Chapter 17

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The two groups are separated, but things in Junmyeon's group begin to continuously get heated with the four girls arguing every second.
"Listen. I don't understand why we need to find them so bad. We should leave them behind- they're men, they're strong. Plus, it would mean that the rations would last a little longer." Kim spits, teeth grinding together in anger.
"How dare you! My Sehun is out there and fuck only knows what has happened to them! That would be the last thing that would be good for us! I think that you two bitches should leave." Jingsu shouts, tears of anger pricking in the corners of her eyes. Her hands are rolled into two fists and Yixing steps between them to calm them down.
"Look. We need to rely on each other. We will never be able to get through this if we're constantly screeching at and doubting each other."
"Yixing's right. We shouldn't be at each other's throats all the time. We need to work out our differences and keep together. But first and foremost, we need to find the others." Minseok nods, patting Yoonsun's shoulder in comfort before stepping away and grabbing his backpack. By now, the group feel disgusting, not being able to change their clothes or brush their teeth. However, with the fear of the Black Hearts hanging over their heads, rations continuously running out, arguments and some of the group currently missing in action, he is a little stressed out. Half of the group will stay, and half of the group will go with him and Junmyeon, in search for the missing party.

"Do you think that they'll find us?" Sehun asks, the flames of their small fire causing light to dance across his face.
"I believe they will. We just have to stay positive." Chanyeol smiles gently, removing one of the twigs from beneath his leg.
"Anyways, we aren't in any immediate danger. We are warm, safe and dry. This will do for now until we are reunited." Jongin states, eyes closing tiredly. They roll over and begin to go to sleep, the fire spreading warmth and light over the area. Baekhyun leans against the base of a tree trunk, curling up against Jongin who also leans against Baekhyun's head. Sehun however, cannot get to sleep. His mind is still whirring with the events that happened earlier today and his mind keeps on relaying the moment when his friend slipped beneath the waves and was swept away like a leaf along with the current. How he didn't reappear for some amount of time before finally breaking the surface, only to be pulled back under by the force and speed of the water-
"Sehun. Are you alright?" Chanyeol asks from the opposite side of the fire, eyes glistening due to the orange flame. Sehun bites his lip before shaking his head. He walks carefully over to the older, trying not to wake the others.
"I-I just can't get it out of my head. What if you guys weren't there? What if I hadn't decided to cross the river? What if something happens to all of us?" Sehun hyperventilates, finding it difficult to breathe. He doubles over, hand clutching his throat as tears gather in his eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. Breathe in slowly, and breathe out slowly. Good. Count to eight when you breathe out, and eight when you breathe back in. You're doing good, keep going, Hun." After Sehun does calm down, he lays his head against Chanyeol's shoulder, sighing deeply.
"We could've lost someone today, Chan. Doesn't that scare you? Before, we had bodyguards and the police and the emergency services to help us. But now? We're on our own. There aren't any laws. There's no government. There's just us. Doesn't that terrify you, Chan?" He closes his eyes as tears roll over his waterline and down his cheeks slowly, leaving a wet trail behind. His eyelashes clump together as the salty tears drip from his chin, and onto the leaves beneath him.
"Sure does, buddy. But look, we have each other. We're going to find the others. We won't be like everyone else and we won't resort to violence, unless a life or lives are endangered. Besides, you have your chick that needs you! You can't be seen like this!" Chanyeol teases, punching Sehun's shoulder as the younger wipes away his tears. The two finally fall asleep and wait for the morning sun to rise.

It is the following morning, and Junmyeon, Minseok, Yixing and the others begin to scour the forest near the gas station, splitting up into subunits.
"Chanyeol!" Yixing shouts, backpack rattling with tin cans as he walks.
"Egg! Hun!" Minseok continues searching, running forward a little, and looking around him.
"Jongin! Baekhyun!" Sunli also searches. Although she'd hate to admit it, she actually likes the others, unlike her friend Kim. She scours her surroundings, until she realises something. Her eyes widen and she gasps to herself.
"Fuck!" She mutters beneath her breath. Minseok continues to shout, walking through the woods with his hands clenched at his side.
"Min! Min!" She calls him, and he startles.
"Holy shit! You scared-" He gets cut off by Sunli, who's glaring at him in anger.
"Shut the fuck up! They're going to hear you!" She whispers harshly.
"Who? Don't we want them to hear us?!" He whisper-shouts back, rolling his eyes.
"Not them, dumbass. The Black Hearts! Jesus!" She slaps his shoulder, mostly because she thinks he's stupid. And also because, well, he is stupid.
"Oh shit! I'll warn the others! Keep looking!" He says as he runs to Yixing. Within a few seconds a loud gun shot sounds and everyone jolts at the sudden loud sound. Ears ring and hearts thump, while heads turn and legs spur into action. Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun, Kyungsoo and Jongin all sprint into view in the distance, and the group can see their shirts through the forest. They are perhaps about a half a mile away from where the team were looking. Sunli strains to hear the petrified shouts coming from the five boys who scramble in their direction, dodging trees, leaping over large branches and run through razor sharp bramble.

"Fucking run!" Comes a shout from Jongin, who arrives first, grabbing onto Minseok and Yixing, causing them both to stumble into action. This causes the others to begin running as well, the whole group now terrified of whoever shot the gun. A group of men come into view, all wearing black ponchos with the hoods drawn over their faces, eyes cut out as well as a part for the mouth. The men looked disturbing as they ran at breakneck speed through the trees, firearms raised and loaded, all twelve of their guns aimed at the group. Will everyone make it out of this alive?

Hi guys thank you so much for reading and supporting me. I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter and if you have any suggestions on how to improve this chapter, or any other, then please feel free to comment or pm me. Love you guys, bye ❤️🍪

Word count: 1194

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