yeti wahala.

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Two weeks had passed since we got back. Ifeanyi had been a darling, sensing my distress, he decided to take peace to her new school, and do the necessary registrations. The school wasn't too pricey, even though ifeanyi fought me on it. I felt i shouldn't bite more than I could chew, he might have strong armed me into letting him pay her fees, but he wouldn't always be here and she was my daughter, I'd like to be able to take care of her long after he is gone.

I wanted to do something nice for him, he had been so good to me. I just needed a way to thank him. So i decided to go to the market to get some fish, i know how he loved sea food. I went up to the room to search for the key to the Chevrolet, it was the smallest car he had. I wasn't interested in drawing unnecessary attention for something that wasn't even mine anyway. I threw on a short Ankara off shoulder dress, put my hair in a messy bun, slapped on some lip gloss, picked up one of my big sunglasses because it was really sunny today and then i headed out.

I pushed the unlock key and the car lights flashed signaling that the car was open. My hands reached for the car door but they stopped halfway when the gate opened and in came a Lexus jeep, that wasn't ifeanyis, I wanted to mind my business and drive out, it could be one of his family members and I really wasn't interested in getting involved with any family drama, they had the right to come and go from their brothers house as they pleased. But then the car door opened, and once those long, beautiful legs hit the ground, i knew who it was.

I swear she was dressed as me, only her Ankara was of a different print, she wore really high heels and some very big earrings. Everything else was the same, she had her hair up in a bun, her glossy lips glistened under the sun, and her glasses which were much bigger than mine framed her perfect face. He didn't have a spec indeed, we might not look alike but we sure had things in common.

She had that condescending look on her face even before she saw me, her fendi bag hung gracefully from her arm. What was it about this woman that made me feel so small, she intimidated me in every way. I use to think it was because i was creeping with her man behind her back but I wasn't anymore, so what the hell?

She looked around and spotted me, disapproval and distaste framed her face. As she walked up to where i was, the wind blew her dress backwards and i could see her small bump.

"i hope the house isn't locked" she spat as soon as she got close to me. This woman did not like me at all and she did nothing to hide it.

"it's open" i replied, a little bit shaken.

"good" she said and started to walk toward the front door.

I wanted to let her walk away, she was once lord of this house after all, i was sure she even picked out most of the furniture, ifeanyi didn't have such fine taste. But the point is she 'was', i on the other hand 'am' and she had hurt the person i loved, i wasn't letting her in to do God knows what there.

"what do you want? ". I nearly regretted those words, because she turned around with such sass and took her glasses off and begun to laugh hysterically.

"who the hell do you think you are? " i said nothing.

"how dare you even speak to me, you.... You.... You pig!"

"there is no need for insults, i only asked what you need so i can go get it for you". She chuckled, it's clear she was using all of that as a defence mechanism because i could tell she was angry.

"it's bad enough that ifeanyi left me for a hag like you, now i get spoken to in this way, Chai I Don suffer!" even her pidgin sounded funny, she couldn't quite mask her accent like ifeanyi, he was amazing at everything!.

"look Yetunde, i don't know you, you don't know me. Why don't we just be civil here, tell me the things you want so I'd get them for you or better still òbí could get them for you, because I'm not sure ifeanyi would appreciate you coming into the house".

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