Part 14

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Natasha was very bored with her regular routine. So far, she had been very good and obedient but her patience was running out.

"I want to go out" she said one evening.

"Where? " Steve asked with a sweet smile.

"Night club, I want to drink and dance" she said.

Steve got up from the sofa and caressed her face with the back of his fingers.

"Okay, if that's what you want, but you won't drink out of limits, and I will come with you" he said.

"I was calling Maria, but fine, as long as I can go" she rolled her eyes.

"Maria can come too" Steve said, "Let's get ready"

Natasha gave a gentle kiss on his cheek, "Thanks " she said before rushing upstairs to change.


Steve's heart skipped a beat, as she descended the stairs. She had a lacy red dress on, her lips painted with a bright red lip color. Her eyes covered with dark and smoky makeup. Her hair curled and loose on her back. She looked so naughtily beautiful, he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Ready? " she asked.

He nodded, his mouth slightly open. She grabbed his arm and both headed out.

Steve was so lost in her, but as soon as they entered the club, she left his arm and rushed to Maria who was waiting at the bar. Steve decided to remain at a distance.

Natasha and Maria got drunk, and then headed to the dance floor, loosing themselves to the beat. Steve just sat and observed.

Natasha turned and started dancing with a guy who eyed her lustfully. He tried to touch her again and again, and Natasha was too absorbed in music to notice. The guy took her waist and pulled her close to his body.

Steve couldn't sit idle on this sight. He was loosing it. His anger over powered him. He drank one drink, then another, then another, until he couldn't control anymore. He walked towards Natasha, who was enjoying the dance with that guy. He pulled her away.

"Hey man, what's your problem? " the guy tried to charge at Steve.

"She is my wife" Steve said with gritted teeth.

"Oh, sorry man" the guy stormed off quickly.

Natasha faced Steve, "What the hell? Why did you shoo my partner off? "

"He was touching you" Steve said.

"So? That's how we dance. Don't you know" Natasha said in anger.

"Natasha!! No one is supposed to touch you, except me" Steve said possessively, grabbing her arms.

For a moment, Natasha was speechless, lost in the innocence of his eyes.

"Excuse me? " Natasha looked away, "I.. Steve, stop being so dominating. I am your wife not your servant, and you lack any interest in me, even after s*x you never show any advancement. I asked you before marriage to let me enjoy and do the same but you.. I can cope with all your junk at home but here, I  a free bird. Let me enjoy" she moved his arms away and turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms, she crashed with his chest.

"Natasha!!! I am your husband!! " he said possessively, "if you want to dance. Dance with me! "

Natasha looked at him shocked and confused, Steve grabbed her waist, and started moving with the music. Natasha looked around, people were looking at them and laughing. She got conscious. No one had the right to make fun of her situation.

"Only you is it? " she said. He nodded innocently. Natasha put her hands around his neck, and crushed his lips with hers kissing him deeply.

Maria almost choked on her drink. People all around were surprised, but then looked away, getting busy with their own matters.

Steve was so surprised with the sudden change. He was unresponsive first, then he held her body gently, entering her mouth with his tongue, ravishing her, biting her lip hard. Natasha kissed him back with full intensity.

They both parted to breathe. Steve was so flushed. His heart beating so fast.

"Let's go" she said. And Steve followed her silently.


They were silent throughout the journey back home and Natasha went straight to her room and entered the changing room. Steve removed his shirt and sat down on the bed. Holding his head with his hands, pitying himself for ever agreeing to take her to the club.

She returned in her night gown and lay down, pulling the covers.

"Nat! Nat look at me, we need to talk" he said.

"I need to sleep" she said in anger.

"Natasha please, look I don't like it when anybody else touches you. You are my wife Nat, I am naturally possessive for you" he tried to reason with her.

Natasha sat up and faced him, "If you naturally possessive, why aren't you naturally attracted to me? Oh yes, maybe I am too ugly and not a match for your girlfriend" she said in anger.

"Natasha no, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever... " he was unable to finish his sentence as the door bell rang.

Natasha got out, "I'll go see, anything to avoid you" she said.

"No, I'll go" he said and rushed out.

As he opened the door, his mouth dropped.

"Oh Steve! I can't believe I finally found you" she said as she flung her arms around him.

"Sharon!! " he was shocked, and looked up to find Natasha fuming at the top of the stairs.

Sorry for the late updates, am to busy and then writer's block.
Do give your reviews.

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