Part 5

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Steve remained very quiet as they traveled to the city. Natasha ignored him, listening to music on her iPod. Anna didn't say much either, she only talked to give instructions to the driver.

As they reached, Steve took his back and faced Anna.

"It would be unethical if I live with you people right now. My friend lives here, this is his address, I'll stay with him till the wedding " Steve said holding out a piece of parchment.

"As you wish" Anna said, "I'll send you everything there, and, the driver would drop you there"

Steve nodded and got back inside the car, while Natasha and Anna headed in.


Maria, Natasha's best friend, came to visit her when Natasha called her and informed about the wedding.

"But you wanted him, right? " she asked.

"For a few days, maybe weeks, but marriage?! No ways" Natasha said drinking tequila.

"Oh come on Nat! You can enjoy for sometime then, don't spoil the fun right away. I am sure he'll run away himself. No one can maintain a relationship with either of us for long" Maria winked and they both laughed.

"True, I guess, I should be enjoying for the while. He is quite handsome, and irresistibly cute. He has a certain innocence that you rarely find, and you know how attractive it is. You just want to get dirty with it" Natasha said.

"You naughty girl. Corrupt the innocence then" Maria said.

The both opened another bottle and helped themselves.

Anna watched from a distance and sighed, but she was positive, Steve's sweetness would change her.


Steve arrived at Sam's and explained everything to him.

"You have a heart to do that bro. I can't even imagine. You really loved Sharon" Sam said.

"Not more then my family, Sam. " Steve said.

"Is she pretty? " Sam asked, "That girl? "

Steve smiled, "She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen".

"Gosh man, really? Do you have a picture? " Sam asked excited.

"No, I don't " Steve replied, a little shy.

"Then describe her" Sam said, "actually, draw her. I badly want to see".

Sam ran to his room and fetched some pencils and paper.

Steve blushed as he took them and started drawing, "She, she has these deep flaming red hair, and emerald eyes, in the most beautiful shape. Her lips are so pink and full, like petals. Her skin is so soft, and smooth. She is just too beautiful " he spoke as he drew her sketch.

He was quick, finished in minutes and handed the sketch over to Sam.

"Woah!! That's one beauty queen. But I don't see any mischief or naughtiness " Sam said.

"Well, I.. I drew her like she should be. Not what she is" Steve said.

"You'll get her in track, I am sure. She must have lacked attention, not everyone has a proper family " Sam said.

"Yes, and I don't blame her or her mother for what she's become. Her eyes, they are innocent, full of soul and beauty. She isn't what she is trying to be. I am sure I'll get the true Natasha out of that brat" Steve said confidently.

"You are confident " Sam hit him on the shoulder.

"Well, you know I never take up tasks that aren't up to my mark" Steve said.

"All the best man. " Sam pat his back.

Just then his phone beeped.

Meet me in the cafe.

Her text said. Steve sighed and got up, "My wife to be needs to see me, I'll catch up with you".

"All the best man" Sam said with a smile.


Natasha was waiting for Steve in the cafe opposite to Sam's building. She wore a red sleeveless top , and navy blue jean shorts. Her hair were braided on a side.

"Hey, husband" she said, as he took a seat opposite her.

"Hey" he said.

"Espresso or cappuccino? " she asked.

"Hot chocolate " he told the waiter.

"So? " he asked.

"Well, I.. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior. I didn't want to marry you, I still don't, I am not marriage type, I don't understand how it works. So, I just want to make a deal with you, after marriage, you mind your business, and I mind mine. We don't interfere. I like you, I wouldn't mind some casual make outs and s*x with you. But don't try to own me. I am a free bird, I like to live that way. You can date, hang out with whoever you want and I do the same. I hope you heard about open marriage, well that's what we'll be signing up for" she explained quickly.

The waiter brought her coffee and his hot chocolate with doughnuts and left.

Steve looked up at her, as she bit on the doughnut.

"I am sorry " he said, "but I won't do that".

"Excuse me? " she put the doughnut on the plate, "you love that girl, you are marrying me for money, to clear debts. Why on earth do you want to play home with me? " she asked annoyed.

"See. Whatever might be the reason, I am marrying you, so!! I want to be truly married and loyal to you and you better be loyal to me" he said, firmly.

"And if I don't?! What?!  You'll divorce me? I don't even care" she rolled her eyes.

"Well, I will make sure you stay loyal to me, and I won't divorce you. I believe in life long relationships. Maybe you were my final destiny. I accept it, and I would do that till me last breath. " he said, "Let us get married first, we'll see what we do and how we behave later".

He took her doughnut, bit it, and then sipped from her coffee. She made an annoyed face.

"First lesson of marriage, dear wife. Sharing is caring " he said with a smile.

He took his hot chocolate and walked out of the cafe. While she moved the cup away from her and grunted in annoyance.

Oh Nat! You are so in trouble 😂
Steve you are the perfect one for the job.
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