Chapter 19

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Everybody gathers around to where Chanyeol stands, the tall man's face pale, pupils dilated and hand over his mouth. With his right hand, he points down at the ground to where he was digging and a pale olive colour is slightly revealed. It looks relatively smooth despite a few bits of earth resting on top of it.
"What are you so scared of?" Baekhyun teases. He uses his hands to brush off the dirt from around the object, to find that there are a few odd contours and spaces. His hands tremble slightly as he keeps on brushing dirt away, the others simultaneously also scooping the soft mud away with their hands. Chanyeol grips the subject firmly and pulls it from the earth. He lets out a terrified yell and immediately drops the object, crawling away from it backwards. It's a face. It's eyes are sunken with decomposition and the blue veins climb across their face. The poor woman.
"What the actual fuck!" Chanyeol exclaims, placing a hand over his racing heart. "Fucking great! Now we have to deal with a body too?! Where are we gonna put this thing? We can't just cover it back up now that we've disturbed it!" Chanyeol seethes, tears brimming from the fright that he received. Kyungsoo shrugs and shakes his head, eyes wide. They decide to rebury the body and gently pat the dirt back over the body. The group return back home with trembling hands, bloodshot eyes and shuddering breaths.

"Welcome ho- what happened?" Jingsu asks, grasping onto Sehun's arm. The group remain quiet until Minseok licks his dry lips nervously and opens his mouth to speak.
"Uh, we uh, we found a body." His eyes begin to tear up. Somebody died on their land. Somebody turned up in the soil.
"Oh my god." Sungjil turns away, hands raking  through his hair. Jongin huffs and puts his head down and Yixing rests his forehead against the cool off-white tiles.
"Jesus Christ. Did you recognise them?" Jiseok asks. The others shake their heads.
"They aren't even decomposed! That means that they were killed not too long ago, perhaps yesterday! We have to leave!" Chanyeol shouts, tugging at Baekhyun's arm and dragging him up the stairs to pack their belongings.
"Hold on for a moment. We were all away yesterday, so who the fuck was on our land?" Junmyeon asks, anger and fear glinting in his eyes. He twiddled with his fingers while pacing the kitchen.
"Do you think that it was the Black Hearts?" Sungjil asks, eyes glancing into those of the leader. Junmyeon sighs.
"I have no idea. But I don't really want to find out. We may have to move to an alternate location if we want to be safe." He decides. Jongin speaks up.
"But what about the Black Watch? The soldiers of the Black Hearts? They are patrolling the area!" He nearly shouts, eyes wide in alarm.
"I agree with Kai. We don't have the means to fight them off. I mean, sure, we have powers too but so do they! And not to forget, we are greatly outnumbered!" Kyungsoo stretches his arms out while gripping onto the edge of the table, resting his head between his elbows. Nothing but the sound of breathing and sighs can be heard.

The following morning the two groups meet up in the living room and a discussion of their final decision takes place.
"I have come up with a plan of action. We will have to move to another location, however we will have to go through the woods and travel to the west in order to escape from the Black Hearts." Sungjil speaks up, eyes glaring down onto a piece of paper with full concentration. The map is basic, with a few scribbles of buildings here and there, but relatively accurate nonetheless. Junmyeon and Yixing soak up the information.
"This sounds like a solid plan. However, our safety is not guaranteed." Yixing begins. Junmyeon nods.
"How do we know that they won't be there? Besides, I think that tailing back and going from the south would be a better plan." Junmyeon adds.
"But would that really be a good idea? All of New Seoul was destroyed! We can't go back there, what if they bomb us again!" Jingsu shouts. The others begin to speak over each other and the noise grows to a clamour of white noise.
"Hey. Hey! Enough! If we can't agree on a direction, perhaps we should split up." Jongdae suggests, face serious. He is tired of the constant bickering.
"We are each other's family, we can't split up! That would be dangerous." Sehun says while Jingsu rests her head on his shoulder. He carefully takes her hand into his, and gazes into her eyes as if silently saying: 'everything will be alright'.
"Well I agree with Jongdae. If we can't stop the incessant arguing, perhaps we'd be doing ourselves a favour by going our separate ways." Yoonsun says, mouth pulled into a slight frown while she tucks her hair behind her left ear. "I don't want to argue with you guys anymore. But if we keep continuing like this, I might just go off by myself." This statement alone caused yet another uproar and this time it is more difficult to get a hold of the uncertain group of young men and women.
"Shut up! We are not separating, we are staying together and that's final. For goodness sake you are all acting like fucking children! We need to stay alert if we want to live. Pack up your things and meet me back downstairs for dinner- it's our last night staying here. Because we're getting the fuck away from this place and them." Junmyeon once again saves the day, and everyone seems to agree silently as they trudge upstairs (or to the house next door) to pack their respective belongings into their backpacks.

Their last dinner in this house consists of tiny carrots, M&M's and some cabbage. Not exactly a very nutritious meal but it's all that they are allowed to have from the stash that they've got. Jongdae is in charge of rationing, Kyungsoo and the girls are in charge of the cooking, Minseok of keeping the place tidy, Junmyeon for orders and so on. They have a small system going and it seems tone working thus far. But will they run into more trouble on the road? And will everybody make it to their new home unharmed?

Hi guys! I want to say a massive apology for the hiatus. I actually forgot that this book existed and I promise that there is going to be more drama in the future (because it just wouldn't be interesting without drama lol). I will more than likely update this book tomorrow and since it's the tenth chap ya know what that means . . . Only a 4K chapter to look forward to. So I will begin working on it and will have it out as soon as possible. Love you guys, ❤️🍪

Word Count: 1177

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