Chapter 9

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//Don't play the song until you see the bold words farther down\\

"What's got you in a tizzy?" Jane approached her boyfriend. "I mean you're going to kill those lockers." She laughed, but stopped when she noticed he was crying. "Hey, hey, you okay?" The brunette touched his cheek, her tone softening. 

Mike turned slowly toward Jane. "Nothing, baby, I'm fine." He placed his hand over hers. "Really, I am." He dropped their hands. connecting them together. 

"Class?" Jane asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"If you want." He shrugged. "Or not."

"Is that why you aren't leading me toward Mr. Psychs class?" Jane said, allowing him to continue to drag her. "We have to go to class, Mike." 

Mike frowned. "Fine." He didn't sound happy.

This made Jane mentally frown. This guy standing in front of her wasn't the Mike she knew. He was like an impostor of the thirteen-year-old boy she had once known. 

Sure Jane wasn't the same, but Mike was only the Mike she knew in front of certain people. Like parents and such. 

"Jane?" His voice brought her out of thought. 

"Yeah," She breathed. 

"We're here." He pointed to her class. 

"You know what?" Jane spun back to him. "Let's go outside." 

Maybe she could learn to love Mike again, like she once had years ago. 

He grinned brightly. "That's my girl." He kissed her cheek.

The brunette forced a smile and nodded. "Uh huh." 


Three Months Later....

Arms wrapped themselves tightly around Will from behind. 

He whirled around to find a sobbing Jane standing there. Will quickly gathered her into his arms. "Jane, what happened?" He questioned quite concerned, but he knew the answer. 

It could be only one of two things: Dad found out about her dating, or Mike had upset her again. Will was beginning to think that all Mike made her do was cry this past month. 

Jane shook her head, not wanting to discuss it, she just wanted her brother to hold her. 

So he did. He held her as tight as he could. "He doesn't deserve this." He whispered. "He doesn't deserve your tears." 

You see, Max had called Will and told him Jane was on her way home from the party. The redhead had told him how her and Jane were having a girl's night when they stumbled upon Mike and that girl.

"He promised." She cried. "He promised it wouldn't happen again." The brunette pulled away from her brother slightly. "Am I not good enough anymore?" 

"I can't answer for him, Jane, but I can tell you that Michael is a fool for what he's done." Will sighed, and wiped a few of her tears away.

"I'm tired of fighting with him." Jane admitted. "I'm tired of hanging on to a memory." She shook her head. "No more tears."

The truth was all they did was fight lately, and this was the third time-in the past month alone- she caught him with the same girl. 

Jane laughed bitterly. "When I confronted him, his explanation was that I was busy with Max. He asked me if I expected him to sit alone while I went out and had fun." She spat. 

"I'm so done. If he's happy with her then I'm happy he found someone new." With that Jane spun on her heels and marched out. 

Will chased after her, catching her by the arm. "Jane, where are you going." He asked, scarred for the girl.

"I'm going to break things off, Will, I won't play his puppet anymore." She stated. 

"Are you going to tell him-"

Jane cut him off by shaking her head. "He doesn't need to know." She sighed. 

Will nodded. "Look at it this way, thanks to Dad's job, you two would have had to be long distance anyway." He attempted a joke. 

"Yeah," Jane agreed. "I can't wait to get out of this town." She kissed his cheek. "I'll see you in a few." 

Will watched as she disappeared around the corner. The girl who deserved all the happiness in the world was now broken-he feared-beyond repair. 

Shaking his head, Will went back inside to finish packing. 

Sorry it was short. But goodness gracious that was hard to write-this literally took like half a day.
Don't worry this is still a Mileven story, and it can only go up from here.
So stick with me, please. 
Thank you guys for over 1k reads this is insane. 
Alright, I won't keep you any longer. 
See ya next update (which will be Friday). Bye - Izzy 

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