hell hole

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That hunch was so correct, that it probably would've been right in front of everyone's eyes by now. So right that, I just wanna run away this moment. Run away for the rest of my life and never look back.

'Run away, Do it. Do it like the last time.'

I can't,  I would never again. Not this time. Not ever again. The truth will and is gonna come out and this time, I'm not running away again. I'm not gonna fucking ruin my life again. I'm gonna be selfish just this once—oh wait, I am selfish.

We all stood in the control room and every single one of them having shocked looks on their faces. I was shocked as well but, I had to be calm about this if I'm not running away. I am not running away. Or I could just cartwheel pit of this..? No, Lance.

"Lance! You're Altean?" Pidge asked as she looked at the results beside me. Slowly they all walk to Allura. I was left alone, all the attention on me. Once again, all on me.

"Yes. Yes, I am." I say as I sigh, and wait for their answers. I was terrfied, yes. But I have to face this. I have to face the reality and stop lying. Remembering how we got to this point, I sigh again.

I was sitting on my bed, thoughts flowing through me. When a sudden call from a certain princess was needed. Well guess that's the end to thinking about some important details.

'Paladins! Attention! Go to the main control panel! We must have another training exercise'

And so, I ran, bolted even. I arrived there to see that I was first—with the exeption of Allura and Coran, of course. Allura seemed surprised but I shrugged it off. She had to get used to it someday.

Someday, hopefully. I am the red paladin now–God, that is so weird to say–and I have to be better for the team. I mean, I don't have want to. Well honestly, I really don't. I hate doing this on purpose.

Everyone slowly joined one by one surprised to see me here already, I just nodded, they would understand that I was tired. So exhausted. Recently coming home from a mission and training—not that they know that—nonstop.

'Now that everyone is here, We shall start this event!'  She paused and smiled. 'We won't necessarily be doing bonding related activities today but~ we are gonna be doing blood tests and other tests for your health and well... Your heritages.'

No..this cannot be happening. I can't let this happen. Fuck no. Not now, I don't want this now. I made sure to make my composure seem as if I'm fine.

'We'll start with Hunk then Shiro last.Keith feel free to join if you'd like.'

'Hey Allura..' I spoke up. 'I don't need to do this! I  proudly know everything about my heritage!' I blurt out hoping that she says yes but she shushes me and says we need to do this. So that the last time wouldn't happen again.

I don't wanna do this but slowly each and everyone of them do their test. I just hoped to quiznak that I can survive the aftermath of this. I just hope it goes well.

"How..?" "How the fuck do you think the blue lion got into earth?"

"Because my father sent each of them into different areas of the galaxy?" "One. Honey, No. Two. Correction; Our father."

They all stared at me as if I was crazy. I pointed at the screen and that was enough proof. I mean c'mon, trusting the tech base is really something you should do..but thinking of the last time—Yeah.. I wouldn't too.

No one still believed him or maybe someone did but I probably didn't notice. I raced my hands up at the air out of frustration.  And left and walked off into his room.

Not noticing a certain male half–galra following him to his own hell hole.

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