Part 18

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Steve was driving, they were headed back to his farm. He was so happy and cheerful, he kept telling Natasha stories of his childhood, his time on the farm.

"Steve? I was thinking, I should stay with uncle Nick for now" she said, "Your family might not accept me".

"No, Nat!! I love you, so they love you too. They'll welcome you like they would welcome me. Mother would love you so much. Dad would be so proud of your intelligence. And Wanda, she would go crazy. Trust me. They'll love you a lot " he said

"Steve, they had already accepted Sharon. I.. I don't think I could" Natasha said.

"No, Nat! Please, if I can fall in love with you, why can't they? Trust me on this" he said, holding her hand.

"I'll trust you with anything, Steve. This is nothing " she replied with a smile.

They reached the farm, and Steve got tears in his eyes. He was so home sick, but he never mentioned it.

"Its so good to be home" he said. Natasha smiled to see him so happy, because unlike him, she never knew what home was, not until he came into her life.

He parked outside a small house, it was a small, but very beautiful house. Steve moved out and opened the door for her.

"Come" he said, holding his hand out for her.

She looked at him, and places her hand in his. As she got out of the car, he held her waist, and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Everything would be fine, I love you" he said. She smiled and nodded.

They walked together to the main door, and taking a deep breath, Steve knocked at the door.

After a short while, the door opened.

"Hey, mom" Steve said with a wide smile.

"Steven!! " Sarah was taken up by surprise, she threw her arms on him, hugging her son tight.

"Oh my baby! " she grabbed his face and started kissing his face. Natasha smiled, she had never experienced such love with her mother.

"I am so glad you are back, my lovely son" Sarah said, her eyes full of tears.

"I had to mom, how long could I stay away? " he said.

"Mom" he moved back, and holding Natasha's waist, he pulled her in front, "this is Natasha, my wife" he introduced.

Natasha didn't know what to do, or say, "Hello" she managed to say.

Sarah smiled widely, "She is so beautiful, Steven" she said, putting an affectionate hand on Natasha's cheek, "Come" she spread her arms. Natasha looked at Steve, who blinked in assurance. Natasha hugged Sarah, closing her eyes, and feeling the warmth of her motherly affection.

"Come on in" Sarah said. Natasha and Steve both stepped in.

"Joseph!! Honey! Look who's here" Sarah called.

Joseph came out of the room, "who is it honey? " he asked, putting his glasses on, and then he saw them.

"Dad!! " Steve said.

"Son? " Joseph couldn't believe his eyes.

The father and son rushed to give each other a tight embrace. Sarah looked at Natasha with a smile, her eyes full of tears.

"Dad! That's Natasha, my wife" Steve said, pointing towards her.

Natasha stepped close to them, Joseph pat her head with love.

"Welcome to the family" he said.

Natasha looked at Steve, who was extremely happy.

"Where is Wanda? " Steve asked.

"She went to the town library, she'll be back soon." Sarah replied, "Come on, children. Did you have lunch? "

"No, I can't wait to eat your food mom" Steven said.

"Freshen up, I'll make your favorites" she replied.

"Mom, show Nat my.. Our room. I'll bring the luggage" Steve said. Sarah nodded.

"Come, dear daughter " Sarah took her inside.

Steve's room was the larger one upstairs, beside his was Wanda's. The room looked in perfect shape.

"I.. Don't know.. What to call you... " Natasha said hesitantly, "I know you people must be hating me. I am sorry, I didn't.. I didn't force him. I didn't even know about mother's deal. Please forgive me if you can"

"No, my child" Sarah said, "You have done nothing, instead, we must thank you and your mother for saving us in such circumstances. And.. Sharon told Wanda how.. If Steve loves you, that's what matters to us. Now get yourself comfortable " she pat Natasha's cheek with love, "and you can call me mom".

Natasha smiled, and hugged her, "Thanks mom" she said.

"Your always welcome, sweety" she pat her back with love.

"Mom!!! " they heard a female voice and looked in the direction.

"Let me hug my sister in law now" Wanda said.

"Of course" Sarah said with a laugh, and then left.

"Oh my God, you are so beautiful " Wanda said excitedly, grabbing Natasha's arms, "I am so happy you are here, I was so sad brother left us, he could have married you here. Why? Anyways leave all that. You are here. You are so beautiful " she hugged her tight, "Brother finally got his match, I always hated Sharon, that b*tch would have taken my brother away from me for sure. She was such a wannabe. "

"Calm down Wanda" Natasha finally said.

"Sorry " Wanda said, getting back.

"Wanda, I need your help" Natasha said.

"Yes, tell me" Wanda said excitedly.

"I... I need to tell your brother that.. I need to confess my love" Natasha explained.

"What? You haven't? Yet? " Wanda was shocked. Natasha moved her head in negative, "Okay, tell me what to do? "

Natasha and Wanda sat down on the bed, and Natasha explained her plan.

"Oh my God, its so dreamy. My poor brother would.. Anyways, let's get to work" Wanda said.

"Uhm, what should I call you? " Wanda asked innocently.

"Call me Nat. People whom I like call me that" Natasha said.

"Okay, Nat!! " Wanda said with a love.

Wanda left the room and Steve entered.

"Why are you blushing? " Steve asked.

Natasha got up and wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"I am not blushing, I am just happy" she said.

Steve smiled was about to kiss her but Sarah called them for lunch.

"Be ready for your surprise, husband" Natasha thought, as they descended the stairs.

Yeah I know, this chapter didn't have much romanogers moments.
But next chapter would compensate.
Do give your reviews.

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