Part 1

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Steve was returning from the fields. Two days were left, and he had to get the perfect gift for the love of his life.

He had everything in life. A perfect little family, his favorite work, and he was soon to get married to the love of his life.

Sharon Carter, he knew her since high school. She had moved in his little town and they have been together ever since.

He was walking at a normal pace, enjoying the cool breeze and the warmth of the afternoon sun, taking the beauty of the farms in.

When suddenly he saw a horse at a distance, who was running wildly.

"A wild horse? " he thought, "maybe he lost his cool over something ". He decided to intervene. He is good with animals, and it was better to stop it before he harms someone.

As Steve walked closer, he saw the horse wasn't alone. Someone was riding it. And as closer it got. Steve figured out it was a girl. A girl with long red hair.

"Ma'am. Look here. Try to calm him. Caress his neck" Steve shouted.

But either she didn't listen or didn't understand. She wasn't even shouting for help.

The horse strode pass Steve, carrying the girl with it. Steve rushed behind it.

There was an obstacle, the horse stopped all of a sudden, raising its feet. And the girl fell. The horse had yanked her so bad, she fell directly into the small lake.

Steve witnessed the incident, and quickly jumped into the lake. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist and under her knees. Cradling her to his chest, he pulled her out of the water.

She was still conscious. And as Steve reached her, she held onto his shirt, and coughed. It was then Steve finally saw her face.

Red hair, like flames. Beautiful red lips, soft smooth skin, and.. Big beautiful green eyes like emeralds. She was, by far, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Hurry up" she said, "get me out of this cold water. I'll get sick".

He was out of his trance and nodded, quickly moving out of the water, and landing her back on her feet.

"Stupid horse. See what it has done to me. So much for a perfect holiday " she spoke to herself.

"Ma'am, you shouldn't ride if you don't know how to" Steve said innocently.

"Excuse me? Who are you to judge that? I know very well how to ride. Its just this stupid horse that couldn't take being controlled" she said rudely.

"Animals hate being controlled. You should shower love and affection to make them obey" he said.

"Oh please " She rolled her eyes.

Just then a car stopped there, and a woman stepped out. She was middle aged and had grey hair, her features resembling the girl's .

"Natasha!! Oh thank God" she said rushing to her daughter. She tried to hug her but she moved back.

"Its okay mom, I am not dead. Don't be so touchy" Natasha said.

Her mother looked at Steve, "Oh my, did he save you Nat? " she asked.

"If pulling out of the water is saving, yeah maybe, whatever" Natasha said.

Her mother walked to Steve, "Thank you son. Thank you so much".

"Its alright ma'am. Anyways, are you new in town? I haven't seen you here before" he said.

"No, we are visiting. My cousin lives here. Nicholas, Nick Fury" she said.

"Oh!! Yes, I know him" Steve said with a smile, "by the way, I am Steve Rogers" he held out a hand.

"Anna Romanoff" she said taking it, "and that's Natasha. My daughter "

"Nice to meet you ma'am. Hope you like our little town. Anyways I am running late for lunch. See you later" he said with a smile, "Take care Miss. Romanoff" he said to Natasha and then walked away.

"He is awfully cute" Natasha said, "never seen a guy so soft".

Anna smiled, Natasha was eyeing Steve with curiosity and something else in her eyes.

"Come sweety, lets go home" she said.

Natasha nodded and followed her.


"I don't know what to do with Natasha. She is so difficult. Everyday is another challenge with her" Anna said to Fury.

"I always told you to keep a check on her" he said.

"I was always busy with work. I didn't realize when matters got out of hand. She drinks all night, smokes, I am not sure but she might be even taking drugs. Her boyfriends change like tissues. She doesn't want to study or work. Her hobbies change and she gets hurt. I'm so scared Nick. And I don't have the time to look after her all the time" Anna face palmed.

"There is one way, An" he said.

"What way? " she asked.

"Get her married" he said.

Anna let out a laugh, "You think it would be easy? She won't agree ever. And who would marry her to look after her? "

Nick smiled, "you are in the right town sis. There are many boys who would. And.. We'll make our spoiled brat long for the boy we want her to marry. So that she agrees easily. "

Anna thought of Steve. "Brother, do you know this boy,... Uh... Yeah. Steve.. Steve Rogers. He saved her today, a d she called him cute"

"Steve? Yes, I know him. He is a very smart gentleman. But.. An.. He has a girlfriend " Fury said.

"If my daughter likes him, he has to marry her. And he would protect her like no other. " Anna said.

On the other side, Natasha was inside her room, thinking of Steve.

"He sure was cute. Cuter then any other idiots I met. His smile... So innocent. I should get to know you.. Mr. Rogers" she thought with a smirk.

She got up and checked her wardrobe, deciding what to wear the next day that would impress him.

"You won't like the seductive styles, nothing sexy, yeah... Sweet dress up to impress the sweet guy" she smirked and took the dress out.

Poor Steve😂
I like bad girl Nat.
Anna is so selfish.
What would happen next?
Do give your reviews.

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