Go to sleep

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Ofures pov:

I was pacing the house, going out of my mind with worry. Ifeanyi and I didn't fight like this, he was never this mad at me. I couldn't loose him, I would fall to pieces if I lost him; he had become my everything, everything! How do you even handle losing everything!

I pick up my phone to check my messages; no reply. The time stamp shows that it was sent 15 minutes ago. I can't wait any longer, I have to speak to him, to know if he's okay, if we are okay.

So I call him. The call is picked almost immediately but the voice I hear, isn't my baby's.

"Hello, are you ofure? Is this his girlfriend" the voice sounds very frantic.

"Yes this is she, who is this?" I ask confused.

"This is TJ, I've been looking for a way to reach you but his phone is password protected, I called chike, that's the only number I have but chike didn't pick, I... I..." Tj was practically shaking, he was scaring me too.

"Tj what's wrong, please tell me if ifeanyi is ok"

"No he's not, he..." I reach for the keys immediately and start heading out before tj even completes his sentence. "He's just curled up in one corner, won't let anyone touch him, won't speak to anyone. Ofure he is really aggressive..."

I'm at the front door when I rush back to the medicine cabinet and pick up some alprazolam (a minor tranquilizer used for anxiety and/or panic attacks).

"Where are you"

"Barclay's. We are trying to take him to the hospital, but he won't...."

"No!... No hospitals, they wouldn't understand, I'm on my way"

"Ofure what's wrong with him"

"Just try not to agitate him, I'd be there in no time". If they were confused it means they didn't know, because ifeanyi didn't tell them and if he didn't tell them then it isn't my place to do so. So I avoid his question.

As soon as obi opens the gate, I speed off like it's no mans business.

On the drive there, I begin to ponder on a lot of questions like; what could have spooked him even after he took his meds? Was it me? Our fight? What was it? Was it a memory about chikes birthday that was held at Barclay's?. God please let him be okay.

I get to Barclay's in no time. I park carelessly and get down; alprazolam clutched firmly in my palm.

It is when the cool night breeze hits me that I realize I forgot to wear something over my ridiculously short shorts and low top. But I don't care, that's the least of my worries.

I find them in one corner of the parking lot. There are about 5 guys standing there, looking confused.

" Tj" I yell as I run up to them. They all turn almost at once, but one face makes me stop dead in my tracks Deji; so that's what happened, that's what made him agitated.

I wanted to scream, pounce on him, fly into blind rage; he reminded me of Michael, the one that got away, the one I couldn't kill myself; and he was right there, ripe for the beating. But when I see ifeanyi, curled up in a corner, my petty vengeance flies out the window and I run to him.

To my surprise, he screams at me too. It breaks my heart, and I know it's because he is mad at me. But I have to get him out of here, his friends were looking at him with pity and concern, people were beginning to exit the bar, pretty soon it will turn into a scene.

I look at Deji again and see that his head is bleeding, he also has a swollen eye and a busted lip. Some part of me wants feels for him, but the other part is happy that ifeanyi gave him a good beating.

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