Part 2

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Natasha put on a very simple frock, and let her hair loose on her back, putting a hairpin on one side.  She looked cute and simple, distant from her actual self.

"So cute! Where is my adorable daughter headed? " Anna asked, astonished at the sudden change.

"Just going for some sightseeing. And you know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do" Natasha winked.

Anna smiled, "You look very pretty. Enjoy darling. ".

Natasha smiled back and left. Anna understood what Natasha was up to. She knew her daughter inside out.

"I know what you are after my dear. And I will make sure you get it".


Natasha went roaming the streets of the little down. Many boys turned their heads in her direction. Natasha didn't pay any heed to them. She had her eyes for someone else.

She reached the fields, and finally found her destination.

Steve was busy with a plough. He was shirtless, and covered in dirt. Sweat glistening on his perfect body.

The sight was so hot, Natasha's cheeks flushed.

"Hey" she said with a smile.

"Oh, hey. How are you? " he asked politely, being the  gentleman that he was.

"I'm good. And, thanks, for yesterday. I was a bit drunk that time" she said.

"Its alright. You look lovely today" he said.

Natasha smiled in a shy way. She always struck the right cords.

"You look exceedingly handsome" she said.

"Thanks" he blushed.

Just then, a good build, blonde girl appeared out of nowhere.

"Steve, sweety. Time for lunch" she said.

"Coming " he said.

He walked past Natasha, to the girl, and gave her a light peck on the lips . Natasha frowned. The girl wiped his sweat with a towel and cleaned his face.

"Oh, sorry" Steve said as his eyes caught Natasha again, "Sharon, this is Natasha, she is Nick Fury's distant niece. And Natasha, this is Sharon. The love of my life".

Natasha was fuming inside, she clutched her dress firmly. But still faked a smile.

"Nice to meet you Sharon" she said.

"Pleasure is all mine" Sharon said with a smile, "Why don't you join us for dinner tonight? Our engagement is going to be fixed shortly. "

"No, I have other plans. Thanks " Natasha said, "I'll take your leave now" she turned and left in anger.

As she reached back, she was so angry she picked up the first thing she found and threw it at the wall. The beautiful vase smashed to pieces.

"Natasha?!! What happened? " Anna came running.

"He has a stupid girlfriend mother. A very stupid goody two shoes, girl arse girlfriend. " Natasha screamed.

"Calm down, calm down baby" Anna hugged her, "look at me, just look at me" she cupped her face, "Natasha, dear. Look at me"

Natasha looked into her mother's eyes, despite the anger.

"Do you want him? " she asked.

"Yes!!! Yes I do" Natasha said.

"For how long? " Anna asked.

"I don't know. I just want him. I want that idiotic girl out of his life" Natasha said.

"I promise you my dearest daughter. You will have what you want" she promised her.

She took out her phone and called her manager, "Steve Rogers. Give me every information you can find. I want a weak nerve to hit. And fast".

Natasha went back to her room, and kept burning throughout the night.

"I get what I want, Rogers" she thought, "either by hook or by crook".


Joseph was very worried. He had been delaying Steve's wedding for so long. They weren't financially stable. Their loans were long due, and if he didn't pay any longer, they would loose everything. And then he had Wanda and her studies. He didn't know how to cope with all this. The crops weren't doing so well. And soon they were going to be bankrupt.

"Everything will be fine dear" Sarah tried to console him.

"Until a miracle happens, we cannot stop what's coming. You know we don't have money" Joseph sighed, "Steve couldn't fulfil his dreams to become a police officer because of us. And now Wanda would suffer too. We don't have money to pay for her studies. We won't even have a farm, we won't have money to feed on Sarah. "

"Mr. Carter has promised to help Joe. He would.. Sharon loves Steve. And she is the only child " Sarah said.

"Carters cannot help us save our farm either. No one can Sarah" Joseph sighed.

"Mom, dad, come dinner is ready" Sharon came to call with a wide smile. She was so happy, and she already called them mom and dad.

"Yes, dear. Coming " Sarah said.


Anna was smiling after receiving a call.

"What makes you so happy sister? " Fury asked.

"Rogers family is about to get bankrupt. Joseph Rogers has taken too much loan and he cannot pay back. " she said with a smile.

"Which you are going to pay!! "Nick Fury sighed, "Sister. You cannot buy happiness for your daughter ".

"I can. I can buy anything for her" she said.

Fury tried to explain but in vain. Anna was blind for her daughter. And Natasha was crazy and too spoiled.

Fury knew Steve was going to be destroyed by these two women and he could not do anything to stop it.

The real fun would start after their marriage. So wait for it.
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