Chapter 4

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Hey guys, I hope that you are enjoying this story so far and please tell me if I get anything about the members wrong such as personality, etc. Anyways, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to thesugainmytea for voting on this book so far, it means a lot to me. Anyways, let's roll on with the chapter, hope you enjoy my peanut butter cookies ❤️🍪

All boys head into the house and sleep with each other in their cold living room. At approximately six in the morning, (although nobody can be sure) there is the sharp sound of a whistle being blown and the sleepy boys lift their tired bodies and make their way to the window. A line of men dressed in black suit trousers and navy blue jackets come into view, a man walking down the center of the two lines, each man he walks past dips their head in respect before lifting it back up.
"What the heck is going on?" Asks Baekhyun tiredly, rubbing his eyes before scratching the back of his head.
"I dunno, but I have the feeling that we're about to find out." Minseok mumbles, more to himself than anybody else. There is a knock at the door and the spaced out boys collect themselves before rushing to answer.
"Um . . . Hello?" Jongin calls out, unsure, to the taller man stood on the doorstep.
"Good morning, we are here on behalf of the EJPG and I'd like to present to you, Pres-" The man is cut off by a (small) hand to the face.
"Hold on, hold on. What the hell is the EPCG?" Junmyeon asks, confusion spread across his face.
"EJPG and it stands for the 'Equality, Justice and Peace Government'. Ever since the birth of this 'new world' we have decided to take action and to prevent all crimes in order to make this world a safer place. I will now introduce President Kim Jung-Il." He bows down and stands back, straightening his spine so that he stands tall and the top of his head is just below Chanyeol's eyebrow. The boys look at each other, confused eyes sweeping back and forward, almost like some form of sign language. Chanyeol nods and Yixing comes to the door.
"Hi there, we're not all that interested in your little 'government', so if you'd be so kind to step away from our house and make your way back to your vehicle it'd be much appreciated, thank you." He finished his short speech with the flash of a smile before rolling his eyes and closing the door. That is, until a foot and a couple of hands prevented it from closing.
"You didn't let us finish, you foolish boy. Come with us. Back to the city center, you'll be safer there." President Kim Jung-Il smiles, waving them on.
"We're happy here, thank you very much." Baekhyun nods his head, gives a small smile and once again the door closes. Although, this time their is the sound of hands and feet preventing the door from closing, there is also another sound. The sound of metal clicking. The door swings back open to show four of the men carrying handguns and all are aimed at the nine boys who hide in their porch.
"We're not giving you a choice, democracies don't exist in this new world. So you'd better come with us, or it'll be a larger loss for you and your friends."
"Oh shit."

"Nice going, Xing." Sehun snaps, ruffling his hair in frustration. He kicks the bench he is sitting on before slumping back down onto it.
"It's not his fault, this would've happened either way and you know it, Hun. We'll just have to stick together." Jongin sighs, wrapping an arm around the younger's shoulders.
"Well, we have a little bit to wait. I wonder where we are." Kyungsoo groans softly to himself, wrapping his arms around himself after drawing up his knees. The rest of the hour and a half journey is silent, not a single word spoken. None of the boys are sleeping, however none of them are exactly alert either. They are spaced out, their small flicker of hope quickly beginning to die out, seemingly distinguished by this new so-called 'government'. Finally, they arrive. They are all pulled from the large van as the other vehicle stops behind them, more men pulling out. To their surprise, it is a large red brick warehouse, with a large car park for their vehicles. Jongdae's eyebrows furrow together in deep thought. He thought that only they had working vehicles. Is it possible that . . . Perhaps . . . These men have powers too? It can't be just Jongdae and Sehun who have powers, if it can happen to them, Jongdae is almost one hundred percent certain that it could happen to everybody else too. He quickly continues his speed walk, eyes widening as they enter the large warehouse. There are two floors indicated by the two staircases at either side of the large warehouse before double doors at both the far left and right side of the building lead off to the east and west wings, where there are two large gardens with eight feet high walls. The security is tight. Armed guards man the double doors at the left and right side, the two separate staircases and also around the large space which is the rest of the warehouse. If they tried to escape now, they would be shot within two paces - there is no way that they would be able to even touch the door never mind leave through it. It's just too risky. The glacier of hope is slowly falling away in chunks, drifting to the bottom of the sea to melt into the large puddle of salt water. They are lead to an assembly point to the left of the warehouse, where they are sorted into a line. The piercing sound of a metal bell rings and many other men and women join the line, eyes void of emotion, shoulders slouched and mouths drooping downwards slightly. Immediately, the boys get a feel of what the place is like without even having to experience it first hand. They are lead through the double doors, and out into a large field, cordoned off by eight foot high walls of brick. In each corner along the perimeter of this large square field, there are guards and a load more dotted along the two acre distance between the corners.

The boys are given basic tools such as a pickaxe, hoe or shovel to dig up the ground in rows. As it is still early in the morning, (around 9:38am) it is still cool while the men and women work in the field. First, they are all split into groups. Group one is to prepare lines across the ground for the boys to dig up. They run their pickaxes along roughly one eighth of the size of the space, so that the dirt is dug up behind them and continue this process so that eventually the lines become a neat square. This is where group two comes in. They dig up the ground further and slightly churn the earth, so that the nutrients are mixed throughout the soil. Group three is the most time consuming job, these people are to dig a small burrow with their hands into the soul, and are to put in a single seed according to what that patch of land shall be used for. After that, they are to recover the seed and then repeat the process, often having to return to get more packets to fill the large empty rows. Finally, the fourth group goes round to water the dry soil, however, as they cannot do this job until everybody is finished digging up the soil and planting the vegetables/fruits, they are to do extra jobs around the warehouse, such as cooking, cleaning or laundry. After a seven hour shift, the boys finally straighten their backs, peeling their sweat soaked clothes away from their bodies only for them to ping back and cling to their frames once again. They can only hope that they get enough water, food and rest because by the look of the other citizens, it sure doesn't seem like it.

Hey guys, I'm sorry that I haven't been posting a lot recently, but exams are coming up and so I've just been studying a lot. Hope that your studies/jobs are going well for you guys too. Luv ya my peanut butter cookies, 🍪❤️

Word Count - 1432

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