chapter 8: Changed Girl

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Toby POV

I close my eyes, placing my hands over my ears. Her screams are becoming to much. I understand that this is necessary, but slenderman never did the full treatment on anyone. He didn't even let his daughter brain wash Jane. So.....why do all the test with this one?

I sit up in my bed staring out of the window in my room. Tomorrow is the day when she has to fight all of us. I crack my neck, resting my head in the palms of my hands. I'm never supposed to question slenderman, but his methods are becoming unreasonable. Inhumane.

I feel the hairs on my skin stand as the sound of her screams fills my ears once more. I groan under my breath, running my fingers through my hair. I'm going to have to talk to him tomorrow. Everyone knows, including myself, what decisions I make when I'm full of uncertainty.

Carlota POV

I scream once more, feel my brain melt. I later found out from the times of me being tortured that this thing is a woman. But I still can t understand what she is to the man like figure that looks just like her. His wife? His daughter? Or...are there more like Them?

She turn the machine off, but I just couldn't stop screaming. My way of thinking....well I could no longer think. I didn't feel much of this pain, but I did feel the shocks of electricity flow through my brain.

I watch as she places a collar on my neck. It looks the same as the one around my head. She then places all the metal balls in each hole of the head wear and neck wear. She turns back to the machine, turning it up to high. My body jots,shakes,and even rattles again the table I'm chained down to. I feel the last bit of my functioning brain burn. My eyes roll back into my skull as everything turns black.


Toby POV

I stand in front of slenderman's office door, thinking of the words I should say. After that unbearable scream from that girl I had to know what the hell he was letting slenderwoman do to her. Before I even place my hand on the door to knock, his voices fills up my brain.

"Come in Toby my child"

I nod my head, opening the door and closed it behind me. I stare into his faceless face still trying to piece together what to say.

"What's troubling you Toby?"

He sensed my nervousness like I knew he would. "The g-girl you made Jeff bring....wh-what is she? Why does she h-have to go threw these t-test. I understand you do it to h-humans all the time but they all d-die, what m-makes her so different?", I stutter my ticks beginning to take control of my speech pattern.

"I do tell you everything I have plan and why those reasons for those certain plans, but my trust in you Toby hasn't be fully restored. You know what you did, you betrayed us, you betrayed me. But yet you believe you have the right to question me?"

I hold my head in pain as I feel pressure being forced upon it. I lower my head to him my hands fall to my sides, my fist clench. His right. "I know m-master and I regret it. I was stupid, I was careless, and I wasn't g-grateful. You gave me so m-much sir, but I c-couldn't see it then. I didn't fully understand your ways of your w-work." I kneel on one knee, my head hung low to him. "Pl-Please forgive me sir it will n-never happen a-again."

"You have been forgiven Toby, but you are no longer allowed to question my motives nor my reasoning. Do you understand me child?"

I nod my head, keeping my position on my one knee. "Understood master."

"You may exit my office Toby."

I nod my head,standing up and walking out his office. Before I could even catch my breathe, the door across the hall opens. There she stands, slenderwoman, she however didn't caught my attention. The girl standing next to her, naked and dirty with her head hanging low. Her used to be long pink hair changed, the ends of her hair now being black while the ends remain pink.

She looks up at me, the look itself sending a chill down my spinal cord. It feels like I'm staring straight into despair. Her used to be red eyes had changed. Her retina fully black, but the pupil was replaced by a galaxy like pattern with the colors pink and white along with sparkly like stars in them.

The corner of her eyes,now shaded with a pink butterfly wing as well as the color of her top eyelids now pink. If you look closer you could even see lines on the bottom of her eyes and on the inside of the eyeballs as well. The ones on the inside of the eye has lines showing from both ends with a curl at the end. There are also small pink butterflies in her eyes too.

The outside on the other hand only had one line but broke off into small curls, the ends changing to pink while the top remains black. She looks completely different. I look at slenderwoman in shock, but keeping my composer.

"Gather everyone outside. It's time for the final test."

I nod my head, not wanting to be there any longer. While gathering everyone up and leading them outside, uncertainty runs through my mind. Final test? I hope she doesn't mean....if those other test didn't kill her than this one most definitely will. Why do those two need her so badly? This isn't their average experiment.

All those thoughts places themselves into the back of my mind once my eyes lands on the two tall faceless figures and the girl. Everyone lowers their heads expect Jeff. I roll my eyes. That guy seriously wants to get killed....again. They seem to not pay much mind to it now since Jeff has always been this way.

I turn my attention to masky. He wasn't wearing his mask which is odd since he always wears it. His eyes are focused on the girl's body, his lips turning into a smirk. I sigh shaking my head once more. I seriously hate that guy.

"My children you may raise your heads. As you can see, I will be added a new edition to my proxies. However, she must prove herself worthy to become one of you. Therefore she will be fighting all of you one by one. Now, as I call your name step foward and prepare to take her on."

Slenderman points and calls everyone out name by name to line up in a pacific order. When Jeff name was called, her head snaps up looking around everyone. Her eyes lands on him, her head tilting to the side in amusement not confusion. I take note of this due to the fact that Jeff is just bad news. Once everyone was in place ,from weakest to strongest, Sldenderwoman leans down and whispers something into the girl's ear. the girl's eyes twitches a bit as she looks down at her hands. She nods her head as she steps forward, a smile shown on her face.

This is not going to end well.

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