Part 12

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Steve guided her to the kitchen top and pulled her to sit up. She smiled and watched him in awe.

"I am sorry again " he said sweetly.

"I cannot forgive you for doing it when you knew I would forget in the morning " she said, her lips curving in a naughty way.

"I didn't realize that" he said.

They both laughed, "Anyways, I am very hungry " she made a puppy dog face.

"On it" he said, and got back to cooking.

Natasha was blushing and smiling all the time that day. And Steve couldn't take his eyes off her. She was so beautiful, and he had explored her completely. He never knew he would be so badly affected by her. Her soft smooth skin, called to him. He was so seduced, almost hypnotized by her beauty. But he couldn't give in. He couldn't tell her. She should never know of his weaknesses.

Natasha was watching television carelessly. Until Steve took the remote and switched it off.

"Why? " she asked.

"You revealed your secret, little girl. Now get up, you will be cooking dinner" he said.

"But I.. " she tried to protest, but his eyes were unforgiving. She got up and straightened herself, "Tell me what to do".

He guided her to the kitchen, and took out some vegetables from the fridge. She was instructed to wash them, then cut them in fine pieces.

Natasha wasn't one to be happy easily tamed. She knew which strings to touch, to make someone fall at her knees. And so she decided to cut her finger a little, in order to get rid of work.

What she didn't know was, Steve was growing accustomed to her little antics. He was almost sure she would do it. And as soon as she held the knife, he got behind her, and held her hands.

"I will guide you" he said sweetly against her neck skin. In both of their plans, they didn't realize how close they were. She got extra conscious as his breath tickled her skin when he spoke. She looked at his lips, so close to her skin, his hands holding hers, made her almost shiver. And he was having an internal turmoil too. He had a desperate urge to kiss her neck. Just touch his lips to the soft, delicate spot that joined her neck to her shoulders. A feather light brush would be enough to leave him ecstatic.

Natasha's breaths changed as she felt his body heating up, she trembled a little, and he realized what they were supposed to do.

"Just,.. Hold this knife.. Like this" he turned the knife in her hand, then held the carrot firmly, and made a small cut. Natasha wasn't paying attention to him, and tried to concentrate on the knife and the carrot, "Go on, easy, try it" he said.

Natasha tried to cut, and sliced a messed up slice, "Very good, go on" Steve said, moving his hands from hers, and holding her waist, ever so gently. His fingers, on her belly, made her loose her mind. Steve realized how disturbed she was, and he decided to use that to his advantage, even though his own condition wasn't any better. She didn't, but he remembered. He remembered the feel of her smooth skin, her rosy lips, what her body had done to him.

He shook his head, he had the prime job to correct her. She was his wife, he will thing of that later. For now he just needed to focus on her behavior.

Natasha cut the carrot slowly, her hands still trembling, her mind too unfocused to form a escape plan.

"Very good" he said, sending an impulse down her spine. She shivered, but continued. He moved more vegetables to her with one hand, still holding her belly with another. He guided her to cut the leaves, her body hyper aware when his hands traveled from her waist to her hands and then back.

When they had cut enough vegetables, he smiled, "good job, you are a fast learner" he said, and moved away from her taking the tray and moving to the stove, "Come" he said.

She moved closer to him, and he explained how to cook it. She was too conscious to understand everything he said, to keep her mind distracted from the sensations he send down her body.

They cooked a nice meal, with him standing behind her, holding her belly, and talking close to her neck, and when everything was done, "Perfect, I think you will make things by yourself soon enough " he said, and moved away, fighting the temptation to kiss her neck and suck on it.

He sat the table and they both sat down and ate. Natasha smiled a faint smile as she tried to eat, she couldn't even get the taste of her food, her body was to excited to think properly.

Steve smiled too, proud that he finally found a weakness in her, and decided to use that to his best. Also deciding to have some cheats, because he was just too attracted to her and wasn't just pretending. He actually wanted to hold her so close all the time.

They both ate peacefully and then Natasha got up, "I... I will sleep early, can you please do the dishes, I'll make breakfast tomorrow " she said without making eye contact with him.

"Fine with me" he said with a smile. She nodded and rushed upstairs.

Steve is teasing her. While being teased himself😜😝
What will happen now?
They are still just physically attracted.
How will they fall in love?
Do give your reviews.

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