Part 17

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Natasha had changed quite a lot from when Steve first met her. She had become a lot more organized. Steve was so happy, and everyday his love for her increased.

It was another day, when Steve wasn't home and the doorbell rang.

"Who the hell?! " Natasha said, throwing her duster and cleaning herself before opening the door.

She was surprised to be greeted by a smiling proud face of a woman.

"Mother? " Natasha said shocked.

"Nat!! " Anna spread her arms and pulled her daughter into a tight embrace. Natasha, was reluctant and a bit annoyed.

"Oh my God! Look at you, you look so changed. A complete woman. Oh Natasha! I am so happy " she said.

"Come inside mom, I have neighbors " Natasha said pulling her inside.

Anna was adoring the house, so organized and clean.

"Did Steve? " she asked.

"No, its all done by me. " Natasha said,  Anna looked at her proudly.

"Tea or coffee? " Natasha asked.

"Whichever you make best" Anna said.

Natasha nodded and headed to the kitchen. In just a short while, she returned with two cups of tea and some biscuits.

"Wow, this is amazing Natasha, you have changed so much" Anna said, caressing her cheek.

"Please mom, stop it. Just get over this. I haven't changed. Not a little bit" Natasha said sternly.

"What? But, this? I don't understand " Anna was confused.

"It seems you never understood me, mother. Maybe my husband did earlier then you ever could. I believe in give and take, my husband takes so much care, I could only return the affection. " Natasha said, highly annoyed.

"What? Natasha? Didn't I care for you? " Anna asked with tears in her eyes.

"Of course you did" Natasha said with a fake smile, "of course!! When I needed you to sleep at night because I was scared of the dark, of course you cared. You bought me a night lamp. When I couldn't eat, you hired a nanny. When I felt lonely, you gave me as much money as I want. Of course mother, you cared. And of course, I returned the affection. Oh yeah, not to forget, when you thought I needed stability, you bought me a husband" Natasha spoke bitterly.

"Natasha!!! How can you? You know I was busy" Anna said with a heavy voice.

"Yeah, I know that. Busy with everything that didn't include me. I don't even remember ever lying beside you before sleep, mother" Natasha had tears in her eyes too, "For you everything revolved around money, and so I gave you what you gave me"

Anna was hurt, but she knew whatever Natasha said was true. If Natasha was what she became, it was because of her negligence as a mother.

"I... I am sorry for what.. Natasha.. My dear daughter " Anna tried to speak.

"Mom, I am busy right now, I need to clean my house and then prepare for lunch" Natasha said, "and yeah, if you care so much, I would like you to provide money now. Because despite my heavy fortune, my sweet husband is working to hard to run this house ".

She returned to the other room where she was cleaning.

Anna got up to leave, and as she reached the door, the door opened and Steve greeted her with a smile.

"Mother!! What a pleasant surprise!! Come, have lunch with us" He said.

"No, I have to be somewhere dear" she lied, "Take care son" she quickly left.

Steve was confused, he entered the house and looked around.

"Nat? " he called out.

Natasha cake out of the room and rushed into his arms.

"Nat? What happened? Are you okay? " he asked, rubbing her back.

"Nothing, its just. Steve? Can you take some days off? I want us to visit your farm " she said.

Steve smiled, "Of course, I would.. I would take leave as soon as possible. You really want to... Come with me to my house? " he was so happy.

"Yes, I want to... Go to our house" she said, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, I love you Nat" he placed a long deep peck on her lips, "I love you so much", he hugged her again.

"I love you too" she mouthed, not letting him hear.

She did love him. Like she loved no one. He was the real stability in her life. He was always there for her. He saved her from trouble. He corrected her mistakes. He made her happy with love and effort not money. His care and affection weren't out of necessity, but because he was the person who would care for his wife.

After what happened with Sharon. Natasha's doubts were all cleared. He loved her. Truly. And that made her fall in love with him. His rejection for intimacy made her respect him even more.

"I will confess my love at the same place we met" She thought and smiled.

"Stop hugging me, husband. I am hungry " she made a puppy dog face. He smiled and nodded, taking her hand and heading to the kitchen.

Where the did everything together, as equals.

I know, a short update after a long time. Well, I just watched a movie and I am in hangover cause it was too good.
Anyways, Nat is in love with her man.
Wait till she confesses.

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