Chapter 7

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"Are you planning to ever go home?" Troy questioned, plopping into the next opposite hers. 

Jane shrugged, not looking up from her book. Max's words still playing through her mind hours later.

She knew Max was just trying to scare her, and make her come running back to the gang. But Jane Hopper would not retreat.

Troy stood again and made his way to her side. "Let's go. I'll give you a ride." He held out a hand. "I'm sure your family won't kill you too much." 

The brunette allowed him to help her up, accepting his offer. "You obviously haven't met my adopted father." She joked.

"Oh no, I certainly have." 


"Thanks for the ride." Jane shut the car door, and waved as Troy drove away.

She quickly went inside and attempted to sneak into her bedroom, but Will caught her before she could.

Will surprised her by taking a step forward and hugging her.

She hugged him back. "Will-"

"It doesn't matter as long as you are happy." Will sighed. "Just don't fall too fast, okay?"

Jane nodded against him. "I won't."

Will kissed her head and realized her from the hug. "Just remember if anything happens I'm right here. Just like you were for me."

Jane smiled sadly, thinking about the incident a year or so ago.

Will's girlfriend Jennifer accidently overdosed on some cold medication.

It was a shock to everyone when she did, but more importantly it tore Will apart.

"So how bad is Dad gonna kill me when he gets home?" Jane asked, following her brother into the kitchen.

"Depends on if you tell him, I guess." He shrugged.

"You mean Jon didn't rat on me?" She said surprised.

"Not to Dad, but to us he did. And Mom knows too." He grabbed a soda from the fridge. "But dinner should be fun."

"Dinner?" Jane echoed.

"Yeah with Jon and Nance." Will confirmed her fear. "Plus the Wheelers."

"I thought that was last night?"

"Nope, sis, that's tonight." Will said with a laugh. "Good luck with that."


The next for hours felt like torture for the brunette. Jane wondered if he was as nervous as she was.

But finally the time came, and they were entering the restaurant.

She watched as her parents greeted Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler, and as Barbara ran to her step-grandfather.

She, however, could not see her curly headed boyfriend among the families.

Nor, luckly, had Jonathan spotted her yet.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her stomach, her back hitting their chest.

"You look nice." Mike whispered into her ear. "Way to nice." He pressed a kiss to her neck.

"Mike." She whispered. "Mike, not here. My dad will kill us both."

"Okay then." Mike let go her, and went to sit across from his sister.

Jane frowned, not happy about what had just happened. Nevertheless she sat down next to her brother.


They had just about finished eating when Jane got an idea.

She looked up locking eyes with Mike-who had been looking at her on and off all night.

"I'll be right back" She said, excusing herself from the table.

Moments later, Jane returned, holding an arm against her stomach. "I don't feel so great." She tried to sound sick.

"Oh, sweetie," Joyce turned concerned for her daughter fast. She felt Jane's head. "You do feel a little warm. Maybe I should take you on home."

"No, Mom, I don't want you to have to leave," Jane said. "but I definitely don't want to get Barbara sick."

Joyce looked from her husband to her daughter unsure of what to do.

"Um, I could give her lift back, Mrs. Hopper, and keep her company until you guys are done." Mike offered, catching onto Jane's plan.

Joyce looked at her husband again, waiting for him to answer.

"I guess that'd be okay." Hopper said then paused. "Yeah sure go ahead, Jane, Michael will take you."

The brunette tried not to smile as she exited the restaurant with Mike on her heels.

"You are brilliant, El." Mike stated with a big grin. "Extremely clever."

"Yeah for a second I didn't think you were gonna catch on." Jane got in the car and shut the door.

"That would have been a tragedy." Mike agreed, pulling her into a brief kiss.

"Just drive, Wheeler." Jane whispered as they broke apart.

Mike did as told and put the car in reverse.

"How'd you make a fever?" He asked as they entered what used to be the Byers residence.

"Hot water." Jane shrugged a shoulder.

"Where are we going?" Mike questioned when they didn't stop in the living room.

"My bedroom." She said simply-as though it was obvious-while slipping off her heels. "Unless you wanna watch a movie?" She raised an eyebrow.

Mike stood there a second not certain on what to say. "Uh, um, yeah right." He nodded and allowed her to him down the hallway.

Everything seemed perfect, and for that moment it was.

Hiya everyone, sorry for the confusion yesterday. Being dumb I accidently hit publish instead of save. Anyway hope you liked it, and Happy Thanksgiving - Izzy 💜

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