Chapter 10

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The sun had set hours ago making it hard to see the path. Sure it was a familiar path, but even familiar things look different in the dark. Soon, however, the Wheeler's house came into view-making the brunette quicken her pace.

The tears had since dried, leaving Jane with a hollow feeling. She had grown to love the new Mike only for him to hurt her over and over again. 

As she rang the doorbell and waited, the girl cursed God for ever allowing Gwen Stevens to be born.

"Jane?" Mike opened the door fully, a look of concern passing over his face. "Jane, what's wrong."

"May I come in?" Jane asked, trying to avoid eye contact. If she looked him in the eye it'd all be over. 

"Yeah, of course," Mike stepped aside to let her in. "Listen, Jane, I was just about to call you-"

Jane spun around and held up a hand. "No, Mike, let me get this out." She said. 

He nodded and motioned for her to continue. 

"I love you, but I can't live like this. Not when you go to her every time I'm not there." Jane sighed. "And if you'd rather be with her, I get it. I truly do, Mike." A tear ran down her cheek. 

"El," Mike's voice softened as he took a step forward and wiped the tear away. "I love you and only you." He said, cupping her cheek. "I'm sorry I ever hurt you." He whispered. "You, of all people, don't deserve to be treated like I've treated you." 

"You're right." Jane agreed. "I don't and I won't be treated like this." 

"What are you saying?" Mike asked, attempting to get her to look at him. He moved his hand from the brunette's cheek to her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes. 

She took a deep breath. "I'm saying..." She trailed off.

"I'm so sorry, please, don't do this." Mike's voice was extremely low and dangerous.

Jane gave in to his plea, pressing a kiss to his lips. "Goodbye, Mike." She said as they pulled apart. 

"Don't leave." He practically begged. 

"I have to. If I don't you'll only hurt me more." She stated sadly.
Her heart and head were at war with each other, and more than ever she wanted her father here. 

"I promise I won't." Mike said. "I don't want to lose you." He reached out to touch her.

Jane dodged his hand, shaking her head, and headed toward the door. She paused once there to look back at him one last time. 

But right as she went to open it, a hand shut the door from farther up. 

"No." Mike stated his voice not offering room to argue. "I can't lose you again, El." 

"Yeah, well maybe you should have thought about that before undressing Gwen." Jane said coldly, yanking open the door. "Goodbye, Michael." 

The air seemed colder on the way home, but Jane didn't mind. Unlike on the walk over there were no tears this time. Only the feeling of her heart shattering for the umpteenth time. 

As much as the girl wanted to go home, she also wanted her father. So Jane found the nearest payphone and dialed a number. Please Work

"Hello?" A male voice on the other end questioned. 

"Papa?" Jane felt like crying again, and probably would had if she had any tears left.

"Eleven, are you okay?" Papa asked, picking up on her sad tone.

"No." Was her only response. "I just want to go home. Take me home."

"Where are you?"

"I don't know." Jane sighed.

"Just stay where you are, and I'll find you, okay?"

The brunette nodded even thought he couldn't see it. "Yeah, okay." 

She hung up the phone, and waited for what seemed like hours before a black car finally pulled up. 

Out stepped a man dressed in a suit. "Eleven." He said to gain her attention.

"Papa." Jane ran to him, burying her head in his chest. 

Sure Hopper would kill her if he ever found out, after all he had threatened her life about ever calling the number left in a letter. But a girl had the right to see her real father, even if he was a major jerk who hurt her, right? 

"What happened?" Papa inquired, holding his daughter to him. 

"A lot." Jane sighed. "Just take me home." 

Papa nodded. "Get in the car then." 

Decision made obviously, thanks for the help.
Possible double update in the works - Izzy

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