move forward

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//later than usual..sorry!! I was busy over for the weekend to even type anything. Enjoy this thought! ;)//


I never thought that I'd see Allura with such expectation in her face, but here we are. I want this to go well, it cannot go bad. If this goes bad, I would risk loosing my sister, I can't—No, I won't let that happen.

She stared at me with anticipation, I couldn't stall this or we both won't end up doing this. I don't know how to fucking do this. I need to do something, I hate this, I wanna leave. Oh my God, why did I decide to do this?!

I felt a hand on my shoulder, tensing up, I stared back up at Allura as she was smiling up at me. I smiled back and relaxed myself. I released a breath that I had kept in. As I slump my shoulders then straightening them back again, I start.

"Allura, I need to talk about leading with you." I uttered with a sigh.

"Why? Have I been doing bad? I hope not.." She questioned slowly loosing confidence.

"No—no, no! You are doing perfectly! I just wanna talk about how we should co-lead. Since, I'm first born but you deserve this more than I do." I quickly spout to her, to see her start lighting up into fireworks again.

"I was hoping you'd say that, I'm aware that sometimes I forget that everyone in this team has feelings and discard them. I need someone to act on that, plus, I do know that you are good at strategizing." She admitted with a small and warm smile.

"Thank you. I'm guessing......that's yes?" I muttered with a small smile that I had returned from her's. She nodded and held my hand, squeezing before we went back. We both walked in the room with smiles on our faces, feeling as if this was the choice for the future.

We seperated and sat on our seats, as to wait for the others. Coran smiled at me as if he knew. Which he probably does because he pushed me to this decision. 'Thank's Coran.' I mentally thanked with a nod.

I had gotten occupied with Hunk with a conversation about the beauty of mixing things together to create something more beaudtiful. I honestly agreed with him. We used to bake together when we we're both younger and it brought back good memories.

I sighed as we all had walked out the room for the announcement. Occupied myself with changing to make up for the fact that this was honestly, very terrifying. I didn't know what the future held for me. Even though, I knew what we needed to do next.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and as I turn around I see Allura, she honestly looked stunning. The dress she wore was something that she normally wouldn't have. I put a smile on my face and gave her the thumbs up for such a stunning outfit.

I noticed that she held somehing behind her back, I raised my eyebrow, pointed at the item. She handed it on to me, as I look at it, it's a royal Altean suit for princes'. She motioned for me to wear it and so I did. I needed to wear this for just this occasion, I probably would more now anyways.

"Wear it. It'll be perfect for you. I'll excuse myself for now. I'll see you in the control room, Brother." She said as she walked out with a wave.

"Of course. I'll see you in a little bit, Sister." I shouted at her as she continued to leave. Once she fully left, I changed. First with the clothing, then removing the makeup. Then messing up my hair and then changed back to my Altean ears.

And so, I walked out with a smile on my face. Allura noticed my appearance and mentioned for me to wait. She would reveal the truth in a tick. Breathe Lance. You can do this, this is like childhood, nothing new.


As I see everyone assembled, I smile. I see the comfusion to where Lance is and I inquired them to just leave it alone, I told him that he'll be late. I clear my throat and sighed as I prepared myself to start.

"As you all may know, Lance is my brother and supposedly the next heir to the kingdom. He supposedly is also leading with me everyday from now. Lance has proposed that we shall co-lead. Lance thought that i'd be better for the both of us to lead because I can lose focus and he can sometimes get his personal episodes. Lance also said that, while leading i'd be better if two people can make a decision, as to make a wiser one." I sighed as I went on to continue.

"I wanted to also clear a few more details. Lance is not leaving the Red Lion. He is still piloting, as to say. That is all, Lance you can enter now." I motioned for him to move forward as I finish my sentence.

reveal secrets. | langst/klangst [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now