Part 7

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Steve stopped the car in front of a beautiful house. He got out and opened the gates, then got back in and parked the car inside the little garage. He opened the door fo Natasha, and she looked up at him in confusion as he held his hand out for her.

"Come" he said, as she just sat there dumbstruck.

She placed her hand in his, and moved out of the car, he helped her with the long dress. And together, they stepped inside their new home.

"Its so beautiful " Steve said. Natasha sighed. She felt homesick already. She couldn't believe what her mother just did.

Her phone buzzed in her hand, and she checked it.

Ignore the rest. Have fun with your husband.

Maria's text made her smirk. Right!! Her mother's plans can wait.

Steve was busy adoring the place, pulling curtains, moving sheets over the furniture.

"Uhm, dear husband " she spoke in her naughty voice.

"Yes? " Steve turned to face her, his smile so innocent, her heart jumped in excitement.

She walked close to him, and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Shouldn't you be carrying me upstairs, in a romantic way, and.. You know... Going for" her voice and facial expressions were too sexy. Steve forgot to breathe.

She cannot tempt me. He thought. Or can she?

His hands held her waist gently, "Sweetheart, I know you aren't so happy with our wedding. Its okay, you can take your time adjusting. " he said, and leaning close to her, he whispered in her ear, "I am not that desperate ". His breath on her skin gave her chills. And he moved away.

She turned to face him, amazed. No man had ever refused her before.

"Speak for yourself, jerk" she stomped on her foot hard, "You are the one missing that loser girlfriend of yours", her voice was very rude but he could hear the annoyance.

"Whatever you may think " he said with a hidden smile.

Natasha growled and headed for the stairs. Steve heard her steps as she climbed the wooden steps. He kept smiling.

Natasha opened the door of their bedroom, and grabbed her veil, trying to pull it off her head. But it hurt her, pulling on her hair. She was so annoyed, she threw her bracelets and pulled on her pearl necklace, breaking it, the pearls scattering on the floor. She kicked her sandals off her feet, and they crashed to the walls, the heels breaking.

She pulled on her veil again, and screamed as the pull on her hair hurt her. She tried getting out if her dress but the zipper didn't move down, no matter how hard she tried.

"Stupid dress" she claimed in anger, trying to pull the zipper down, until a pair of hands took over.

Her body stiffened, as she felt his fingers on her back.

"Let me help " he said. She turned and pushed him away.

"I can do it myself, I ain't your girly,  weak,  unable to do my things, girlfriend " she rolled her eyes.

She pulled on her veil again, but it just hurt her more. Her hair were a mess now. She again attempted to unzip her dress.

Steve sighed, and grabbed her arms, pushing her with all force.

"What the hell? " she shouted, as he crushed her against the wall, turning her over. "Leave me, you jerk"

"Shsh!! " he hissed. He grabbed her dress, and unzipped it, baring her back completely. She nudged him hard in the stomach, and turned.

"You have no right to see me naked" she shouted.

"Shut up!! " he put his hand on her mouth, her eyes widened at the act, "I am your husband, I have all the rights".

She was breathing so heavily, her chest rose and fell, her dress loose on her. His hands went to her hair, leaving her mouth, but she didn't dare speak, as he worked on her veil.

"Here" he said, pulling the veil out of her hair. Her hair loosened on her neck and shoulder, "You don't have to fight with everything ". He threw the veil on the couch, and moved back.

Natasha stared at him, as he opened the cupboard, took out something and threw it at her face.

"Change! " he said, and left the room.

Natasha was too angry, she threw everything on the dressing table.

"Why did you do this to me mom" she said, and sat down on the bed.

Steve returned after a few minutes, "Natasha?!! " he had a mug of coffee in his hand, he quickly put it aside and rushed to her, cupping her face as he sat on his knees.

"What happened? Are you alright? " he was scared, he didn't want to hurt her. She looked up at him and sighed in relief when he saw no tears in her eyes.

"I am fine. I am not a cry baby like that stupid girlfriend of yours " she said, looking away. Steve smiled. He sat beside her, taking the mug back.

He looked at her, she was still breathing heavily. Still full of anger. From his angle, her side pose was so beautiful. Her long, thick, red hair fell on her shoulder like burning lava. Her skin glistening in bright daylight. Her red lips so full and pretty.

Steve leaned closer to her, and moved her hair from her neck, she looked at him confused, her breaths changed.

"What are you doing? " she asked, as their lips were just inches apart.

"Nothing, just moving your hair aside" he said, his breath tickling her skin. She breathed heavily. He grabbed her neck, gently, and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, "You look so cute when you are angry" he said. She was too stunned to response, "now change, before I decide to do it myself" he said with a wink, and sipping his coffee, he left the room, leaving her confused, and amazed.

Natasha, you brat.
This guy will tame you well.😂
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