a break

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//an: sooo only releasing one new chapter today because I have to bed and that I have to pre-write the next chapter even if I have two more ready to be released. Editing is hard guys ;-; Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Let's get our langst on!//


One thing all of us—or just them—paladins agree on is that every mission is tiring. Every after mission we would want to go back to the castle and rest. For me right now, that was the case. I needed it.

Exactly this moment, I just got back from a mission with Hunk. And lemme tell you, we are fucking exhausted. That mission probably consumed our energy. Well for them, sure. For me though, it was comsuming all of it. I hadn't had enough sleep in the past few days.

But the look on my sister's face when we got back home was worth it. She smiled and thanked us for the effort, to be proceeded by a hug—a bone crushing one—which I gladly hugged back to. This is really home. This is where I am supposed to be.

I discussed the details of the mission to her. Hunk and I noticed a few weird activities throughout the area. I sensed a few strange magic going through the planet. So we decided to scout it for a little bit. I had to do something in particular that takes a lot of energy.

Basically, I had to make the planet pure again. This planet needed it. The planet needed new quintesence. I apparently, being the older sibling, had this power of releasing the said quintesence. Having very strong parents gives you that ability.

I left to head to my room. It was weirdly really quiet in this castle. Well, unless I was in a mood to finally be quirky and annoying then it wasn't. I've grown to be quite serious at some points but when it's needed, I would goof off.

Usually the one who needed it the most was Pidge—they preferred that name now—and I would do anything to make them feel happy. They feel like a younger siblings to me. I would do anything to keep them safe. I would kill myself for these people to be completely honest.

All I wanted to do was be alone and to have silence that will probably paranoid me. The shouting voice that keeps pushing me to death. I wanted the silence. I needed it sometimes.

God, I love torturing myself don't I? No, I don't, I just want silence and peace.

I sigh as I walk in my room and placed my bayard down. Almost removing my shirt someone signalled me not to. I look towards my bed and immediately I was shook. This seriously, needs to stop happening. Jesus, how many times do I have to be startled.

Keith was there. Well, what a surprise.

"You have to stop doing that." I said raising an eyebrow.

"Doing what?" He asked curiousity omminent in his voice.

"Popping out of nowhere. I almost died when you did that." I said sighing as I sat down beside him, I'm getting used to these randomized visits,

"Sorry." He said genuinely concerned, I shrug and nod.

"It's fine. Now, why are you in my room?" I asked looking at him with an eyebrow still raised.

"I needed to talk to you.." I look at him and say, "Hmm, about what?"

"You do remember the bonding moment?!" He says staring—begging—at me. Most likely to say yes.

"Yeah? Haven't I already told you. I remember it like it was the back of my hand." He smiled at that and that warmed my heart.

"But I know that's not what you came in here for." I said serious tone clearly shown. He smiled up at me—God, that smile can kill me now—knowing that I wasn't as dumb as I act to be.

I've always hated the fact that I was my own weakness. I hated the fact that I couldn't stand up to myself. I hated the fact that I had to act in order to seem okay. I hated the fact that this isn't what I wanna be. I wanna be myself.

Keith pats my shoulder. I look up at him and he knows, he knows what's up. I smile up at him but I look back at the ground.

"So, why are you here?" He shifts I can tell it's important. "I'm here because of what you said. A-Am I-i really family?" I chuckle, he looks at me weirdly. I chuckle at his stupidity.

"Yes, you are. I may have not been the best teammate but trust me, you are. Pidge, treats you as another brother. Hunk, treats you as if he has a new sibling as well. Shiro, Well Shiro, we both know that you are important to him. And I, well, honestly, You have been a great ass friend that I consider as a brother."

I look up and stare at the ceiling, smilling. It hurts that I'm lying at him just because I can't tell him the truth but for now, he needs to know that we cherish him. I hear a sniffle and I look at him. H-he's... He's crying. I hug him and let him sob in my arms because that's what a friend is supposed to do.

A friend.

I know how it feels to conceal your emotions for the sake of the whole company you have. It's my turn to show people appreciation like they've done for me. And Keith has done so much, a great friend, family, and fighter. He's gone through enough.

Keith, you've done enough. You deserve a break.

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