Chapter 9

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Hey guys, I have decided to put the note at the top this time hehe. Anyways, I asked a question a few chapters back but I guess nobody reads my notes at the end of the chapters 😅 lol. Also, if you haven't read chapter 8, please make sure to do so, otherwise nothing will make sense. Anyways, would you like to see an actual series of this book? As in a continuation because I think that I will write perhaps 50 chapters in this book before writing a sequel, then continuing onto the 'threequel'. Does that even exist? Probably not 😂 anywho, I hope that you enjoy this chapter and please give me an idea of what you readers would like me to do. Thank you, my peanut butter cookies. Now onto the chapter!

Pure panic is spread through the long queue outside of the rations store, and people run left and right, fleeing to safety. Jongdae and Baekhyun sprint alongside each other, the large crowd of people wielding weapons get closer. There are shrill shrieks of fear which spill from peoples' mouths like water, seeping into the already warm early spring air. Junmyeon and Yixing take a separate alleyway, their desperate footsteps rebounding off of the brick walls and shallow puddles splashing beneath their feet. They hide behind one of the dumpsters and listen with silent ragged breaths the commotion going on just meters from where they hide. There is shrieking, feet thudding, shouting and the sound of metal against flesh. Neither one of them decide to look round the dumpster - neither are brave nor stupid enough. Baekhyun and Jongdae are near the front of the mob, a safe (kind of) distance is between them and the outsiders but they do not feel any sense of security. They can hear the groans of agony, the sound of blood dripping from deep, open wounds. However, they choose not to look back. Their legs continue carrying them and Jongdae suddenly shoves Baekhyun to the side harshly, the two of them landing in a deep ditch, safely hidden from view. They feel the rumble of the footsteps that are like an earthquake as they go past and soon silence ensues.
"What the fuck?!" Baekhyun is first to speak, whispering but his sickly pale face and wide eyes show the horror that the two friends just witnessed.
"I don't know, but where do you think they are headed?" He asks in reply to his friend's question.
"Fuck that, where are Jun and Xing?" They both feel the anxiety pulse through their veins, that familiar heavy feeling weighing down in their stomach and their eyes bulging in sudden realization. They don't know where they are, and with no way to contact them, they will have to look for them. Hopefully they are alive.

Minseok and Sehun have entered the room again, and all is silent. The bad news settles in the air as a thick fog, so thick in fact, that not even a knife would be able to slice through it. The atmosphere is suffocating, waves of melancholy travel through their nasal passages and collect in their lungs, making them feel as if they are drowning. Minseok stands, his hands leaning on the wall and head bent downwards. He feels his stomach contents push through his oesophagus and into his throat. He chokes it back down as his eyes well with tears once again, the lump in his throat making it hard to swallow and his uneven pants sound out across the room. He wipes his forehead with a shaky hand before standing up straight and walking towards the glass window. The others watch with drooping eyes, tear streaked cheeks and flushed faces. Minseok knocks softly on the glass to grab his smaller friend's attention. He writes a message quickly onto the notebook and thrusts it against the glass, so that the other could see.
How long? Kyungsoo's red eyes scanned the short sentence for a number of moments before writing back in equally shaky handwriting.
They didn't say. It's Minseok's turn to write back, although he has seemingly lost all words, as if his vocabulary has faded slowly piece by piece until he has no words left. He almost chuckles to himself. Like Kyungsoo has next to no time left. The tears keep streaming, seeming to be endlessly in supply.
I'm sorry. They said that they can't do anything, Soo. Are you in pain? The smaller bows his head after reading. He has lost all hope. This visit was supposed to reassure them that everything is alright, supposed to assure them that things are normal and that their friend wasn't suffering. However, it has done the exact opposite of all of those things. Sehun watches as the pencil scratches its mark along the paper pages, the graphite trail behind the yellow wood. Then, there comes the answer.
You should go. I don't want you guys to see me like this. If I go after you leave, tell the others that I love them as well as you guys. And if you ever get reunited with your families, I want you to tell them the same thing.
He smiles softly through the tears and the others begin to sob loudly, wanting nothing more than to be with their friend for his last few days. Jongin takes the notebook from Minseok and harshly rubs his nose.
How long? You can't lose hope, Soo. There's still a chance of survival. Please, don't lose hope. He scribbles his sentences down almost aggressively, wanting to get his words out as fast as he can. He waits for the next sentence. Chanyeol can't even speak due to the shock and is hugging Sehun rather tightly. Minseok is in the same position as Chanyeol and Sehun is on the verge of passing out.
There is no hope. There's a pause before he takes back his notebook, tears falling from clumped, wet eyelashes onto the paper. I'm too weak to get out of bed. I had trouble sitting up this morning. For your own sake, don't visit me anymore, ok? The boys shake their heads, all putting their hands against the glass. Sehun had been wondering why his friend hadn't moved.

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