Chapter 14

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The day continued with the group of boys saving people, although there weren't many survivors. Two of the people that they brought back, didn't make it until the following morning. To say that everybody was depressed is an understatement. Two graves have been dug in the backyard and crosses made out of cardboard have been cut and names added in black sharpie are scrawled on the back of them. All sixteen of them gathered round the two graves, staring at the poor man and woman. Even though none of them knew the two, the sight is still enough to draw salty tears as there is no official funeral for either of them. The sniffles have ended and tears have dried on scarlet faces and rain bursts from the heavy clouds above streaking down to hit the ground. The graves are covered with dirt and the two crosses are added with only the names defining who the two unfortunate people are that lay beneath the dirt.

Nobody is in the mood to do anything, but with another attack looming over their heads, they feel the need to prepare. Jingsu sits on the sidelines, cheering on Sehun as he uses his wind ability to try and knock everybody back. He blushes when he hears her shouting, and gives a shy wave back at her. Junmyeon shakes his head at the cute couple, smiling softly to himself. He feels the need to keep everybody safe as he is still EXO's leader until decided otherwise. Jongin is seen appearing in several different places along the field, one second next to Minseok, then suddenly disappearing to stand next to Yixing. The two talk for a while before he goes on to talk to Chanyeol. Mingyu uses his odd ribbon ability to shoot through tin cans found in their recycling bins and manages to hit most of them but his aim is off a little. Upon further inspection of the cans, it is found that the edges of the holes are glowing white, indicating that it was heat that burned holes in the tin. Baekhyun forms beams of light in his hands and seems confused about what his ability can really do. Clenching his eyes shut in fear, he thrusts his hands forward which causes the beams to shoot out from his palms, scorching an area of the grass into grey ash. The ash is then blown away by Sehun who claps for the older while running towards him. He hugs him tightly and Baekhyun feels a large smile begin to spread across his face. He did it. He has finally worked it out. His power isn't useless.
"I did it! I fucking did it!" He exclaims loudly and the rest if them turn to look at him, slapping his shoulders and back in congratulations.

"Hey guys, I think that the enemy are gone!" A young man named Sungjil exclaims, a smile painted on his youthful face. He isn't that tall, perhaps 5 "11 at most and has a black mop of hair on the top of his head as well as large, thick framed glasses which cling to his nose. His close friend, Jiseok pumps his fist in the air in happiness and the others soon believe it too, cheering in a little squad. Kyungsoo and Jongin celebrate together, dancing around the scorched grass circle, Sehun is kissing Jingsu in happiness, and all of the others are whooping loudly.
"So, if the enemy aren't around anymore, do we still need to prepare?" A woman named Yoonsun asks. She was the first person that the boys rescued.
"Of course we still need to prepare." Junmyeon says solemnly. Not at all in a condescending way, he is just trying to inform everybody of his decisions.
"But first and foremost, we will need to get a larger place to live - we can't fit all of us into one house anymore without anybody's privacy being invaded. So that will be our first mission." As expected of the leader, he makes a wise choice. The large group cautiously moves through the town, most of it standing vacant. It is as if the entire New Seoul is abandoned, not a single person in sight and the thick, viscous silence that hangs over the group is deafening. There is the sound of their footprints, along with the occasional gust of wind that ripples through their clothing, whipping their hair against their red cheeks. Finally, they come across the government building, upon which there is already a dark atmosphere hanging over. Stomachs churn, lungs begin to heave, hands tremble and knees knock. The butterflies in their bellies transform into feral animals, growing large talons and trying to claw their way out. With shaking steps, they walk to the door.

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