moving on?.......

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A week had passed and i was still depressed as hell. I kept to myself both at home and in school, i avoided egor as much as i could because i didn't want to share, my sister knew better than to ask or probe. What was i supposed to tell them? "I met a guy and even though i knew he had a girl friend i still pursued him, and when he treated me like the side chic i was, i got angry and went after his friend; who almost raped me, but i was saved by him, and i started falling for him again but then his fiancee came and gave me the embarrassment of my life but still, still i want him. Still i can't shake him off, and because i can't have him, I'm miserable, oh! And did i mention i barley know him, i literally knew him for just under two weeks". I'd sound like a psycho so i kept it to myself.

Ifeanyi didn't call me,  how could he? He didn't have my number because he never asked for it. But still i secretly hoped he would find a way to get it, you know perform some big romantic gesture like in the movies, maybe go to my service provider and ask for it or better still come to my damn house!; and say he is sorry, tell me he dumped yeti and beg me to be his woman, kiss me and then we will ride off into the sunset. But that did not happen.

A month passed and ifeanyi was beginning to become a distant memory. Honestly i thought i would have gotten over him already; because i only knew him for a short while before we cut off. But there was still that little bit of him lingering in in my heart; like when a person uses a good perfume and launders the dress after, there is still that faint smell that detergent and water couldn't get off, it was just like that.

Two more weeks go by and i would like to lie and say i finally got over him but i hadn't. He was still there, i tried everything, even went on a few blind dates. It was ridiculous really and i was getting angry at myself. I wanted to take my heart out and beat it till it died, anything to stop it from yearning for ifeanyi.

After another week, i started to smile again. I went to my sisters room to help her pack; you see she had collected her national youth service corps call up letter and she was heading to Abuja for her service year. That was some good news, i was truly happy for her. Abuja is a big city,  maybe she would meet a reasonable man and move on from the dead beat loosers she was used to.

After packing everything she needed,  we made park. Our elder brother had sent her some money, this was the only kind thing he had done for any of us. We werent treated well by our siblings, they hated my mother; said she snatched my father from their mother and that she was a witch. So none of them were ever kind to us. But uncle odion surprised my sister by credting her account with some money to buy essentials...

...when we emerged from the gate, you would never guess who we saw parked in front of our house, well you would but I'd tell you anyway. It was Ifeanyi, in all his sexy glory. He hair and beard were carved neatly, like the ones you see in those posters barbers paste in front their shops. His chocolate skin shone under the sun. I took in the beautiful man before me, he wore a simple polo shirt and a short. Those hairy legs looked so good from where i was standing, his legs rested perfectly on the snake skin leather pams he wore, i noticed his toes; long and neat. Mine had long gone to shit, with the fixing and what not, all black and unhealthy.

My sister shook me lightly, i guess i was staring for way too long. Heat rose to my cheeks and i quickly regained composure, and everything that i tried to bury for the past few weeks came flooding in, i couldn't control myself and my eyes started to leak (Damn you, inner naija girl). Too many emotions were overwhelming me. He spoke first.

"hey stranger" he said with him arms wide open. What did he want, a hug?.  In your dreams ifeanyi. I came closer but not too close, i was sure to keep a safe distance to avoid doing things like: trace the line of his lips with my thumb, grab a fistful of his thick hair, bury my head in the crook of his neck and just....  Just breath. And even from this distance, it still took all of me to resist doing so.

Inner 9ja gal. #projectnigeriaWhere stories live. Discover now