Part 3

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Steve and Sharon could feel the awkwardness. They were both aware of the situation and Sharon assured Steve, she would wait as long as it takes.

After the dinner end, Steve decided to talk to Joseph.

"Father, I know we.. " he tried to speak.

"No, no son. You don't understand. We cannot afford it. You cannot get married right now. We are going to be living on streets soon. Do you want Sharon to live like this" he said.

Steve was short at words, he didn't know how to respond, so he walked away.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll see" Wanda said and went to open the door.

"Hello, I am Anna Romanoff. Is Steve Rogers home? " Anna said with a smile.

Wanda turned to face Steve.

"Mrs. Romanoff? Please.. Come in" Steve took her hand and got her inside.

"Father, mother. This is Mrs. Romanoff, Fury's cousin" he introduced.

"Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Romanoff. " Sarah said, "how can we help you? "

Anna took a seat and got comfortable.

"Your son, saved my daughter. I am just here to return the favors" she said.

"Mrs. Romanoff. Please. It was my honor. You don't have to" Steve said.

"Wanda, get Mrs. Romanoff a drink" Sarah said.

"Oh please. No, Thank you. I need to talk" Anna said.

The Rogers were confused.

"You see, Mr. Rogers. I am a single mother, raising my only daughter. Turns out I couldn't do a great job. To cut the long story short, my daughter needs stability and I... " she repositioned herself, "Want your son to provide it"

Steve raised an eyebrow, "Ma'am, I... Don't understand ".

Anna left her seat and walked to Joseph.

"Mr. Rogers. I know what all you people are going through. And I" she smiled, "I can help you with that".

Joseph looked at Sarah who looked at Steve. All confused.

"I do not understand " Joseph said.

"Okay, so let me explain " Anna walked to and fro in their small living room, "I know you people have taken a great loan that if not paid, you'll be soon on the streets" she said, "I also know, the date is close and you haven't managed to collect the amount " she turned, her red hair flowing with her, "what I am here to offer is, I will pay your debts and save your farm and your house"

The Rogers were in shock. They couldn't believe what they heard.

"Mrs. Romanoff, I.. But you.. I mean" Joseph couldn't find the right words.

"Of course, you must be thinking why I am being so generous. Right?! " she asked.

Steve lowered his face, "Ma'am we don't want to insult or hurt you, but how can we accept" he said.

"Oh no darling, don't worry. I am not doing this selflessly. Actually" she turned to face Joseph, "Mr. Rogers, I intend to pay your debts, and in return " she turned to face Steve again, "I want your son to marry my daughter ".

Steve couldn't believe his own ears. No, this cannot be.

Joseph was shocked too, he couldn't respond.

"Ah, I understand. You people need time to ponder this. Trust me. I am not joking. This is a valid offer. I give you 24 hours to decide. Tomorrow, this time. I would come to get your answer. And I expect it to be a yes" she said.

As she was leaving, "Mrs. Romanoff, I.. I love someone else" Steve said, innocently.

"Oh, I know dear" she replied, "and I don't care. You are the stability my daughter needs and I will give it to her. You cannot afford to marry the girl you love anyways" she smiled, "I will await your answer".

She left, leaving the Rogers in dilemma.


Joseph didn't utter a word, but kept staring at the loan papers. Sarah was silent too. Wanda was trying to study but in vain. She knew they won't be able to pay for it.

And Steve watched it all. He went to his room and took Sharon's photo out.

Was his love more then his family's happiness? Was it more important then his family farm, his sister's education? Their home?

He had tears in his eyes. He knew his father was helpless but won't ever force him to do this. He knew Wanda would want to sacrifice her studies for his happiness. He knew his mother would choose starvation over his happiness. But could he be so selfish? And he knew, he knew he cannot marry Sharon if they were going to be homeless. How would he feed her? He cannot pull her into this mess.

He kept thinking overnight. His little sacrifice would bring joy to his whole family. His few days with Sharon were nothing compared to the days he spend with his family.

And before dawn, he had decided. He would choose Wanda's happiness, his dad's smile, his mother's pride, over his own happiness.


Anna woke up at about 10 am and as she opened the curtains of her large windows. She saw Steve sitting in the garden with Fury. She smiled, and quickly getting ready, went to see him.

"So, I guess you have decided" she said.

"I will leave you two alone" Fury said and left.

Steve stood up, "I agree to marry your daughter ma'am " he said with his eyes lowered, "as soon as you want".

Anna smiled, "and? "

"I cannot go home anymore. My parents and sister would want me to refuse, they would force me. And I don't want that. I have left my house, for their betterment. So please, pay my father's debts and I will marry your daughter, without my family involved".

Anna smiled and pulled him into a hug, "All my wealth is my daughters and now yours too son. Welcome to my little family ".

Steve nodded and moved back.

"I will arrange for the payment now, and you two shall marry two days later. In the city. We shall leave now, before someone tries to change your mind" she said.

"As you from wish, ma'am" he said.

"Mother, I am your mother now" she said.

"Yes, sorry, mother" he said.

Poor Steve is sacrificing his love for his family. How will Natasha react?
What will happen next?
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