Part 10

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Steve cleaned the house and made lunch, but Natasha refused to eat.

"For how long are you gonna do this? " he asked.

"As long as you stay stubborn. I want my share of money and independence " she replied.

"Natasha!! I cannot do this, your mother clearly said.. "

"What? Make me a slave and pay me? I think I should file a case against you both for harassing me like that. The court would give me my fair share in my father's property that she is holding back and I can be free of you both" she said in anger.

"Natasha.. We'll talk about it.. At least eat something " he said.

"No, thanks " she said and left.

She didn't leave her room again. Refusing to eat anything, not even water. Steve tried and tried but she didn't open the door.

Steve had to sleep in the other room, and by the next morning he got worried. Natasha didn't have anything for so long, she might be ill.

"Natasha!!! Open the door, please" he shouted.

"Go away" her voice was weak and fragile now.

"Please, open the door, I'll give you whatever you want. " he said, panting.

In about a minute, the door finally opened. Natasha appeared from behind. Her hair were messed up, dark circles appeared below her eyes, she was weak and tired.

"Natasha! " Steve caught her in his arms before she fell, carrying her downstairs, he quickly poured a glass of milk and made her drink that.

"Tell me, what you want to eat? " he cupped her face in worry.

"Bacon and eggs" she said in a weak voice. He nodded, and kissed her forehead.

Quickly he made her breakfast, and helped her eat. When she got better she stood up, and held her hand out.

"Give me my money" she said.

Sighing, Steve gave her some dollars.

"What the hell? " she said.

"That's enough for now" he replied moving away.

Natasha stomped on her feet, then headed back upstairs quickly taking a bath and getting ready.

"I'll be late, don't tell my mom about all of this" she said, and left the apartment.

"What am I going to do" Steve sighed.


Days passed like that, Steve didn't oppose her much, because she kept threatening him. She agreed to do the dishes and sometimes make some food. And he agreed to pay her for her expenses. She left the house when he returned and arrived late at night. Partying with her friends, or simply getting drunk. Usually Maria or someone else came to pick her up. When she returned, she was too drunk, and just crashed to bed.
Steve was helpless, he couldn't even tell Anna about the situation.

One day, Natasha left as soon as Steve arrived, and no one accompanied her.

Natasha ate outside, drank a lot danced in the club till her feet were sore, then drank more, until she almost passed out. She was so drunk, she lost sense of everything.

Her beauty attracted many men towards her, and she danced with plenty, loosing her senses. The men had their eyes for her body. And she was out of her senses.

A guy, took her wrist and smiled, "Hey baby, why are you so sad? "

"I... Want more.. No money" she said in a drunk voice.

"Come with me, baby. I'll get you more " he said.

Natasha smiled and got up, she was walking with a waddling gait. The guy supported her waist, and walked her to a room. He pushed her to the bed, and closed the door.

"What.. Are you doing? " she asked, "where is my bottle? "

"Let me have some fun first, baby" he said, taking his shirt off and towering her.

"No, leave me. Leave me. " she screamed, her voice very feeble. She struggled to get him off her.

He grabbed hold of her wrists, "Baby, don't fight, you are too drunk, you don't stay a chance".

"Help!!! " she shouted now, her senses getting a bit more aware, "Steve!!! "

"Your boyfriend is not around, baby" he said evilly, descending to kiss her.

Just then a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled her away, he landed on the floor.

"How dare you touched my wife?! " Steve's voice startled Natasha.

The guy got up, and Steve punched him hard, and he ran away. Steve was so angry, he wanted to kill that guy. But he had to tend to his wife.

"Natasha!! " he came to her, cradling her in his arms, " see what you have done? You stupid girl? You could have.. Oh Natasha" he hugged her, so scared and angry.

"Steve! You saved me" she said, with a hiccup.

Steve carried her in his arms, and left the dirty place, taking her home safe.

As he lay her on their bed, he noticed her dress was a bit torn. He sighed, he was scared to even imagine what could have happened. He thanked his stars, and was proud of his decision to follow her.

He covered her and thought she was already sleeping, so he got up to leave.

But she caught his wrist, "Don't leave me, Steve " she said, "please".

Steve sat back and cupped her cheek, "why are you making everything so difficult, Nat? You are my wife, don't hurt me like this"

"But, its you who hurt me first" she said, her voice innocent like a baby.

"I? What have I done to hurt you? " he asked.

"You.. " she sat up, and traced his cheek with her finger, "You are my husband.. Men try to touch me, everyone is attracted, I seduce every man I see.. But.. My husband lacks interest in me.. That.. Hurts me Steve".

Steve grabbed her waist, "I... Natasha!! You are so stupid. "

"I am crazy for you" she said in a drunk, seductive voice, grabbing his collars, pulling his face close to her, "I asked my mother to get you for me. And I never got you, even after our marriage we are so.. Distanced".

Steve was shocked, he never knee Natasha had demanded him. He always thought it was Anna's idea.

"Surprised? " she asked, with a smirk, and tilted her head, "you are so cute, so innocent, so pure. I want to mess with your purity, Steve. I want to... I want you" her fingers grabbed his chin, traced his neck.

Steve was panting, he was so unsure so confused, and so angry.

"Then you get me" he said in anger, and grabbing her hair, tight. He slammed his lips on her, entering her mouth angrily.

Oops, Nat you brat.
What will happen now?
I am. so excited for you guys to read further.
This story would have many crazy twists.

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