Part 8

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Steve made some pasta. The house was already stuffed with all kind of groceries, so he just went ahead and cooked lunch.

He set the tray nicely, and head up stairs. As he opened the door, "Natasha, I made some.. " but his lips curved into a huge smile, as his eyes fell on her.

Natasha had changed into a simple vest and shorts, and fast asleep on the bed, her head not lying on the pillow, her feet dangling, and she lay on her stomach, her hair falling down. She didn't even remove her makeup properly. Her eyes were dark with the spread mascara, her lips still red.

It was a messy, but very beautiful sight. Steve put the tray on the coffee table, and walked to her.
He got on the bed, held her wrist, and pulled her into his arms. She was so tired and in such deep slumber, she didn't respond. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and under her knees, cradling her to his chest, and then carefully lay her back, adjusting her head on the pillow and pulling the covers on her. She grabbed the quilt and a smile appeared on her face as she got comfortable.

Steve caressed her face, and then sat by her side, staring at her peaceful face.

"I will bring this innocence out of the hard shell" he said, playing with her fingers.

He pulled the curtains, took the tray and left the room.


Natasha woke up with a dull ache in her stomach. She didn't have breakfast that day, and she slept before lunch. Her stomach growled with hunger.

She was too tired to move, but her hunger pangs were too strong. She finally struggled out of bed, rinsed her mouth quickly and head downstairs.

"Mom!! Mr. Jonathan? I am hungry" she said, but it was Steve who appeared in her sight.

"Oh, right! I am married, I don't live with mom anymore. " she sighed, "Anyways" she was on the floor and walked towards Steve, "Husband! I am very hungry, I need something to eat".

"I did made lunch, but you were asleep. Its inside the fridge, you can take it " he replied and walked away.

"Uhm? Sorry? I don't understand? " she said.

"What do you not understand, dear wife? I spoke in simple English " he replied.

"I.. You.. I am hungry, so get me something to eat" she said with authority.

"Well, I replied, food is available, go eat" he said.

"Excuse me? You are supposed to serve it to me" she said.

"I don't see the reason why" he said.

She moved close to him and pointed her finger to his chest, "Don't act smart, mister. Go on, get me something to eat".

He grabbed her finger with his, "Misses, I am your husband, not your servant. We are equals. I made food and brought it to you but you fell asleep, now you need food so get it. And yeah, I made lunch, so, you are expected to make dinner. "

Natasha's pupils dilated, her mouth opened wide, "What the hell? Are you nuts? You seriously expect me to cook? " she laughed out loud.

"Well, if you don't, you can starve" he said, moving away.

"I don't need you, I can order food" she said.

He turned suddenly, lowering his face to hers, "My sweetheart, your mother has given the money to me. Till I get a decent job to feed us, she has been generous enough to help. But since I have the money, you are going to ask me for anything you need. And right now, I refuse".

Her mouth was opened further, he cupped her cheek, "You can start working somewhere if you want more money, I won't ask you to invest a money in our house".

He turned away again, and left. Natasha was shocked beyond belief. No money?!! How was she supposed to survive? How would she shop?get drunk? Eat? Was her mother trying to slow poison her? Cause this is what it seemed to her.

Her stomach growled again, and she was on the verge of tears. Helpless, she walked towards the fridge and opened it, finding the pasta. She loved pasta, and it seemed perfect. She took the bowl out and looked around. The microwave was placed on the corner. She placed the bowl inside and then stared at the buttons. Unable to figure out, how to use it.

Steve arrived behind her, "You can ask for help" he said, startling her, "watch carefully "

He turned the knobs and explained how the microwave oven worked. Her pasta was heated in seconds. She opened the door and reached for it, but be held her back, "No, no. You'll burn your hands. Its too hot" he gave her kitchen gloves and she put them on innocently.

He helped her carry the bowl to the table and got her fork and spoon.

She sat down and ate hungrily, "Careful, its too hot" he said.

"I am too hungry to care" she replied.

He brought her some garlic bread, "Eat this till this settles" he said.

She took the bread and finished it in no time. He poured a glass of water for her and gave her some napkins.

"This is fabulous Steve, you are an awesome cook" she said with a wide smile on her face.

"I am glad you liked it" he said.

Natasha finished her food, and wiped her hands.

"Thanks" she said.

"Your welcome. Since you are too tired, I'll cook dinner too tonight, but then you have to do it tomorrow. I will help you, I will take care. But only if you co operate with me. Understand " he said with tender eyes. Natasha blinked. Her mother had done it to her, she couldn't blame Steve, and she was nothing on her own. So, she had no choice but to obey.

"I don't know how to cook" she said.

"Its okay, I'll teach you" he replied, and getting up, he kissed her nose lightly, and took the dishes to the sink.

Steve is so sweet, but can be harsh.
Look out Nat.
Who is excited for their first night together?! 😜😝
Reviews please.

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