Chapter 15

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"What are you doing here, Papa?" Jane stood and backed closer to her precious daughter. "Last I heard you were at a medical camp in Indonesia." Mixed emotions laced throughout her voice. 

Doctor Brenner took a step farther into the room. "I was called so I came." He said simply. "She's extraordinary," He paused to shake his head. "Yet for some reason it's not her they want." 

"Who are 'they'?" Jane questioned, eyeing her father. "Who called you?" 

"Kali." Evie answered suddenly. "Kali called him." 

"How did you-"

"She hasn't told you, Jane? Here I was thinking children told their parents everything." Doctor Brenner chuckled. "Evelyn, here, is telepathic, but that's not all you do, id it?" He directed the sentence to the small brunette who gave a sigh.

"No." She huffed. "I'm more empathic, but I can read certain people's minds, yes." She explained. "I'm like that lady of Star Trek except my clothes fit better."

Jane didn't know whether to laugh or pass out from what was going on. She chose to not dive into Evie's "powers" at the second. Instead she turned to the man, crossing her arms. "Kali wouldn't have called you. She hated you with passion." 

"Yes, but she needed something, and I still had contacts at the Lab. When Julian called saying Evelyn had been rushed in, Kali sent me here to you." Brenner stated.

Jane couldn't believe her ears. The Kali she knew hated him more than anything. However, she was vindictive and probably would have gotten Jane killed if that meant getting her way. But what would Kali want here? If not Evie then-

"Evie, he's like you, isn't he?" Jane rushed out, having figured out what it was the other girl wanted. 

Evie slowly nodded. "He's more telepathic though. He can read people's thoughts like an open book." She sounded proud of her baby brother. 

"Papa?" Jane looked to him for confirmation.

"I'm sorry, Eleven." He looked away from her now tear filled eyes. 

"Where is he?" Jane choked out. "What has she done with him?" She had promised him that he wouldn't be taken, and now look. Breaking promises was not one of Jane's favorite things. 

"She wouldn't tell me." Brenner said ashamed. "She figured I'd tell you where, and as usual Kali was right." 

Jane quickly excused herself from the room and went to find the nearest phone. Leaving Evie and Brenner alone.

"So you're Mama's real dad?" Evie asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Don't read my thoughts, it's not nice, Evelyn." Brenner chided. "But to answer your question, yes I am." He sat down in the chair facing the bed. 

"I didn't read your thoughts. That's Benny's job; I can only do it every once in a while." Evie corrected. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you, Grandpa." She offered a kind smile to the old man. 

Doctor Brenner smiled back. "It's nice to finally meet you too, Evelyn." He shook her outstretched hand. 

Jane soon reentered the room in tears. Mike had confirmed everything Papa had just told her. Her son was gone. After she had promised no one would take her Kali showed up. This wouldn't be the end though. Jane decided she would find her son if it was the last thing she did. 

Kali would not do to him what she had her. Benny was too little to be that messed up. 

After signing a few papers, Jane and Evie left the hospital allowing Brenner to drive them home. Where the gang waited. 

Jane immediately ran to Mike, who embraced her tightly. They went inside and into the living room where Lucas and Max waited.

Evie found her way into the kitchen wanting nothing more than chocolate milk. Thin arms wrapped themselves around her before she could. 

She turned to Lorna hugging her. "Oh, Lor." She hugged her back just as close. "What's going to happened.

Lorna was Evie's Max-which was funny considering she was Lucas ans Max's daughter.

Lorna shook her head and pulled away. "I honestly don't know, Evie." The eight-year-old sighed. "But until we do, we should probably let the adults have a moment." 

Evie nodded, and together they took off upstairs. Neither knowing what awaited the future 

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