Part 15

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"Sharon?! " Steve pulled back, "I didn't, how did you? I mean... How are you Sharon? " he cupped her face affectionately.

Natasha went back to her room and slammed the door so hard, they heard it downstairs.

"Don't mind, she's a little.. Difficult " Steve said with lowered eyes, "come in".

Steve escorted her to the couch and both sat down.

"How is everyone? Did Wanda get admission in the college? How's dad? Is mom fine? " Steve asked desperately.

"Yes, they are all fine Steve. Wanda send her love and apologies for revealing to me the real reason for your departure. I am sorry, I thought of you as a cheater " Sharon said apologetically.

"Sharon? You really thought that low  of me? " Steve asked disappointed.

"I am sorry Steve. But what would I have? You just left, just like that. And it was obvious you left with that girl. " Sharon had tears in her eyes.

"Its okay, let's not weep over old topics. So, how did you find me? " he asked.

"I remember Sam, so I asked him. And he was kind enough to tell me. Steve, come back with me. Father has arranged for the money, we can pay her mother back, with interest. Please Steve. I love you" Sharon said desperately

"I am sorry, Sharon" Steve got up and walked away, "I am married, I cannot hurt my wife "

"She doesn't care about you, Steve. Its a fake arrangement, just get rid of it" Sharon said.

Steve turned, with anger shot eyes, "Don't you know me at all Sharon? Do you think I am the type to break my commitment? Run from my promises? She is my wife, Sharon. I married her. I promised to love her, care for her, to be with her in sickness and health, till death does us apart ".

Sharon had tears in her eyes, "You promised the same to me too, Steve. But you easily left me for your family. "

Steve has no answers to that, he looked away, "I am sorry for what I did. But for me, family comes first. And now, Natasha is my family "

"Right! Your wife is your family but not the girl you pretended to love for so long" Sharon said crying, "I am sorry to disturb your precious time with your beautiful wife " she rushed out of the house.

Steve called her back and tried to stop her but she got into a taxi and was soon away. Steve took a deep breathe and headed back to his room. His heart was full and guilty. He never wanted to hurt Sharon, he did love her. But Natasha was his wide now. And he loved her more.

His heart calmed as his eyes fell on her tiny body, curled up on the bed, hugging the quilt ever so tightly, her red hair spread on the pillow, her eyes tightly shut, as she slept peacefully.

He smiled, and got into the bed covers beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist, and cuddling to sleep.


When Natasha got up, she found herself trapped within Steve's hold. She looked at his face, he looked so adorable in sleep, she couldn't help but smile. She caressed his face with love and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I will make sure you stay with me,  cute husband" she thought, "no b*tch from the farm can take you away from me".

She was still angry with him for whatever happened, but she adored him still. And as she recalled his drunk face, she giggled. It was too cute, she was amazed to have fought with him.

Steve slowly opened his eyes, and Natasha quickly changed her expressions.

"Let me go, why am I trapped in your arms? Wasn't your precious b*txh enough to make you satisfied yesterday night? " she asked bitterly.

"Natasha?! She is not a b*tch, and she too, hates me now. " Steve said sitting up.

"Too? Who else hates you? " She asked.

"You? I think " Steve said scratching his head.

"I don't hate you, I just.. You just annoy me" Natasha said getting out of bed.

"Uhm, Nat? " Steve said hesitantly.

"Yeah? " she asked, without looking at him.

"You, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met." he said with extreme honesty and innocence.

Natasha smirked, "I believe you, but... " she turned to face him, "I don't understand how you keep so much distance when you think I am so beautiful. Either your masculinity is dead or.. "

Before she could finish her sentence, he grabbed her waist and pinned her to the wall, startling her.

"Or? " he asked in a intense husky voice.

Natasha was shocked, but she was spontaneous. She put her arms around his neck, and smirked, speaking in a seductive voice, "Or waiting for the right time" she said.

Their lips were brushing each other, his hands on her waist pulled her closer to his body. He inclined his head to kiss her, their lips touched, he opened his mouth to grab her lip, she moved her hands from his neck to his chest, slowly, and then pushed him with force, and started laughing.

"This, isn't probably the right time,  Husband" she winked. 

He bowled in annoyance. And she entered the bathroom.

Steve smiled and got back to bed, "You are going to be the end of me, my crazy, beautiful, spoiled wife" he said.

Is Sharon gone? Or will she come back? Romanogers are so cute.
Do give your reviews.

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