Part 13

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Steve slept beside her without them touching. In the morning, Natasha got up, quickly showered, and then went downstairs to prepare breakfast. She wanted to avoid his touch. And along with that, she was thinking of something. Ways to avoid work.

When Steve descended, Natasha greeted him with a smile.

"Breakfast is ready, husband" she said.

"Thanks, sweet heart " he said, cupping her cheek.

He ate fast, and then left for work. Natasha did the dishes and then curled up on the sofa, calling Maria.

"What?????!! " Maria shouted on the phone, "Nat? What the hell is wrong with you? Thank God he followed you".

"Yeah, and.. Well he finished the deed" Natasha said blushing.

"Really? How was it? " Maria asked in a naughty tone.

"I don't remember. I was too drunk. Anyways, now he is teasing me to do household chores. I don't know what to do anymore " Natasha said.

"No worries, you can tease him back" Maria said.

"I don't want to Maria. He saved me, he was so.. He is hurt, he left everything behind for his family. And he is so sweet. I don't know what to do with him any more " she said.

Just then the door opened and Steve entered.

"I'll talk to you later babe, he is back" Natasha said and hung up.

"Back so soon? " Natasha asked.

"Yeah, my boss gave us a day off today, its his daughters birthday" Steve explained.

"Oh, great" Natasha looked away, a bit nervous.

"Let's go for some shopping then. We need to refill the groceries" he said.

"Okay, I'll get ready" she replied.

She quickly changed into decent clothes and joined him.

"Thank God, mom was generous enough to lend us a car" Natasha said, fastening her seatbelt.

"Also, a house" Steve said.

Steve stopped outside a supermarket, and they both went inside. Steve grabbed a trolley and they roamed around the lanes of the mart, fetching food and other necessities.

When they were done, and Steve was putting the bags inside the car. Natasha spotted a little dog shivering in the cold.

"Steve, I'll be back" she said, and walked towards the dog.

Steve turned to see where she was going. And was shocked.

Natasha took off her jacket, and wrapped it around the weak dog. Caressing him, she picked him up in her arms.

Steve was amazed to see her that way. Caring and showering so much love on a stray animal.

She hugged it, and kissed it, adoring it. She looked at Steve and walked back to him, bringing the dog with her.

"Steve, can we, take him to some shelter. He is so weak, and cold, he will die here. " Natasha said innocently.

Steve looked at her with affection. His view of her changed, he never knew, behind the spoiled girl, was a sweet and caring heart, that had so much love in it.

"Of course Nat, we'll drop him off to a shelter home" Steve replied.

"Thank you" she said with a huge smile.

They both got inside, and Steve headed towards an animal shelter.

"I used to have a little puppy when I was very young, but he... " She got tears in her beautiful eyes.

"What happened? " Steve asked.

"Mom send him away. She never liked it. I miss him so much" she hugged the stray dog tighter.

"Its okay, we can have a pet if you want" Steve said.

She looked at him excitedly, but then her face dropped, "No, I.. I am not capable of taking care of these little ones. And I cannot burden you so much".

Steve respected her even more on this. And now he was more confident that he would succeed in breaking her shell.

They arrived at the animal shelter house, and dropped the dog their. The authorities thanked them for their generosity.

On their way home, Steve was proud of her, looking at her with adoration.

"I never knew there was this side to you" he said.

"You don't know anything about me,  Steve" she replied.

"I want to, I want to know everything " he said.

"Keep trying " she said with a wink, and he smiled.

They returned home, and Steve settled everything inside. Natasha didn't offer to help, and he was too absorbed in her little act of kindness to ask her.

He made lunch, and they eat peacefully without him asking to help in any case.

"I'll do the dishes" she said, "please, I hate cooking, the heat of the stove makes me uneasy. So, if you".

"Okay, I'll do the cooking, you do the rest of kitchen work. Deal? " he said.

"Deal! " she punched his fist, "I got these kitchen gloves too" she said excitedly and put them on heading to the sink.

Steve adored her, she was so innocent, yet so mischievous, he was sure she would try to do something again, and he wouldn't mind. He would correct the wrong in her.

He couldn't stop staring at her as she washed the dishes, her hair irritating her. He walked to her and tied her hair in a ponytail. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

She continued to work, and he continued to adore her. Something had changed in the way he thought about her, his heartbeat had altered, his feelings were changing.

He couldn't help but recall his days with Sharon. He couldn't help but compare the two.

He remembered how Sharon hated his love for animals. How she hated dogs, how she made faces when he cleaned his horse. How she wished she could leave the farm and get to the city where everything was clean.

"Natasha? May I ask you something? " he spoke in a confused voice.

"Yeah, sure" she replied.

"Do you love animals? I mean? Would you have liked to stay on the farm? " he asked nervously.

She turned to face him and smiled, "Of course. I love the animals. And that farm of yours was so beautiful. I badly wanted to jump in and get dirty playing with those horses and cows. Its so beautiful, taking care of these beings who cannot voice themselves. " she spoke so excitedly, "Oh Steve, I forgot to ask. Tomorrow is the first Friday of this month. I visit my father's grave. And.. " she lowered her eyes, "I know we don't have much, but I go to this orphanage, and there are such needy people there, so can we please? "

Steve was all the more amazed, "Of course, we'll go everywhere. I promise" he replied.

She smiled widely and continued to work. And Steve kept staring at her.

He was falling in love with his crazy wife.

Natasha isn't so spoiled after all.
She is just wild with her ways.
Steve, you are so gonna love that cutie.
Sorry for the late updates. I hate writer's block 😂
Do give your reviews.

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