chapter 2: what have I done

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Carlotta POV

As soon as I step into the school, sets of laughter breaks out. I put on my earbubs and continue my walk down the hall to my locker.

The thing is I used to have friends. But later on I came to realize that they were only using me for my money and nice things. I sigh and shake the thought out of my head and grab my textbook for my first period class.

I close my locker door but I'm rudely bumped into causing my book to fall out of my hands. I look up and roll my eyes not pleased to see who it was.

"What do you want emily?"

She smirks and pushes me up into the lockers. "Oh nothing really just bored so thought it would be a good idea to bug you this morning" she said eyeing me up and down.

I was then greeted by her huge assholes of twin brothers Kyle and Jake. I push Emily off of me which was a big mistake. Jake grab a hold of my neck picking me up off the ground while slamming me onto the locker doors roughly.

My face tightens up with pain as I close my eyes kicking him in his chest as I dig my nails into his wrist, trying to get him to let go. Which was yet another mistake. Kyle punches me in my stomach causing me to cough up spit and lose the air from my lungs.

All three laugh at how pathetic I must look. My hands slowly fall to my side as my head drops. Jake let's me go as I fall on my ass. Emily then grabs a hand full of my hair and lifts my head up roughly as I whimper.

"This was fun. Remember your place though. Or things will end up worse for you." She said before kicking me in my lung which makes me to yelp in pain.

The bell then rings causing everyone to rush to their classes as well as step on my feet and legs in the process. I wasn't to worry about my inhuman ability. I was more worried about people noticing it.

Jeff POV

I watch as she gets beaten up. Like come on fight back! Tch. I can't stand bullies- I really can't stand weaklings.

I growl as I watch that boy drop her to the ground followed by this bitch pulling on her hair and kicking her. If she's 'the one' bullshit then why the fuck can't she not fight?! This is annoying me for some reason and I don't know why. I should be laughing but this shit is pissing me off.

The bell rings for them to go off to there dumb classes. All she did was sit there. Letting those people walk all over her. Once the halls clear, she slowly stands showing off the hand print bruise on her neck as well as the bruise on her chest once she raises her shirt to look down at it. But-

What's weird is that- its fading. As the bruises begin to fade, little small pink butterflies are coming out of her skin. The bruises itself are breaking off and turning into those butterflies.

My eyebrows pop up as I smirk to myself. Her bruises are completely gone.


Carlotta POV

My walk home was the same- well more like a run. A run from emily, jake, and kyle. I hurry up to unlock my front door then lock it back once I'm in.

I hold my head in pain as I shake it, feeling a strange static like pressure forcing itself against my skull. I close my eyes then open them. The pain is gone. I slowly walk to my room changing out of my clothes and into some more gym clothes.

I look out my window and, I don't see them there. I sigh and make my way to my front door, opening it then locking it behide me. I begin jogging to the gym down the street from my house, using the alley way as a short cut. I walk in and take my spot over at the treadmill in the far corner of the gym.

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