My mom left for Australia 3 days ago and I haven't left Michael's side since.  We went everywhere together,  we're inseparable.

That night I got home me and mom did get into an argument, but she knows Karen is right. I brought some of my packed clothes with me to Michael's while my mom took everything else.

Come to find out Andy is loaded!  I knew he had money but,  he sent a private jet for my mom and to be honest,  it irritates me.

I'm just glad I can delay on seeing him and his son for a bit longer. "Hey,  hey Hayley! Won't you save me? " Michael dramatically called out.

He got his pants caught on a nail sticking out of a park bench. I roll my eyes and go help.  "Seriously Clifford,  what are you gonna do without me? " I joked as I unhooked his pants from the nail.

"I have no idea." We giggled. "We should move to another spot." We are currently doing a review on the final test, that we have to pass in order to graduate high school.

" Ok so,  when you carry the 2 over XY,  it gives you... " Michael helps. I frown in thought. "4? " Michael shakes his head. "Multiply Hayley. " "Oh,  8! " Michael nods. "You're going to do great.  You're just nervous. " He reassures me.

We finish up our math review, then head home. When we're home I drop my bag at the couch and flop down. "Want a snack? " Michael asks and I nod.

I flip through channels seeing nothing good was on,  so I turn on the ps4. Michael comes back and hands me a bowl of chips and a soda. "Thanks." I smile.

Me and Michael are playing call of duty when someone walks through the door. "Yo, Yo!" Calum announces his arrival making Michael pause the game.

"Ever hear of knocking? " Michael jokes as they hug. "Ever heard of locking your door? " Calum scoffs and I laugh. "Sup, Hayley." Calum sits next to me. "Hey,  Cal. You ready for our final? " I ask and he smiles wide. "Hell yeah!  We're gonna kill this test!  Then celebrate the night of graduation! "

"I can't wait for your party Cal." I say as I grab a handful of chips. "Yeah,  it sucks that it will be your last night here." Calum frowns as he grabs some chips as well. "Yeah,  well that only means we'll have to party hard right?" Michael says as he wraps his arm around me.

I smile at him "True." "You're playing call of duty? I'm totally gonna kick your ass!" Calum yelled at us,  Michael immediately accepted his challenge.

  "You guys go ahead, I'm gonna go take a shower before Karen gets home and cooks dinner." I wave and make my way to Michael's room to get my pj's from my suitcase. I check to see if my phone is fully charged and notice I have a text from mom (Hey, just checking in on you. Andy says hi. And we can't wait for you to get here. Love you) I sigh and text back. (Love you mom. C u soon) and go to take a shower.

We gather in the classroom to take the final test! It goes over math, social studies,  science, and English.

"Alright Class, this is it! Eyes on your test own test, no talking, and put your phones away! You will have as much time as you need to complete the math portion of your test. Alright read the questions carefully and good luck. "

I opened my test booklet and was surprised that I remembered everything I needed to. Thanks to Michael this was a breeze!  I was one of the few to finish first.

I made my way to the Hall where we waited for others to finish. Michael came out soon after "Think you did well? " He asked as he sat beside me.

"I know I did great." He smiled. "Honestly,  same." The teacher called us back inside. "Ok,  good. Now we start on the science half of the test. Same thing as before. Don't rush, read the questions carefully and eyes on your tests."

Science wasn't hard either. It had math in it so it was good. Some of the questions stumble because of the way they asked them,  but I kept reading until I understood. All in all,  I think I did great. We took a bathroom break then knocked out the last two tests.

I waited outside the classroom for Michael then we made our way to lunch. "We don't have to stay,  we're done testing so let's go out to celebrate." Michael suggests and I smirk. "We don't even know if we passed. " Michael gives me an (are you serious look) "Cmon Hayley,  you know we passed! " I smile. "Where to then? " He shrugs. "Let's wait for Calum, he's meeting us in the parking lot. "

We decide on subway, so we make our way over and hang out. "Do y'all know how we'll find out about our grades?" Calum asks as we eat our subs. "They're going to email us within two weeks. Then we'll be able to order our cap and gowns." I say as I eat my chips. "Cool. You nervous? " Michael asks.  "Hell yeah,  I'm nervous! " Calum says. "I thought you were gonna kill this test Cal. " I laugh. "I mean,  I can still be nervous... Right? " He looks at Michael. "It's cool bro,  I'm nervous too."

We finish our meals then head back to Michael's where we hang out until night fall. Today was good. But will we pass though?

Naughty Brother: A Luke Hemmings storyWhere stories live. Discover now