Chapter 11

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It is the day of the concert and the entire population of New Seoul is squished into the concert hall, the seats having to be taken away to accommodate the sheer number of people which will be watching. The nine boys are the fifth act on, out of sixteen. A woman, perhaps twenty years of age, elegantly steps out onto the stage with a large instrument - a cello and a bow. There is the thunderous cheers of the audience and the deafening clapping before it quickly fades and is replaced with silence. All of the people backstage watch in awe as she sweeps her bow slowly across the cello's strings, creating a high pitched hum before pulling it back to allow the note to continue. Sehun gazes at her with an impressed stare, watching her play and his eyes glaze over, his head tilts to the side and he smiles softly to himself. Jongdae notices and lightly smacks his shoulder.
"Dude, you're staring!" He snickers, grinning and looking at his friend with an amused look on his face.
"No wonder. She's a goddess." Sehun sighs, swaying his body gently from side to side in time with the melodic and harmonious piece the woman plays. The wonderful tune comes to an end and the woman stands to her feet (but wary of her cello) and bows before walking offstage, glancing at everybody with a large smile. As she walks past, Sehun quickly stands up to follow.
"What's up with him?" Chanyeol asks.
"He has a little crush." Jongdae laughs and the eldest bunch coo at how the youngest is growing up. They all watch the two intently, observing how Sehun is stuttering and how the woman' s face goes red as she blushes.

"Hi. Erm, you were amazing out there." Sehun compliments, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Wow. Thank you, that means a lot." She giggles shyly, fixing how she holds her cello. She shakes her head to the side to move her bangs out of her eyes.
"So, what's your name?" He fixes his black tie and sweeps his fingers through his hair nervously.
"My name is Jingsu." She smiles brightly, holding her hand out for Sehun to shake. He makes sure to grip it not too firmly before introducing himself.
"My name is Sehun." She giggles and he looks slightly confused. "What are you laughing at?" He teases, a mock hurt expression on his face.
"I know. I used to be a fan of EXO. Just about everybody in my dorm was." She giggles, eyes closing as she remembers the times before all of this craziness happened.
"So, um, Jingsu, I know that we only just met and all, but, um, would you maybe like to um, hang out tomorrow?" He asks, fidgeting with his fingers and staring at the floor.
"I would like that." She smiles and bends down so that she can look Sehun in the face. The two of the laugh together then all of a sudden there is screeching.
"Yeah! You go, Sehun! Hell yeah! He just went for it man!" The cheers are coming from no one apart from his band mates, and he bows his head slightly in apology.
"Bye!" She shouts over the noise of the cheering in the audience. He turns and waves. Then punches Chanyeol, Jongdae and Baekhyun.
"Why did you only punch us three?! Jongin, Minseok, Junmyeon and Yixing all cheered for you too!" Chanyeol grunts while Jongdae whines.
"Because I like those four. And why didn't Kyungsoo cheer for me?" Sehun asks.
"I thought you didn't want us to cheer for you?" Yixing asks in a teasing tone.
"Shut up, Yiksing." Sehun pulls a face before getting a slap to the back of the head while the others laugh.
"Anyways, he's over there, practicing his lines." Junmyeon explains.
"Well, there's still another . . . What, two, three acts 'till ours?" Sehun asks, rubbing his hair.
"Yeah, I think there's a dude out there who's playing Moonlight Sonata or something like that." Jongdae shrugs, pointing at the man at the piano.

There are loud shrieks when there is the sound of a loud explosion and the man slumps over the piano, the low notes thrumming before fading. Echoes of shrieks reverberate around the large hall and soon there is the rapid firing of bullets. People scramble from the chairs at the front of the hall, climbing up onto the stage before running through the doors where the group EXO are. The boys are stuck in place for a few moments before Yixing grasps their attention.
"Guys, run!" He shouts over the noise of the crowd as they are all shoved forward by desperate people trying to escape. The gunfire hasn't ceased and doesn't seem like it's going to stop. All of a sudden, something clicks in Jongin's head.
"They are driving us to the main entrance! They are going to mow us down there!" He shouts, alerting his friends but not many others listen. Suddenly, it becomes a fight against the majority of the crowd, trying to go against them. The smaller members struggle to fight against the crowd but Sehun, Jongin and Chanyeol try to help, pulling them forwards. All of a sudden, Sehun pushes Junmyeon forward and quite literally disappears into the crowd.
"Sehun! Sehun!" Chanyeol screams, trying to spot his friend, however fails to do so. Sehun spots Jingsu also trying to go backwards, however keeps on getting pushed forward by members of the crowd. He grabs her hand and pulls her with him, and she has never been so grateful. Almost all of the crowd is outside and there is now the constant drilling of gunfire. Jongin was right. They were planning to massacre people as soon as they came out of the hall. The group huddle together, catching their breath while they panic about the whereabouts of their youngest friend. Chanyeol nearly has a heart attack when Sehun and Jingsu pop up beside him out of nowhere.
"Jesus Christ!" Chanyeol almost shrieks, but Kyungsoo covers his mouth before he does.
"Nice save." Baekhyun gives him a thumbs up.
"We need to find somewhere to hide, guys. They are still trailing round here." Baekhyun says, and the group splits into two, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sehun, Jingsu and Junmyeon are all in a group, whereas ;Jongin, Kyungsoo, Yixing, Jongdae and Minseok are in the other group. They decide to split up because it is easier finding hiding spaces for five, than it is for ten. They just hope that they can escape sooner or later.

Hey guys, hope that you all enjoyed this dramatic chapter. As I've said in my other stories that I've updated, I'll be able to update a lot more since I've finished all of my exams and I will try to work out a schedule for release - and stick to it this time, lol. Anywho, thank you so much for supporting me, you guys are the best! I will update soon, my peanut butter cookies ❤️🍪

Word Count: 1175

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