Chapter 15

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Hey guys, before reading this, please read chapter 14 so that you aren't confused 😊👍

The next day after settling down, the three groups meet up in Junmyeon's house, talking things through.
"There is now no running water. The toilets aren't flushing, we can't get access to hot water and now we can't get fresh water." Junmyeon runs a hand through his hair, obviously stressed.
"What are we gonna do?! In no time, there's gonna be diseases like cholera going round, and everything's gonna go downhill, like things in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries." Jingsu seethes, folding her arms over her chest as her eyes look down in worry. Sehun tries to comfort her.
"Listen, everything will be fine. We need to figure out a system." Sungjil speaks up, pushing his glasses up and running his head.
"There must be other people out there." Chanyeol says in a hopeful voice. "If where we were, people under the ages of twenty and over the ages of thirty disappeared, then surely other people must be left here. Right?" His tongue darts out to wet his lips in a nervous action.
"I haven't seen anyone." Sehun replies sceptically. Minseok gives him a look.
"Well, looks like it could rain any second now. Besides, Jun, I think that you're forgetting about your powers." Yoonsun giggles quietly.
"Alright, you have a point, but the other point is, there are still no flushing toilets. Which is going to be a huge area of concern for everybody's health."
"Should we go around looking for people? Somebody must've been a worker at a plant or something." Baekhyun groans, tilting his head back. And so, the group set off on foot, trying to save the fuel in the van. They carry with them two empty litre bottles for carrying fuel from other people's cars and begin to walk along the road.

Two hours down the line, and they have arrived in another neighbourhood, but are surprised to once again see it as a desolate landscape.
"You've gotta be kidding me." Mingyu huffs, biting his lower lip to prevent him from cursing. Yet again, there is nobody but a lonely gas station. Upon entering it, they see that almost all of the food from the shelves have been taken and cartons of putrid, sour milk are left, chunky milk dripping down the legs of the steel shelves. It gets worse when the group travel to the fruit and vegetable side of the store, to see baskets of blue mold growing on top of mushy, brown fruit. They hold their noses at the awful odour, and watch as flies gather round the fruit.
"Just how long has it been since the fruit was left to rot here? How long has this place been left like this?" Kyungsoo speaks, more to himself than anyone else. However, he jumps when he gets a response from somebody right behind him.
"I'm not sure, but it certainly has been a good week or so." Jiseok smiles softly, chuckling a little while apologising for scaring the smaller.
"You scared me." Kyungsoo also chuckles, face flushing in embarrassment.
"I swear that all of you guys are jumpy. You all get scared really easily."
"Well, we were idols before this all happened. Although, several other things have happened which have caused all of us to become . . . Overly alert." He explains kindly. The other man nods slightly and the two talk for some time. Despite checking every inch of the store (including the storage room) they found very little and soon decide to head back out.

"What are you all doing out here?" A woman on the street exclaims, running towards them. They gaze at her in confusion.
"We were trying to find food." Junmyeon explains. "There was nothing left in our city due to the massacre that happened."
"Was that in New Seoul?" The woman asks. "I'm sorry, but it isn't safe to be out here. Recently, people dressed in black cloaks have been patrolling this area, and nobody is safe anymore. One of my neighbours, Seokji, was publicly executed for disobeying their new laws. Come with me." She grasps Minseok's arm and curls her index and middle fingers as a cue for the rest of the group to follow. She runs to her house, and pulls all of them in, frantically shutting the door.
"You have to be outta here by Friday, they are planning to do frequent house checks." She lights a candle which is in the centre of the table with a box of matches from her pocket and invites them to sit down. She takes in a deep breath as she prepares herself to talk about the incident.
"It started perhaps a week ago, if that. The city of Seoul made international news due to the fact that you guys were cut off from everything. The dome which was placed around you was impenetrable. Many people died before they figured it out. The emergency services tried everything to get you guys back. But nothing worked." Sehun puts his hand up to ask a question and she flicks her head at him as encouragement.
"Um, what happened to all of the kids and the elderly?" He asks nervously. He has been worried about his younger sister for a long while.
"The young kids are safe and sound. The elderly however, we have no idea. Nobody knows where they are, or what happened to them. Many scientists think that they were transported to another dimension. Others are sceptical about this idea, saying that it's simply fiction, and doesn't apply to the earth's physics."
"Did they find my older brother?" Kyungsoo asks, his voice a small croak. She tilts her head to the side.
"His name was Seungsoo. I didn't get to see him often, but the last text I received said that he had come to surprise us, and that he was going to be visiting our dorm. We were there for a long time, but not once did we get a visit." Yixing places an arm around the younger's shoulders and frowns.
"Will we ever get to go back to normal?" He asks.
"I don't know a lot, but what I do know is that there is no more dome. Meaning, that the rest of the world has been placed inside of it? Perhaps. Who knows? Maybe we could be the ones inside of another dimension. Communication lines are down, there is no running water, no electricity and almost most importantly no food. Of course we could grow some, but we would be missing a vital part of our diets - fish and meat. And just where would we even find a farm? All of the animals have been taken over by the men in the black cloaks anyways. We may as well just starve. It's not like anybody will know anyway." She slams her hand off of the table and leaves to the bedroom, her boots stomping as she storms up the stairs.

"Holy shit. We're fucking stuck here." Yoonsun gasps, tears brimming in her eyes as Jingsu grips her hand. The other two females have been as indifferent as day one, only looking ever so slightly more down. Nobody has attempted to talk to them, more so because they haven't attempted to speak to anybody else.
"Look you guys, we're all a family now, ok? We only have each other. And we can only depend on each other. There is no more help coming from the government. It's only us. So either start talking, or start walking." Jingsu fumes and the younger of the two girls stands up.
"My name is Sunli. This, is my friend, Kim. There, you happy? We're talking." Sunli snaps and Yoonsun can feel the tension thicken in the air.
"Don't fucking start with us. This has been stressful enough, without your shit being added too. So if you want drama, take a fucking hike, bitch." Kim glares into Jingsu and Yoonsun's eyes after saying her piece, then smugly grins and sits down on the floral printed duvets of the bed. Jingsu practically breathes fire while storming out of the room, slamming the door as the papers pinned to the wall rustle in her wake. Yoonsun slumps down and doesn't bother running after her hotheaded friend, deciding to speak to her later when she has calmed down. Half of her wishes if they'd just have stayed in Seoul, but then again, they couldn't for the fear of being found out and murdered. But she isn't sure if she likes the threat of being 'publicly executed' either.

Hi guys, thank you so much for reading. The dramama continues! Thank you so much for supporting this story and I hope that you have enjoyed this story so far. I have decided that so far, depending on how well this story continues to be received, then this will have a sequel. Bye my lovely peanut butter cookies and I hope that you all have a nice day ❤️🍪

Word count: 1506

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