Part 24

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Steve stepped in, and Natasha saw him.

"See, Steve. Our baby is so cute, so precious. Oh my James " she cuddled him.

Steve sat beside her, "he fell asleep, let's put him back in the cot, he would wake up cry".

"Oh!! Yes!! Of course " she didn't give James to him. She herself got up and lay him back. Then stood there staring at him, caressing his cheek with her finger.

Steve went to her and pulled her shirt down, wrapping his arm around her belly.

"I am so sorry" she said.

"Don't " Steve said, "I understand. You are his mother, Nat. I knew you won't be able to stay away for long".

She turned, "Steve? I.. He won't hate me, right? "

"No, not at all. He would never hate you, he would always love you" Steve cupped her cheek, "You'll be an extraordinary mother, Nat. Like the perfect wife you are"

Natasha smiled and hugged him, "I love you" she said.

"I love you more" he replied.

James cooed in his sleep, and they were both in awe.

"Oh my God, I have to learn so much, I don't anything about being a mom. I should have done this during pregnancy" she said panicking, tying her hair in a messy bun, and hurriedly grabbing the laptop and getting settled on the bed.

"Nat!! You will do fine. Stop panicking. And first, get your other breast pumped. Or else you'll feel pain " Steve said, bringing the machine to her.

Natasha nodded and did as directed. And after that, she kept roaming around James's cot, waiting for him to wake up so she could pick him up.

Steve just kept smiling as he watched Natasha suddenly get so obsessed with their son.


6 months later

Steve and Natasha shifted back to the farm. She insisted him to buy a house with her mother's money. Anna, herself pushed him, saying that he had the right.

Steve got a small, but perfect little house opposite his parents. With a backyard so big, James could play all day long.

Natasha was very happy and content to be a mother. Since that day, she was crazed with her son. She was always adoring him.

Steve was back at helping his father at the farm, and they earned well enough. Anna contributed to some new farming techniques as well.

Natasha and Anna were finally on terms. Being a mother, she started understanding Anna's point of view better, and Steve made her look out of the box. Anna had tried everything to be a good mother, but she was a single mother, Natasha's father died young, she had to be both for her.

Anna visited them often, and Natasha was happy that she was finally giving her time.

But most importantly, Natasha had actually changed. Not in attitude, but she had matured. If Steve was the stability in her life, James brought maturity. She wasn't the careless, out going always on the edge girl anymore. She was a graceful woman now. A responsible wife, a caring mother.

She not only did everything in the house, but she also helped Steve at the farm.

"Hey" Steve returned at lunch time and kissed Natasha's cheek, who was sitting on the couch with James in her lap, feeding.

"Hey" she turned to give him a peck on the lips.

"So? What's for lunch? " he asked.

"Lasagna " she said with a smile.

"Don't tell me you learned to make that" he was shocked.

"Mom helped a lot. And we'll be eating there" Natasha replied. She called Sarah mom, now.

"Of course, I'll go freshen up" he said, and then kissed her cheek again, caressing James's cheek with his fingers.

Natasha shifted him to the other side and Steve leaned closer for a quick kiss.

"Go, you idiot. Or else Wanda would be mad. I am sire she must be getting hunger pangs by now" Natasha pushed Steve.

Steve smiled and finally went upstairs.

"Your daddy is crazy" Natasha said to James, who smiled widely.

"Look at Mr. Adorable, always smiling like his adorable daddy" Natasha held him up and kissed his cheeks after he was done feeding.

"Ma" he said.

"Oh my precious, precious baby" she said with a smile.

Steve returned and took James from her.

"Daddy's turn now. Hello my baby" he said, "Get up now, weren't we getting late? "

Natasha got up and adjusted her clothes, and then both moved out of their house to Steve's parent's.

"In time" Sarah said as she set the table.

"Here is my cute nephew, come to aunt Wanda baby" Wanda took James from Steve and kissed his cheeks.

"He is growing up so fast" Joseph said, getting up and caressing James's cheek.

"The only person who gets Mr. Rogers's attention these days" Sarah complained, and then took James from him.

"He is grandma's baby, right Jamie " she said.

Natasha and Steve both laughed.

"You didn't even love me that way" Steve said.

"Yes, but your grandparents did. That's how it works. You would love James's kids more then you love him too" Joseph said.

"Maybe I can have more nieces and nephews so that we don't have to fight over " Wanda said.

Natasha and Steve both blushed.

"Wanda, you know.. " Steve wasn't sure how this conversation would affect Natasha. She accepted James, doesn't mean she would want more kids.

"Of course, I hope James can have two or more siblings " Natasha said. Steve looked at her, surprised and she smiled. Wanda was so happy, she hugged Natasha.

They all sat down, and Steve held her hand.

"Are you sure? You really want more children, Nat? " he asked in a whisper.

"Confident. I love James, I can love more. Besides, my kids have a very loving family unlike me. I want to expand it" she replied with a smile.

"I love you so much" Steve said.

"I love you too" she replied blushing. They leaned in to kiss, but Joseph coughed to get their attention, and everyone laughed. Steve and Natasha both blushed badly, holding each other's hands.

The End

Another story ends.
Well, it had to.
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Part of my heart.
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