Chapter 16

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And for months they searched for Benny, hoping to find any trace Kali had left behind. But each search turned out more useless than the other. 

Jane, herself, looked for as long as she could possibly make it before Mike finally said she would only harm the baby if she stressed longer. 

Evie on the other hand did nothing to look for her brother. She believe Grandpa when he said they would never find him. 

Instead, Evelyn took the time they spent on Ben to practice her abilities with Grandpa.

This night, however, while Evie laid in bed something peculiar happened. The shadows that danced across her room seemed to echo her name like a cavern. 

The small brunette turned over on the bed, eyeing Lorna who slept soundly next to her. The voice didn't stop, so she slowly got off the bed and followed the voice down the hallway. Past the guest room where Uncle Troy was staying-since her parents were at the hospital-and into the kitchen.

Maybe Mom and Dad had arrived home suddenly, and were calling her to come meet the new baby. But the child found was much more exciting than a new baby sister. 

"Ben!" She let out a excited squeal, ran over to the boy, and threw her arms around him. "Oh, Ben!" Evie buried her face in the crook of his neck. 

"Hey, Evie-Bell." Ben hugged her to him, closing his eyes tightly. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." She pulled away from him. "But how are even here? Grandpa said Kali would never let you go." Her eyes swept his body for injures of any sort.

"She didn't. I'm just testing something she taught me." He sighed. "She's teaching me to channel my powers." 

"How am I seeing you then?" Evie asked confused. 

"I'm in here." Ben tapped her forehead lightly. "I don't fully understand it, but combined we have the power to see each other whenever." 

"That way we won't be apart." Evie said, a content smile playing on her lips. 

Benny nodded. "But there is one condition: you can't ask where I am." He said, Kali's words running through his mind. 

Evie hugged him back to her. "Deal." 

"Another thing," Benny gripped her to him, suddenly their ages seemed to be reversed. He was acting like the older sibling, but by now he had seen more than she ever would. 

"What?" Evie hopped onto the chair beside him. 

"Our visits will be random and spread out, most importantly you can't tell a soul about them." 

Evie tucked a piece of hair back, and nodded ever so slightly. "Okay." 

Footsteps could be heard from the stairs in the hall.

"Goodbye, E." Benny kissed her head before disappearing into the air like mist. 

Uncle Troy entered the kitchen not long after. "Hey, kiddo, couldn't sleep?" He asked, ruffling her curls. 

"Guess not." Evie lied with a shrug. "You?" 

Troy shook his head. "Too much noise up here, y'know." He pointed to his head jokingly, opening the fridge afterwards. 

Please you know nothing of noise up there Evie thought to herself. 

She watched as he poured two glasses of chocolate milk. Coming to sit beside her, Troy sat down the cups. 

"Aunt Max just called." He announced. "Julianna Wheeler was born a total of three minutes ago."

"Can we go see her!" Evie asked hurriedly, eager to meet the new addition. The thought of Ben completely vanished from mind. 

"Tomorrow, but in order to do that you have to get some rest." Her uncle said with a smile.

"Then I'll get sleep. Lots of it!" She jumped down from the chair and raced back to her bed.

If only life could be this simply forever. As always, nothing was simply for this family. Sure it would take years, but when danger came again it would hit hard. 

That, however, is another story for another time. So until then we'll leave you here with the image of a nine-year-old girl excited to meet her little sister. 

Oh my goodness, I can't believe this is over already. Hope you enjoyed it, and will stick around for the sequel entitled "Burn" (Which is up now).
Thank you for all the support throughout the book and for over 2 thousand reads. It makes my night to see the comments, and votes roll in.
So yeah I'll see ya next book. - xoxo Izzy 

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