help him

588 19 6


Another day of paladin work. Another day of adrenaline rush. Another day of "fucking up". Another day of being lectured. Another day of eing yelled at. Another day




Fuck up!

Some days I just wanna let it all go. Let my real emotion get out of hand. Let the real emotions emerge but, the multiverse is cruel and I can't show them the real Lance.

The Lance that has curly hair, doesn't wear contacts, and without the concealer that hides-his mar-all the emotion. The Lance that no one knows of. The Lance that showed his real self. I am not who I really seemed.


The first word that comes to me whenever you think I'm act depressed. It's never been homesickness. Yes, I do miss earth but not everyday. It's not everyday that I miss all he bullying that- that has haunted me for years on end.





When the adreneline comes to you, you forget something like homesickness. You forget everything that isn't in the face of battle. You forget what everything looks like. You forget the faces of people whom cherished you.

This type of homesickness is different. It's the type that makes you miss home. A certain home. A certain person. A certain someone that has been helping me in the backgrounds. A certain mullet head.

I walk into the main room thing. I still need to figure what the fuck to call this. Allura glares at me and says the usual 'you're late'. Please, I know. I'm not stupid but I still brushed it off with a stupid remark.

People fake emotions. I do too. I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm annoyed, I'm so done with this. I can feel me slipping and that's because I know that slowly, I'm fading away.

Someone please help me.

Someone please... Just... Please... Help me.

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