it's mutual

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//an: VALENTINES EXTRA UPDATE! Surprise! If you where in my twitter, you would've know! Anyways, it has klance! Have fun! It might be a little sad! Anyways! Enjoy! :)//


These past few weeks have been, reviewing information. Eat, sleep, and repeat. It might look like it was tiring but I don't even notice the time. I guess what I'm doing is kinda unhealthy, huh. Who cares, there are more important things to do.

It was one of those late nights that you'd never expect anyone to text you but someone does. Thank God that I wasn't asleep or this would've been bad. I hate when I can't text back to people, it makes me feel like a bad friend.

But if you really think about it, sleeping is more important. Though, I can't sleep normally so yeah. Surprisingly, Keith was texting me. I wasn't complaining but, I'm also doing important work and working on the information that we got from my mother. So I respond even if I should be working.


- Are you up?
Sure, Half awake but yeah. Need something?
- No, not really.
- Why are you even awake? I texted Pidge and they didn't respond which means their asleep.
I haven't slept, later maybe I will.
But— I'm working on the info we got from my mom.
And I generally couldn't sleep.
-  Allura met your mom huh?
Yeah ig. My mom is hers too s o
Plus she's not the only person that I want her to meet.
- Oh. Right. I forgot, sorry.
- Aww thanks, Lance.
It's fine, this was all very shocking to everyone so it's fine.
I never said that it was you.
So what's up?
- Nothing really, I couldn't sleep either. So lookin for someone to text.
- But everyone is asleep so..
So I was your last resort? I am offended, Kogane.
- I'm not ashamed about it, McClain.
Hey!! It's Altea now!
- Oh right, fuck.
It's fine, just remember it next time.
Also, I'm sorry for treating you like that.
- What do you mean?
I treated you like a rival. I didn't mean to really but it would blow my cover so..
- Ahhhh it's fine, I responded with the exact way as you did, we're even.

He decided this moment, that he'd tell the truth. The truth was these past few weeks they have been talking none stop at night. So here he is, ripping it off like a band aid.

That's good, then..
You know.. I've always really liked you. you.
- Oh..uhmm
- Me too ig..

That message made Lance sweat. He couldn't believe what was happening. He couldn't believe what was going on, he'd also realized that he had made it very weird. This was definately not the way he wanted it to go.

Yeah.. Uhmm..
This got awkward, that's my fault.
Sorry...I shouldn't have said that.
- No, no. Don't feel bad...You didn't do anything wrong.
- But you do know that we can't date? Right?
Yeah...I know. War first, relationships later. I'm aware, Keith.
I guess it's mutual <3
I gtg, I have to finish this work :)
- It's mutual :)
- Okay. See ya, Idiot.
I'm hurt by your hurtful words :(
See you, Mullet :)

The thing that makes you smile in the middle of the night and just makes you feel motivated. This was one of those things but I had to keep it to myself. We didn't make it official because it was gonna jepordize the team and this is the main reason why people die in battle because of the people they love.

They get irrational.

We can't let that happen, we cannot let this war be another lost war. I cannot let my father down. This is important, and I will be willing to sacrifice my feelings for this war. No matter the cost. That's what I'd love to think but I know it's gonna be a lot harder than that.

The whole universe is at stake, but I really am willing to jepordize that for one person. What is this? This is irrelevant. Maybe it could be love, that's impossible. Nope. Nope. Nope. Lance no. It's too early plus this hasn't reached that level yet, I think. Oh God, I hope not.

It amazes me of how people can fall in love in a blink of a month, some may call that puppy love or honeymoon stage but for others it's real. It's right there, showing what's real and for them Love is real. For me? It takes me a long time to fall in love with someone, anyone. I guess, their more easier for others.

Not for me, I guess.

After staring into nothingness for a solid few seconds, I start reviewing the information. It was the similarities that my dad and Alfor had for military and from what we've seen there are a lot in common. They must've been close. This also indicates that future military should have boundaries that could prevent it from being used for evil.

I'd like to switch the paladins as well, as much as the Lions will choose they can communicate with me and they can agree that this is a good idea. It might be disheartning but it has to be done. We have to have our team to work better. Shiro might have to be on Red, it looked like Keith had a bigger bond with Black.

Not that I'd want to lose my paladin part to the team but I'd be better if I stayed behind. If I get captured that would cause a lot of trouble for Voltron. We cannot let that happen either. Voltron needs all the Lions. I'm replacable too. They have to be safe.

And I'm gonna make sure of that.

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