Part 23

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It had been five days since James was born. Steve's family arrived the day he came into the world and everyone was overjoyed.
They didn't judge Natasha on her decision to stay away from her ow child.

It was actually very helpful. With Sarah and Wanda being there. They kept James mostly with them and Natasha didn't have to see or think about him. Steven helped her get the milk with the pump and then he didn't ask for any help with James. Sarah kept him with herself for two nights but then Steve brought him to their room for him to adjust. Steve got up and fed him at night never asking Natasha for anything at all. And she was just distanced and resting.

Natasha didn't even look at him properly once. She didn't want any attachments. She decided it was better for James to hate her like that instead of getting hopes high then being disappointed like she had been.

Anna came to visit James with a lot of gifts and stuff. She has nominated him as her heir to the property.  She gave Steven the power till James was of age and even asked him to get a house back at his farm.

Natasha did come to see her mother either. She maintained a distance from everyone. However, no one kept her away. Anna brought her gifts too. Sarah was very understanding and helped her with post natal effects. Advising her, and making her comfortable. Wanda talked to her when James was sleeping and she wasn't studying. And above all, Steve took as much care of her as he did of James. He loved her all the more for what she did.

Everything seemed fine. Until on the sixth day, when the Rogers family departed, and Steve has to go out to bring groceries. He had put James to sleep, and expected him to not wake for at least an hour.

But Steve had to get a lot of stuff and also get his car's service done. He also had to look for a nanny, since he had to rejoin his work. Although Anna insisted on the opposite. Everything took a lot of time and he lost track.

And when the second hour passed, little James woke up and started crying.

Natasha was in the room, reading a book, when she heard his cry.

"Oh my God, Steve should have been back by now" she thought. She picked up her phone to call him, but there was no credit left.
James's cries got louder and Natasha started to worry.

"Oh God!! " she left the bed and rushed to his crib, and for the first time she looked at her baby properly.

His face was all red with crying, his limbs struggling, his eyes closed, his little mouth open.

Something inside of Natasha melted. He was too precious.

"Hey, don't cry. Daddy would be back soon" she said, her hand moved in, and he grabbed her finger. She felt something hit her chest hard.

His cried weren't stopping.

" I don't even know how to pick you up" she said, her heart started beating hard in her chest. A lump formed in her throat.

"Its okay, baby. Daddy would be just back" she said, rubbing his tummy gently, as he held her finger. But he didn't stop crying.

Helpless, and scared, she carefully removed her finger from his hold, and put her hands under his tiny body. Carefully, she lifted him out of the crib, and adjusted him in her arms, cradling him.

"Stop crying baby, please. Stop crying " she said, holding him with one arm, amazed at his tiny structure, her other hand back to his, letting him hold her finger. She pat him lightly, moving to and fro. And suddenly, he stopped crying, and opened his eyes to look at her.

Her heart skipped a beat, as beautiful blue eyes stared on her face. So beautiful, so perfect, so precious he was. His little body, covered in tiny clothes, his strawberry blonde hair escaping his little hood, his tiny lips pouting. Natasha led out a small laugh, her eyes filling up with tears.

"Aren't you a copy of your daddy's. So cute. So precious " she kissed his tiny hand, and then his forehead, cradling him closer to her chest.

"You recognize me, don't you? " she said, "You know your mommy? James? Oh James! " she brought him closer to her chest and adored him.

He cooed, and it melted her heart, "Oh James, oh my baby" she said, tears escaping her eyes, "You didn't let your mommy stay away. Oh baby!! I am so sorry. Please forgive your bad mommy, mommy doesn't deserve you or your daddy. You both are so precious. Oh baby" she cuddled him.

He pouted again, "My baby is hungry? Right? That's why baby was crying. Wait baby, come"

She sat down on the bed, pulling her shirt up, she unhooked her bra, and touched her nipple to his tiny mouth.

As if hungry since forever, he latched onto her nipple, sucking slowly. Natasha's body went through an unexplained pleasure. A pleasure of feeding her child, making him content and fill. Giving what he deserved.

"Oh my baby!! Mommy kept you away for so long. Mommy is so bad. I love you baby, I love my Jamie" she said.

As he fed, she kept staring at him with love. Her motherly instincts, that she kept trying to shove, were suddenly all over her. He was done feeding, she didn't even bother covering herself. Instead, she cuddled him, kissing his forehead, his tiny hands, smiling and talking to him.

"I love you so much, baby" she said crying, touching his cheek to her own, "I love you so much".

And she kept adoring him, until he started yawning. She was then patting him with love, moving slowly, trying to put him to sleep.

And Steve witnessed this as he returned, standing silently outside.

"You couldn't have stayed away for long, Nat" he thought, "Because you have a heart of gold ".

Aww, Natasha couldn't stay away from little Jamie. She is his mommy.
Just one glance was enough.
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