Part 11

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Natasha's head hit the pillow, as Steve kissed her wildly. His tongue invaded her mouth, ravishing her, making her gasp. He bit her lip hard, and she moaned.

Moving back, he removed his shirt, and his pants. Natasha was too drowsy, but she still smiled. He towered her, and started kissing her neck. Natasha arched her back and held his head, enjoying the shower of kisses. He sucked on her skin, and she screamed. His hands moved her dress down, and started kissing her chest, cupping her breasts and then sucking so hard, she screamed in pain.

He was so angry, and the softness of her body, her drunken eyes, her fragrance, all hypnotized him, arousing the beast within.

He kissed her belly, biting and sucking on her skin. She moaned in pleasure, her voice low and exhausted.

Finally, he pulled her panties and spread her legs, grabbing her hips, he made the move, quick and hard. Natasha screamed, and then moaned. Steve kept pushing, in an out, high on pleasure, his manly hormones kicking in. He f*cked her hard and long.

He didn't stop until Natasha stopped moaning, and he realized she was asleep. Pulling out, he looked at her face again. How beautiful and calm she was. And that made his desires run wild. He kissed her lips again, until he himself was too tired to stay awake. And crashed beside her.


Natasha blinked several times before opening her eyes. She was in a hangover, and didn't remember much. The first thing she realized was, she was naked under the sheets.

"Oh, no!!! Shit!! " she mouthed. She was married, this shouldn't be, as she adjusted to the light, she noticed the room, and recognized it as her own, and not some random hotel room. She quickly sat up and looked beside. Steve lay on his stomach, his bare back exposed, his hair messed, marks of her fingers visible.

Natasha sighed in relief and blushed, realizing he was the one she spend the night with.

She looked at him with affection, caressing his hair and smiling a shy smile, adoring his back. In her innocent attempt, she woke him up.

He moved to his back, and opened his eyes, finding her sitting beside him, watching him.

He opened his eyes wider, and sat up, anger returning back to his face. Natasha got nervous, she didn't understand what happened.

"Happy? Aren't you? " he said, "you got me"

"Steve? What are you saying? " she asked innocently.

"Thank your stars that I followed you yesterday, or you would have woken up in that bar, raped by some gang, destroyed for life. " he snapped at her. She clutched the sheet tighter to her chest, her expressions changing.

"You, your mother lied to me. I thought it was a mother wanting to correct her daughter. But now I know, she was just filling your wild wishes. She bought her daughter another toy to play with. And I... Anyways, I gave you what you want, be happy now" he said in anger, and moved out of the bed, walking to the bath.

Natasha was shocked, she got so drunk that she almost. Every time she got drunk before she had Maria with her. She never landed herself in such huge mess before.

Rape? Her whole body shook at the thought. And Steve, she couldn't understand what she said or did that made him break his barrier. And why was he so angry?

He came out of the bath, and she looked at him with a sad face.

"I'll make you breakfast, since I am a bought toy" he said bitterly and left the room.

Natasha sighed, and got up to shower. She realized how sore she was, and hated the fact that she didn't remember her blissful night with the only man that she felt attracted to.

As she stared at herself in the mirror, she blushed. Marks of love covered her from head to toe. Her lips were so swollen, with all the biting. She touched her lower lip, and gasped with pain.

Blushing, she stepped into the shower and turned the hot tap on. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the warm water, and stayed there for long.

She put on a simple brown dress, and stepped downstairs, her hair still wet.

As she descended, Steve forgot to breathe for a while. She was so beautiful, and he had spend such a desperate night with her. Ashamed he lowered his gaze. In anger, he had stooped so low.

She came to stand beside him.

"I'm sorry, I... Natasha, I am sorry, for what I did, and, what I said, I am really very sorry" Steve said, "But, you, Nat, please, don't ever go alone and don't get so drunk, please. That guy almost ".

Natasha was so touched, she landed herself in such a huge mess yet she was saved. Because her husband was caring enough to follow her.

She took his hand, and he turned to face her.

"Thank you" she said, with tears in her eyes, "I.. Steve.. ".

"Natasha!! Its okay" he pulled her into a hug, and comforted her, as she started sobbing.

"Steve, I am so sorry, I.. I lied to you... Mom.. I" she sobbed.

"I don't understand? " he said looking at her face.

"Mom, I just.. Mom did it because she wanted me to get married, me demanding you was just an excuse to make me agree. And... I cannot.. I cannot challenge her in court. All the property, all the money is hers, Steve. She earned it, its all hers. My father had nothing to his share. So she can easily refuse to give me anything. I am so sorry Steve. I lied to you. And look where I could have ended" she said with a heavy heart.

Steve hugged her back, "Its okay, just.. Promise me, you won't fo this again".

"I promise" she said.

And in that moment, Steve got his hope back. She wasn't bad, she was just not properly brought up. He will make her what she is supposed to be. He sighed in relief.

Steve did it.
But... Natasha is changing
Or not?
Do give your reviews.

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