about time

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//an: This is a little shorter than I anticipated but okay. Anyways, this is making my fingers die in agony with all the editing. I'm gonna take a nap now. Enjoy~ ;)//


I chose to listen to music and I guess, I fell asleep at some point. Maybe, I should do that more often, huh. Weird thing is, I woke up into the middle of the night feeling as if someone was tucking me in. Strange but to whomever you are, thank you.

I fell asleep a second after and woke up hours later. When I woke up I immediately put on my contacts and fix hair, did my essentails basically, and left for breakfast. When I arrived the only people I saw there we're Pidge and Hunk. Guess it's the trio for once again, or maybe not.

They both seem to be engrossed into a certain topic that I don't even wanna bother with. I just wanna be silent for today, maybe that can be a good thing. I sigh as I thought of all the times talking has made me fucking mess everything up.

Shiro must be training with Allura this early, nice for the two. I mumble a small morning to wards the two and sit down. Soon Shiro and Allura walked in the room settling down. Allura seemed to beam brighter, huh.. Something is up.

Coran walked in soon after and gave us the space goo we all honestly hate. Yes, I may be Altean but I hated this since I was born. I've always hated it. No doubt that I would be the queen's child. She loathed this and told me how much since childhood.

She would rant to me about Altea a lot but somehow, deep inside her, I knew that she missed the place a lot. I know that she misses father a lot, maybe more so for Altea. She had to abandon everythig she knew, literally. I wonder how she is.

One thing for sure that I know will help us is that if we get information from her. She was very close to everyone even Zarkon and maybe, even Lotor. The fact that I don't believe for a second that Zarkon is dead makes me question every move that their making.

I sigh as I continue eating, and letting the thoughts flow through me like it was oxygen. I noticed that Keith came back for any updates today, he's been coming back a lot lately. Strange but that's okay, I guess.

After breakfast, Coran wanted to talk to me privately. So we excussed ourselves from breakfast. That last part was honestly the best part of all of this. Coran is my Step—Father and he wanted to guide me throughout this and that's exactly what he's doing. We stepped into one of the rooms and when we got in I waited for him to start.

"Lance, I know that this this is hard but you have to tell her. Co-leading won't hurt her feelings. It'll honestly help you two with dicision making." Coran said with a serious tone, hard look on his face.

"Coran... I've been thinking about this and I know that, I know that I have to set aside my emotions but I honestly, don't think that it's the right time yet." I say with a sigh, both hard looks on our faces. This is one of the hardest decisions in my life but I'm gonna do it either way. I sigh and nod at him to tell him that I will do this.

We walked out with smiles on our faces, hiding whatever happened in that room for the rest of times that this isn't revealed. Hopefully, nothing happens for this to be an abrupt revelation. But for now, training is happening and I gotta keep my game on.

After training, I decided to talk to Allura. I need to tell her. Training made me determined to do this and this is something that I need to do. This is for the future. It's something that probably would make my father proud. I hope he is..

In years of rulling, I had found out that family rivalry was the cause of most wars. I can't that happen here, we cannot be having two wars in a row. Jealousy is a very malicious thing and we must avoid it. This is the best idea one can have.

I called her over and decided to tell her the truth. It is about time I do so.

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