Part 19

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Steve was roaming around, meeting his friends, explaining about his departure. He was so happy.

Wanda came running to him at dinner time.

"Brother!! " she shouted. Steve got worried and rushed to her.

"What happened? What happened Wanda, are you alright? " he asked breathlessly.

"Brother, Nat, Nat is... She" Wamda was trying to catch her breath.

"Nat? What happened to Nat? Where is she? She's okay, right? " Steve got very worried.

"She is at the fields" Wanda said, faking a voice of distress. Before she could say anything else, Steve rushed away, and she smiled. She knew her brother well, she didn't have to make a false story, only a panic was enough.


Steve went running to the fields, which were deserted at that hour of the night.

"Nat?! " he shouted, "Nat where are you? "

It was too dark, he couldn't see anything. Until the lights were turned on, and Steve was surprised.

The whole area was decorated with lights and candles. Flowers adorned the fences, and there was a table and two chairs in the centre.

And from the dark, walking into the light, was Steve's wife.

"Natasha? " Steve was spellbound. She was wearing a maroon dress, deep neck, off shoulders, tight around her perfect curves. Her hair loose on her back. Her lips painted a deep maroon. Her eyes covered with dark make-up. She looked so beautiful, taking Steve's breath away.

"Natasha? " he walked closer to her, "what is all this? " he asked, "you look so beautiful " he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, and took a deep breath, "gosh, you smell so good too"

Natasha blushed, "Control, sweet husband" she said.

"But, what is all this? " he asked, curiously, caressing the skin of her neck with the back of his fingers.

"I need to tell you something " she said, nervously , biting her lower lip.

"What? " he asked, being too oblivious.

"Steve, I.. I... " she was confused, never had she been so nervous before.

"What? Nat? " he wasn't understanding at all.

"Steve! " she said in a low voice, and tiptoed, wrapping her arms around his neck. He supported her waist and hips with his arms.

"I.. " she put her lips close to his, "love" she touched his lips with hers, "you" she said against his lips.

"I love you" she moved back and said again, looking into his eyes, "I love you, Steve. I love you".

Steve was speechless for sometime, he couldn't react, he didn't know how to react. She.. She just confessed her love for him. His spoiled, crazy wife, confessed that she loved him.

"And its real love, I promise. You are the only one I love. I love you, Steve, I love you " she said.

But he was still silent.

"Steve? Why aren't yo reacting? Steve!! " she jerked him, "Steve! " she got scared and got tears in her eyes, "Say something please".

"Oh, Nat!! " he cupped her cheek, "I.. " he just grabbed her lower lip and started kissing her deep and hard. He was unstoppable as he kissed her. One hand held her neck, while the other moved her closer into his body. She loved him. And he loved her. They were together. Complete. Happy.

Steve was so lost and happy. He kissed her passionately, his tongue ravished her mouth like there was no tomorrow. And he wasn't leaving her even when they were breathless. And she had to push him.

"Let me breathe, you idiot " she said.

"Sorry!! " he said looking down and taking a deep breath, "Gosh I love you so much" he grabbed her neck again and kissed her deeply again.

They were in an open field, with no walls for support. So he grabbed her hips, and supported her waist, lifting her off ground, and then crushing her against the moist floor. All the while, not breaking the kiss.

He moved from her mouth and kissed her neck.

"Steve!! Steve hold it, its too open" she said.

"Yeah, it is" he said, towering her, "Come"

He got up and pulled her over his shoulder, carrying her.

"Steve!!! What the hell? Put me down!! I'm not a sack of rice" she protested.

"You are mine. I love you" he said.

"Steven Grant Rogers!! Put me down" she yell.

"No one can help you tonight, sweet wife. I would show you my spoiled side, tonight " he said.

Natasha was shocked, was it actually the sweet and innocent Steve she married.

He carried her to the stable, and into an empty room, throwing her gently over the haystack.

"Don't made regret this" she said.

He took his shirt off, "I won't " he said, getting close to her. He took her lips again, grabbing the zip of her dress, and pulling it down. He moved it down her shoulders and off her torso, moving back to remove it completely.

"I hate you, jerk" she said as he got close to her again.

"I love you" he said in an intense voice. He grabbed her breast, and fondled it, kissed it. Made her feel loved in every possible way. Soon they were both completely naked, and lying deep into the haystack, with Steve kissing her everywhere he could.

"I love you so much Natasha" he said.

"What makes you love me so much Steve? " she asked.

"The affectionate girl behind the mask" he said. She smiled, with tears forming in her eyes. No one had seen past her, but he did. And he loved her.

"I love you " she said, and he kissed her again, partying her thighs and making the move. She moaned, he groaned. They didn't sleep the whole night, and neither did the animals due to their screams. He made love to her. He comforted her. He owned her. And she owned him. They became one. Lost in love.

Steve was finally happy, with his spoiled wife.

So, they did it.
She confessed.
Is this the end?
Is everything fine?
Or will Natasha do something again
That might hurt Steve?
Its definitely not the end.
Do give your reviews.

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