Chapter 1

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"Kaliya Jefferson, please come to the nurses station. Kaliya Jefferson please come to the Nurses Station" I heard over the intercom. I sucked my teeth annoyed.

"What the hell they want now" I said to myself.

"Mr. Perry I'm leaving now. I will be back to give you your meds. Understand" I said super loud. Mr. Perry was a patient of mine and he was halfway deaf

"The war is over. Did you tell Sergeant Young the war is over? It's over. They killed everybody. So much blood. the water was red. But the war is over" Mr. Perry said. Mr. Perry was ninety-two years old, and a Veteran who had lost his mind. He was also suffering from Dementia. Everyday he lived in a new time period. Yesterday he was in the eighties, today he's in the Vietnam Era.

I rolled my eyes like whatever. I made my way to the nurses station. If you didn't know, I am a registered nurse, and a work in a private mental facility in the state of Virginia.

I rode the elevator down to the second floor where the nurses' station was.

"What's going on Gina" I said to the honey brown haired, hazel eyed woman behind the desk. She was the secretary.

"Phone call" she said handing me the phone.

Who the hell is calling me on my damn job? This better be hella important.

"Hello Kaliya Jefferson speaking" I said.

"Yes hello, Ms. Jefferson this is Dr. Thompson down at Virginia State Morgue, I'm sorry but I have terrible news. Your mother. Ms. Katie Jefferson has passed. Again I'm very sorry for your loss" Dr. Thompson said. I felt my heartbeat in my ears.

"What the hell you mean she died?" I said louder than intended. I saw Gina's eyes shoot up at me. I turned away from her.

"Yes ma'am I'm so sorry. But I also need you to come down, and positively identify her body" Dr. Thompson said.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I said to myself.

"Ok what time" I said.

"We close at five so no later than five Ms. Jefferson" he said.

"Yeah yeah I'll be there" I said.

"Again I'm very sorry for your loss" Dr. Thompson said.

"Yeah me too. Bye" I said handing the phone back to Gina.

"You alright Kaliya" she asked.

"I'm cool" I said swallowing hard. I got off in about a hour or so. I finished my rounds. Passing out meds, checking patient's vital signs, keeping charts up to date. The whole nine. I loved my job sometime. Other times it was just a pain in the neck. Once I clocked out, and was in my car, I tried to hold it together.

But then I cracked like an egg that has been dropped. I cracked, and tears started to fall like never before. I can't believe this shit. My mama died, just up died like what the hell.

I started crying so hard, it became uncontrollable, and I was beyond hurt.

I hit my steering multiple times, and just screamed to the heavens like never before. After thirty to forty-five minutes, I got it together. I got a Kleenex and cleared my face. I can't believe she up and died on me. I put on my sunshades and pulled out my parking space.

I drove to the morgue. Once I parked, I went on in. Soon I was standing in a cold hallway in front of big window, waiting for the Dr. Thompson to pull back the sheets so I could see my mother. My dead mother.

He pulled back the sheets, and it was indeed my mother, and I almost cracked but I held it in. I looked at my mother, and her delicate face was cold, and still. Her eyes closed, she looked like she was sleep. My mother was a light skinned woman with golden brown hair, that was graying. She was in her sixties but she didn't have hardly any wrinkles. She looked young, like she could pass for forty for real. I nodded at him, and he covered her back up.

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