Chapter 2

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Minseok's stomach growls loudly and he softly grumbles to himself about how hungry he is. Sure, being idols they had to diet but since a group of men are watching over the closest supermarket with weapons, it seems like they'll have to go a little bit further to get the food that they require. Junmyeon grabs the car keys that lay inside of the red bowl in the hallway near the front door. After softly closing it, he bolts to his car and pushes the key into the keyhole. He turns it slowly until he hears a click. Absolutely nothing happens. The engine doesn't growl and the car doesn't come to life like it usually does.
"What the-" He opens the door and walks round to the bonnet of the car. There is no smoke, no odd smells. There is no evidence to suggest why the car isn't working. Not even when he checks if all of the machinery is working in the front. He sighs deeply to himself and places a hand over his forehead. His shoulders slump and he drags his feet back into the house.
"Well?" Chanyeol asks, eyes glittering with hope. Junmyeon just shakes his head.
"Maybe it isn't working because it runs on electricity?" Kyungsoo asks.
"If that is the case, then why did Jongin's watch stop? Are batteries no longer working?" Yixing suggests.
"But then, why would the batteries in the torch work?" Baekhyun looks confused, tilting his head to the side before shrugging.
"This entire thing just doesn't make sense. Why would one thing work but not the other?" Sehun interjects.
"Hm, I don't know, but we'd better start walking if we want to find some place to get food. We should avoid the nearest stores and go to those a little further away, I don't want any of you to get injured." Minseok says. They all nod in agreement before scurrying away to get backpacks.

"We've been walking for hours and there's literally no sign of any stores." Baekhyun whinges.
"Dude, hate to break it to you, but we've only been walking for like twenty minutes. Suck it up." Kyungsoo groans in irritation.
"Right, calm down you two. We are all hungry but we can't just start arguing because of it." Jongdae explains.
"That was . . . Surprisingly wise. Good one, Chen." Yixing gives him a little thumbs up. The shuffling of feet continues for some time, before they finally begin to see more and more houses, giving them the signal that they are nearing the centre of Seoul, the shopping district.
"At least the clothes are now free." Sehun says with a slight chuckle.
"We don't know about that just yet, Hun. There might still be laws in place." Junmyeon scolds. Jongin shakes his head and slings an arm over his shoulder.
"We all saw what happened in that store near our house, I highly doubt that the police have any control over anything anymore. But, all of this somehow happened in one night. I feel like we're missing the bigger picture here, guys." The taller stops the rest of the group.
"Jongin, none of us know the details of what happened. All that we know, is that no electronics are working, apart from that weird torch which wouldn't work. Well, it did, but only when- oh my gosh." Minseok abruptly stops speaking, confusing the others.
"What!? Only when- what?!" Chanyeol asks, desperate to know.
"It only worked when Jongdae touched it. It actually shone even brighter than what I remember it." Minseok's eyes are wide in disbelief.
"Nah, come on, Min. I didn't do that. We were all tired that day and so, Jun probably just put in the batteries wrong or something." Jongdae chuckles a little, shaking his head at his friend's words.
"And did you change the position of the batteries?" Chanyeol asks, head dipped a little to make eye contact with Jongdae.
"N-no, but-"
"So, if it only worked when you touched it, then does that mean-" Kyungsoo trails off, his large eyes deep in thought. They all glance at each other, Jongdae shifting his gaze nervously between his friends and the ground. Minseok gets the torch from his bag and turns it on. No light shines. He purses his lips and turns it off before he passes the torch to Chanyeol. Chanyeol does the same. No light. He passes it to Baekhyun who passes it to Yixing, then to Jongin, Kyungsoo, Junmyeon and then Sehun. The torch still hasn't expelled any light. Sehun then passes the torch with a shaking hand to Jongdae, who is equally as anxious. He flips the switch and a bright beam of light is emitted from the bulb, which is almost a blinding contrast to the grey of the sky. There are some gasps of pure astonishment.
"H-how did you do t-that?" Kyungsoo asks, gawping at the streaming light.
"I-I don't know, all that I know is that I couldn't do this before." He explains, turning the torch in his hands.
"Maybe, you can get the car to start! And then, we won't have to walk everywhere!" Baekhyun claps his hands excitedly.
"I don't know about that, Baek. What if whatever this is is just a fluke? There's no way that I'm actually able to produce electricity with my hands, alright? This is just silly. And, we're wasting time. We need to find a store, grab supplies, get out without getting caught and get home before it gets dark." Jongdae explains desperately.
"Alright! Come on, guys!" Junmyeon waves everybody onwards and the gentle excited chatter rises from all members, apart from one.

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