Part 20

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Steve and Natasha had gone crazy. They spend most of their time in bed, making love, or just kissing and cuddling. At times they were too loud.

Wanda knocked at the door. Steve was still on top of Natasha, kissing her madly.

"Open the door, you two!! " she said, annoyed.

Natasha tried to push him a bit, "Steve, Steve!! Baby, your sister is at the door. We shouldn't keep her waiting " she said, against his lips. He moved a little with a sad face, pouting. Natasha blushed, and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Go!! " she said.

He moved away, and quickly put his clothes on, covering Natasha with the sheets, he opened the door lazily.

"You guys!! Keep it low, it's just too loud. Thank God your room isn't above mom and dad's. And.. I thought you both were here to spend time with us?! If you want to spend most of your time with your wife, please go back and let me study in peace" Wanda said in annoyance.

Natasha had put her gown on and came to stand beside Steve, who had nothing to say.

"We are so sorry, Steve's just a bit stupid" Natasha said.

"Oh God!! " Wanda turned to leave.

Steve closed the door.

"Stupid, am I? " he said, heading towards Natasha.

"I was just kidding " she said, backing off. But he caught her wrist and pulled her down and they were back to kissing violently again.


After a week, Steve and Natasha bid everybody goodbye, and headed back to their home. Natasha could feel how sad he was to return.

"You can leave your job and we can move back to your farm. I really liked it there" she said.

"Thanks, Nat. But, right now I cannot afford a house there, and I know it would be difficult if we live with my parents. Both for us and them" he replied.

"True that. We were too bad an influence on your kid sister" she said, and both laughed.

"We can sell that house and buy one there" she suggested.

"That's your mother's house, Nat" he said.

"So? She gave it to us. Besides, you live in it right now, what's the difference? " Natasha was irritated.

"Yes, but... I want us to move out of it and return it to your mother when I am capable of it. Its bad enough that I have to live in it, I can never think of selling it and buying another from that money" he said.

"Oh, Steve?  Mother would give me my share, then.. We could.. " she tried to make him understand and agree but he didn't.

The conversation kept going on until they arrived back at their house and had to start cleaning.


Steve didn't agree about getting their house at the farm by any way suggested by Natasha. So she decided to work and help him earn the money.

Steve started doing double shifts and Natasha started working as cashier. They were both busy most of the day, but at night, they were all for each other.

Steve felt more and more in love with her seeing her care and concern for him. They were extremely happy and doing well. Until...


(Two months later)

Natasha returned home, after a long tiring day at the mart she worked at. She was too tired and her feet wobbly. She crashed on the sofa and closed her eyes. She felt a little more tired then usual these past few days.

Am home. Come fast. Need hugs.

She texted Steve.


He replied. She smiled at his text and then checked her mail and other social media sites. Until she came across an ad for tampons.

"Gosh, what date is it? I might be due" she thought. But when she checked the date, she was shocked. She was almost two weeks late, which never happened to her.

"Oh my God!! " she started panicking, "we.. Shit!!! No!! ".

She quickly got up, and headed back to her store. The pharmacy counter was still open and she got the pregnancy test kit.

She rushed back home to check.

"How can I be so stupid? We should have!! God!! Please God, let it be negative, we will take care now, don't let this happen, No!! " she thought and prayed as she went to check.


Steve entered the house and didn't find Natasha in the living room.

"Nat?? " he called but no response, "Nat? Where are you? "

He headed upstairs, and as he opened the door to their room, he saw her sitting on the bed, knees up, her face hidden between her legs, her elbows on her knees.

He understood something wasn't right, he rushed to her side.

"Nat? What happened? Are you.. You alright? " he asked, scared.

Natasha looked at him, and hugged him tight, her heart too full.

"Steve.. Steve we are so stupid, we should have been careful. I should have.. Its all my fault " she said.

"Natasha?! What happened? " he cupped her face, "Tell me, anything.. I don't care how big or small, just tell me".

"Steve.. We.. We didn't use any protection, I didn't start any pills, we have been together and so.. I missed my period, I am two weeks late Steve" she said.

Steve's heartbeat raced, he obviously understood what all that meant, he couldn't catch his breath to speak.

"Nat? " he managed to say.. "Are you? "

She handed him the test kit, that showed positive, "Yes, Steve. I am pregnant " she said.

Steve smiled heavily, as he stared at the kit. He was going to become a father, that was the happiest moment of his life.

"I am pregnant" she said, in a voice Steve wasn't expecting, why was she so sad and miserable.

"Yes, Nat" but he was cut mid sentence.

"We need to abort this child" she said, sternly, firm on her decision, her expressions fixed, "I cannot have it. We need to abort it, and soon".

And in that moment, Steve's heaven fell apart.

Nat? How can you?
Please don't hurt little
Jamie inside you😭
Steve, make her understand.
She is still spoiled.
Do give your reviews.

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