black shirt is on the floor, body shaking due to the high voltage. The men gaze around, tensed and ready for action. Mingyu then kneels up, his shoulders and head are just above the box that he is hiding behind. White ribbons drift from his outstretched hand like smoke, before shooting straight through one of the enemy, before they slowly dissipate and begin to fade into thin air. Minseok suddenly stands up, lifting up both his arms and a javelin of ice impales one of the men who had his gun cocked and ready to shoot. The metal drops onto the floor, a bullet being shot out by accident as the man drops to his knees, face pale and chest heaving. Minseok almost feels bad as he can see the agonising pain dancing in the man's eyes. He slumps forward, the ice digging deeper into the already fatal wound. Minseok drops to the ground and Jongdae just manages to catch him, the older traumatised by his own actions. Four men are remaining, all standing facing outward, in a square with shoulders touching. Yixing has no choice but to stand down on this fight, feeling useless unless someone gets hurt, which he hopes won't happen. He doesn't have any power to attack with, you wouldn't heal the enemy in order to attack them, right? Jongdae has his electricity crackling, Mingyu has his white ribbons beginning to rise out of his palm and Minseok has snowflakes clumping together already, but Kyungsoo and Jongin can already see what is going to happen. Kyungsoo and Jongin shy away from the boys, keeping their distance as best as they can. All three of the boys are in different corners of the room, so if they were all to release their powers at the same time, they would go right through the flesh of the men standing in the centre of the room and their powers would hit each other, causing three more deaths than necessary. And, if they are dead, then Yixing cannot heal them. This situation isn't like in the movies where Yixing can bring back the dead. It just doesn't work like that. It barely worked when Kyungsoo had Disease-C7F9.

"Stop!" Jongin screeches desperately, but it is too late. A ball of tightly knotted ribbon, a sphere of ice and a globe of crackling electricity shoot across the room, the three boys still oblivious to the situation that they have caused, that is, until the orbs of power go straight through their enemy and come straight at them. Yixing cannot bear to spare a glance, forcing his head down. He remembers seeing Jongin vanish into thin air and Kyungsoo slamming his hand onto the ground, eyes closed and tears beginning to stream. There is an explosion of bright white light and the two are lifted into the air and crash against the wall due to the power of it. The darkness of the room quickly swallows the light. The room is now almost silent, there is no noise apart from the crumbling of stone and the creaking of the wooden beams. Yixing, being the fastest to heal, gazes around in the opaque darkness, hands in front of him and feet nervously tapping the floor for objects. He wishes if he had Baekhyun to help him see but he is completely alone. He doesn't even know if the others survived or not. He doesn't know how to tell the others apart from the men that tried to assassinate them. Oh wait, they'd be dead so he wouldn't have to heal them. But then again, his friends could be dead too. And even so, he's never tried to heal a dead person, so how long would it be before he knew that he couldn't heal them? He runs his hands through his hair in frustration and stress, continuing to tap his way forward. Suddenly, the toe of his shoe comes into contact with a wall, a wall that he is sure wasn't there when they first came into the basement. His eyebrows furrow as he is sure that he isn't far away from the stairs. His fingers skip along the wall and he feels it abruptly end. Ok, now he is definitely sure that this wasn't here. He runs his fingers along the thick width of the concrete, and then there is about a two meter space between it and the actual wall behind it. His leans down and his fingers brush somebody's shoulders, he reaches his hands further along and crouches down next to them, trembling fingers smoothing over their face. He feels high and prominent cheekbones, instantly knowing the person as Jongdae. He holds his hands over his chest, a soft, dull green glow illuminating the small space. It is indeed Jongdae, a bruised and battered Jongdae, but an alive one nonetheless. Soon, eyelashes flutter and eyelids open to reveal deep brown eyes. Jongdae coughs a few times before groaning about his bruises.
"Thanks, Xing. Where are the others?" The man asks, slowly sitting up before clutching his deep purple forehead. Yixing only shakes his head in response before shrugging, showing that he doesn't know. He doesn't trust his voice at the moment. The two then amble about the room, finding another wall on the other side as well. Who made these? They find a tall man behind another wall, not recognising him but he seems to have been saved by someone. Yixing heals him, but only to get information from him. The man soon opens his eyes, a large puce bruise can be seen from where his shirt slightly lifts up.
"Who are you?" Yixing demands, wanting to find his other friends. The man struggles for breath, wheezing noises coming from the back of his throat. Jongdae points to the bruise and the older instantly feels horrible for shouting at the poor man when he can't answer. After healing him, he tries again. In a calmer voice.
"I'm Mingyu. I helped you guys after they came in here. I'm an acquaintance of a short man, but I can't remember what his name was." Mingyu squints his eyes while trying to remember, scratching his nape before he winces.
"I think you might have a concussion." Yixing explains, placing his cool hands on a bump on the back of the tall man's head. He just chuckles in reply.
"So, what did he look like, this 'short man'." Jongdae almost snorts, trying to hold back his laughter. Mingyu taps his lip.
"Well, he has really big eyes, short hair and huge lips." He thinks for another second before nodding his head, happy with his description. The man's use of words set the two off, laughing obnoxiously about what the man said about their 'short friend'. Suddenly, there comes a voice from the opposite side of the room.

"If I wasn't so in pain, I would be murdering you three just now." Kyungsoo's deep voice reverberates around the room, causing the three to shiver.
"I'm coming." Yixing huffs, cracking his back as he stumbles and catches himself many times while going to where his friend lay.
"Where are Jongin and Minseok?" Kyungsoo asks, and Yixing's face instantly pales. Oh no. How long were they out for? He doesn't reply, causing the younger to bite his lip in worry. The two others also come over, Mingyu apologising to Kyungsoo and Jongdae getting a slap for laughing.

Whelp, I am so sorry for not updating recently guys, I will update as much as I can this weekend for you. Thank you so much for reading and I hope that you have enjoyed this chapter. If I made any mistakes such as grammar, spelling or anything in the plot line, don't be afraid to comment. Love you, my peanut butter cookies ❤️🍪

P.S. This was a longer chapter than usual so I hope that y'all liked it 😛

Word Count - 2163

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