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Haley's POV

I can't get last night out of my mind, was last night even real or did I imagine everything?

I run my fingers through my hair as I continue to sweep the break room. As I replay the scene in the shower over and over in my head, I don't realize that someone's been calling me.

"Haley!" I jump and drop the broom from my hand. "Lauren, sup?"

Lauren chuckles. "I've been calling you for a whole 2 minutes. You ok?" She asks and i nod.

"More or less." She nods. "Ok, well, I'm heading out and I wanted to know if you were free." She asks. I eas going to say I was, but then I remembered last night again. I really don't wanna face Luke right now, so why not hang out with Lauren?

I smile at her. "Sure, just let me put this away. " she claps her hands excitedly. "Perfect! Ok, I'll be out front." She hurries out the room and i put the broom away.

"Hey, Haley right?" A voice calls and I turn around to see Tiffany, Luke's...Fuck buddy? She looks more beautiful than usual, why is Luke not dating her?

"Have you seen Luke? I've been texting him but, he's not answering." I nod.

"Yeah, last night...he was home, but we didn't talk much." She frowns. "Hmm. Well, tell him I said call me. I miss him." I smile at her and she waves.

Shit! My heart is beating out of my chest right now. I hurry outside to meet Lauren and she locks up the salon.

"So, my mom had a date, so we're walking. Don't worry though, my house isn't far."

Luke's POV

"Damn...Again?!" I mumble as I check my phone.

"Tiff?" Ash asks as he washes his new car he just bought. I nod as I sigh and turn my phone off.

"Well, why don't you tell her you're not interested anymore?"

"I want to, but I know her. She'll keep texting and calling, wanting to work it out when i don't. " I sigh again and Ash smirks.

"That good huh?" I look at him and laugh. "I guess so."

He finishes his car and we head inside for a drink. "So, how's the new edition to the family?" Ash asks and I shrug.

"She really doesn't count as family." I say and Ash frowns. "Still butting heads?" I shake my head. "It's...Complicated."

Ash was about to say something else, but we heard voices coming from up front. "Mom?" Ashton yells.

"No!" His sister yells and he heads towards the front and I follow. I'm taking a sip of my drink when I almost choke when i see who's standing next to Lauren.


Haley's POV

I'm smiling at what Lauren just said about her brother, who i recently found out is Luke's friend Ashton. I was going to ask what we're going to do, when i hear my name coming from a voice i was hoping to avoid...At least for a little longer.

I look towards Luke who's shocked to see me. Ashton also seems confused, "So you hanging with my sister now?" He asks with a smirk. I was going to say a smart remark, but Lauren beat me to it.

"Screw off Ash! Don't you have something better to do then hound my friends?"

Ashton smiles. "Yeah, C'mon Luke." Ash heads down a hall, to where I think leads to his room. Luke follows, but looks back at me.

"Now, what should we do? Oh! You needed hair bleach right? Mom keeps some in the garage. " Lauren grabs my hand and drags me towards the  garage.

Lauren does my nails as she talks to me about life as a high school student and the dramas of her friends group.

"So, Myra told me that Anne has been hitting on Jason and that pissed me off, since she knows i have a HUGE crush in him." I nod as I listen to her go on and on about her friends and i realize...I've been in Australia for 2 months and haven't made an effort to meet girls my age.

Lauren is cool and all, but she's younger than me. Plus, her older brother doesn't really like me at all. When she's done with my nails I ask her where the bathroom is.

I make my way there as I read a text Michael sent me, when I bump into someone. I look up into sky blue eyes, I gasp and next thing I know, I'm shoved into a room and I'm blinded by darkness for a few seconds.

Then, light. I blink rapidly as my eyes adjust. "Luke, what..." "You've been avoiding me." He interrupts me.

"No I haven't. " i deny and he glares at me. "Yes, you have. Ever since that night in the shower." I feel my face heat up at the mention of that night and I look at my feet.

"What? You embarrassed about what happened?" "Yes." I whisper. "Why?" Luke asks frustrated.  And i snap my face up "Why shouldn't i be?!" I hiss. "Our parents are engaged to be married, you're supposed to be my brother soon and...Its wrong what we did." I finished.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Haley, what we did was... We're not blood related, so..." "It still isn't right Luke! Why can't you see that?" I ask and he sighs. "I just don't ok?" He answers.

"Well, it can't happen again. Michael will be here any day now and..." "Michael? You're pretend boyfriend?" Luke asks and I glare. "He's not pretend."

"Really? Well, if thats so, then you're a cheater."


"You cheated on your boyfriend with your soon to be, brother in law. "

I grew angry at those words. "As if! You attacked me! While i was in the damn shower. Plus, as far as I'm concerned, we didn't have sex. If anything...YOU SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ME!"

Luke threw daggers at me. "People, who're sexually assaulted don't kiss me like you did, don't moan their assaulter name, like you did." "I DID NO..." "CUT THE BULLSHIT HALEY!" Luke walks up to me, until my back hits the bathroom door and he looks straight into my eyes.

"You have feelings for me and you hate it so much!" "No." I whisper. "Yeah, you do! You'd rather be fucked my your future brother than your pussy of a so, called boyfriend. " I gasp and slap him with all I have.

Tears fall down my face as Luke rubs his face and looks at me with a smirk. "I h-hate y-you." I stutter and Luke nods. "Do you?" "Yes!"

"Prove it." He says and I hit him. And hit him again, and again until he's gripping my wrists and I'm fighting against him, trying to pull away. "I hate you! I hate you! So fucking much." I screech and Luke pins my arms against the door above my head and pins his body against mine.

I look into his eyes with all the hatredi can show and he smirks. "You're such a bad actress." "Fuck you!" Luke leans in and kisses my lips and to my horror, my body responds to him. I force my head towards his and he releases my hands, so i can wrap them around his neck.

Luke grabs the back of my thighs and hoists me up so i can wrap my legs around his waist. I pull aggressively at his hair and he groans into my mouth as he painfully grips my hips.

I bite his bottom lip and he chuckles. I let go and look at him. His eyes soften, and he lifts one hand to place it softly on my cheek. My stomach does flips, "Haley..." Luke starts to whisper softly, but gets interrupted.

"Haley? You ok? You've been in there for awhile." Lauren calls and I sigh. "Yeah, I'm coming out." I stare at Luke and he sets me down gently.

"Haley.." "Just, leave me alone ok?" I hurry out the bathroom and walk towards Lauren's room.

Naughty Brother: A Luke Hemmings storyWhere stories live. Discover now