Chapter 1

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Sehun wakes up first for once, scratches his stomach and then sits upright. That heavy feeling that weighed down on all of them yesterday is still for some reason present in this moment. His stomach knots and he can feel the tension in his muscles and the way that they contract. He throws the covers  to one side before his body welcomes the now wintery climate of the living room - the frost glazed windows and the transparent white that sprawls across the ground outside. It is still dark, however it is winter so is it late or early in the morning? He cannot tell, so decides to just roll with it. He yawns and then gets up to his feet, cautiously doing hop-scotch so as to not stand on his friends. His bare feet pad along the cold floor to the kitchen where he flips the switch for the water to boil. After a few moments he realises, that of course, the electricity has not been fixed. Sighing, he grabs a glass from a cupboard and walks across the hardwood floor to the sink, to get some water. He turns on the faucet, but nothing comes out. He pushes the small handle up and down in frustration but eventually sighs when he realises that it isn't going to expel a single drop of H2O. Just then Minseok steps into the kitchen, the left side of his hair plastered to his face while the right side sticks directly upwards, an indicator that he was leaning against Junmyeon in his sleep. Sehun momentarily forgets what happened as he stifles a laugh. Minseok rubs his eyes tiredly and turns on the coffee machine.
"Oh yeah, there's still no electricity. Or gas. Or running water." Sehun briefly explains. The older of the two huffs before walking back into the living room.

Jongin checks his watch to see that it is 11:34am. He could've sworn that it was the same time that their power had gone out. He frowns before sighing deeply and waking up the rest of his friends. Yixing mumbles in his sleep and rolls over. Baekhyun spies an opportunity to cause mischief and so pounces on him to wake him up. Muffled complaints rise from Yixing's pillow as his face is crushed between the soft fabric and his friend's hands. Laughter erupts from Baekhyun as he removes his hands and everybody is now awake. Kyungsoo walks into the kitchen along with Chanyeol and decides to get some cereal. He takes the milk out of the fridge and pours out cereal from the brightly coloured cereal box (which almost seems like it is really meant for kids, but since all of them are pretty much grown up children anyways, they don't care) then pours in the milk. Only then does he exclaim in disgust at the fact that the milk is lumpy, slightly yellow and extremely sour smelling before then proclaiming himself an idiot because, of the course the milk is going to be off - there's no electricity to power the fridge. Jongdae chuckles before grabbing some fruit from their fruit bowl.
"Don't you think that it's odd that our manager hasn't come to collect us yet?" Jongdae asks the smaller as he takes a bite from the green apple.
"It's kinda weird, yeah. I mean, usually if we slept in this late we'd all be executed, but, we don't even know the time. All of the clocks have stopped, nothing electric is working. I tried to check my phone this morning and it won't even turn on. Baekhyun's is the same. And Jongin's watch isn't even working anymore. What do you think is going on?" Kyungsoo asks, peeling an orange. Jongdae simply shrugs before going down the hallway, up the stairs and to his bedroom to get changed.

All twelve boys step outside into the grey and that feeling of something being wrong instantly returns. Junmyeon stares in front of him before shaking his head.
"What the actual fuck is going on?" He curses to himself. The streets are completely deserted, nobody apart from them are present. Just then, the sound of a huge clatter reverberates around the empty streets, then comes the sound of shouting. All nine of the friends look at each other nervously before heading into a different direction, deciding to go the opposite direction from the danger that may lurk around the corner. They find emptiness. A lack of people. Usually by now they would've been absolutely mobbed by fans but it seems as if those days may have diminished. They walk into one of the nearby grocery stores and look around in horror. Most of the food that has not been looted lays on the floor in puddles and the putrescent smell of turned milk and yogurt leaves their noses burning. They split up into three groups and walk around the store, gawping at the damage done by intruders.
"What has happened in here?" Minseok asks nobody in particular. His hands glide along the smooth surface of a black conveyor belt before checking the till. All of the money is still present, so what did these people want? Baekhyun catches up with him, panting and eyes wide in panic. Minseok's eyebrows furrow before he tilts his head.
"There are people coming and they are armed, we need to leave!" He whisper shouts.
"What about the others?" Minseok raises his eyebrows. "We can't just leave them, Baek."
"I know. I don't know. I just- people are coming with guns and I'm scared. What's going on, Min?" He explains, lies bottom lip quivering slightly. The older sighs.
"Alright. But we will have to find the others. Come on." He waves on his younger friend with a flick of his hand and crawls behind the cashier desk. They peep their heads out of the side while crouching on the floor to see Junmyeon and Chanyeol looking at tinned fruit. They would probably be able to hear their conversation if it wasn't for their own heavy breathing. Minseok nods his head and quickly looks side to side, checking for signs of danger. He slides forwards on his hands, kicking at the floor with his feet before digging into the smooth, polished surface with his elbows. In any other situation, Baekhyun would've laughed at how silly his friend looks, but now just isn't the time. The older of the two makes it all the way across the floor and reaches aisle twelve, where Chanyeol and Junmyeon stand. So much for staying in threes. He stands up quickly before quietly grasping his friends' attention. He explains the situation carefully and tells them what to do. The four of them manage to find all of the other members. Well, apart from two. Sehun and Jongin.

"Guys?" Kyungsoo cautiously calls. He walks around the store with Jongdae and Yixing and sees that the other four are waiting outside the store for them. The trio search high and low for their younger friends until they hear soft giggling. They cautiously step out from behind isle seven and spot the two an isle behind them, in isle six. Kyungsoo holds back the urge to punch the two but instead calmly walks up to them and smacks the two up the back of the head, before looking down on them with arms crossed and eyes ablaze with anger.
"We have been trying to find you guys everywhere!" He whisper shouts, hands flying in all directions to prove his point.
"Well, you aren't very good at looking because we have been in these three isles the entire time, so. Oh and Jongin and I had shopping cart races and-"
"Nice to see that you guys had a nice time, now let's leave before-" Yixing begins to speak in a normal tone before suddenly cutting himself off.
"Why are you guys acting so weird?" Jongin looks at them sceptically. Jongdae just shakes his head slowly with widened eyes. The two youngest boys slowly try to look behind them but they don't get a chance before they are violently pulled forwards and to their feet by their three older friends. The five of them sprint as fast as their legs would carry them, almost smashing the glass doors in an attempt to get outside, just in time before there is a loud bang then the window to their left is shattered. The other four, now alert by the sound of bullets begin to run in fear too, heading straight back to their dorm.
"Chanyeol! Hurry the fuck up! What if they're still chasing us!?" An impatient Jongdae whines, tapping his fingers on his bottom lip out of fear. As soon as there is the clicking sound of the door unlocking, all nine boys push into the porch then comes the loud slam of the front door as Baekhyun leans his back against it. Sehun does up all of the three lock systems before breathing a heavy sigh of relief. Jongin is already closing the living room curtains and Junmyeon is pacing up and down nervously.
"What if they did follow us here? We have led them straight to where we reside! We must be fucking stupid." He curses, almost raising his voice but not quite. All is silent. There is no sound of bullets or shouts and glass smashing. Only the soft sound of a blanket of silence.

I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and it is going to get really interesting later on, I promise! Thank you so much for reading and I will update soon, my peanut butter cookies 🍪❤️

Word Count - 1607

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