Chapter 12 Final Testing Pt. 4

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Carlotta POV

Jeffery. The one who brought me to this hell, from what I can remember. And yet, the one who made that painful time into a very pleasant one. He begins to circle me, like a wild animal would its prey.

"'re more sexy like this up close. Still wonder what your insides look like..." he spoke aloud, his crooked grin growing to that inhuman smile.

Before I could respond to his words, he springs at me- giving me hardly enough time to dodge. I move swiftly before he could stab me in the eye, slicing just under it by a few itches.

I become more frustrated with every move he makes. I didnt except him to be this fast! He seems to grow more amused once he noticed my frustration.

"Is the little butterfly getting mad?" Jeff said in a mocking tone as he bends his body to stab me in my lower abdomen.

I dodge just in enough time to kicking him in his knee, knocking him to the ground. I lift my leg, jabbing the heel if my foot against his chest with such force- that it causes a few cracks in the ground. "Did the jocker wanna be just get his shit rocked?" I sass, a grin on my face.

Jeff coughs up a bit of blood, his twisted grin never fading. "Damn, I'm actually having some- FUN!" the killer shouts, grabbing my ankle and twisting it before stabbing his knife through my knee, causing me to fall over.

I cry out, about to slash my claws at his throat until he grabs my wrist- pinning me down. "You really were a weak catch." He said as he raised his knife high in the air.

Third person POV

His words shook her to the core. To think the one that brought her here, thought she's weak. He caused that hidden fire deep within her to spark. Jeff notices the shift within her eyes, causing the male to laugh. This fire is what recently drawn him to her. "There she is!~ Show me why the slenders chose you!" He shouts as he brings the knife down towards her throat.

A second later, Jeff is thrown to a tree with a deadly force. Everyone watches in shock as Carlotta slowly raises from the ground, with another set of arms. She growls, eyes glowing brightly as she took quick steps to Jeff. Carlotta grabs the killer's arm, slamming him to the ground- making him cough up more blood from the impact.

The young girl never gave him time to recover as she would climb on top of him, pounding him with her fist repeatedly. Before each hit Jeff had a chance to glance at the girl straddling him. Though she's now covered in dirt and blood, he still found her unearthly attractive. Carlotta's hourglass shape, perfect size rack, and round ass sent his brain over the edge- and he couldn't understand why.

The only other girl he found this hot was Krissy, one of his first victims. It was a infatuation- a infatuation on wondering what her guts would feel like wrapped around him. But he didn't want that with Carlotta. After witnessing the faces she made when he fucked her lit a fire within him as well. He wanted more. He wanted to see what other expressions she could make. He wanted to hear her beg. He wanted her to be his prize possession that no one else could have.

Not romanticly, no. Jeff wasn't about that. He just wanted a toy. Someone to play around with whenever he got bored or wanted to waste time. At least that's what he told himself. He's so far into his thoughts that he didn't notice the girl was no longer punching him. Carlotta's cheeks are flush with a bright shade of pink, the girl nibbling her lower lip. Her mood shifted at the moment she felt something hard poke in between her legs.

Jeff watches as her pupils changed into glowing pink hearts. His eyes widen at the sight, causing his length to twitch. He turns his head to glance around, completely forgetting that their being watched by everyone in the mansion. This pissed him off. He didn't want anyone else to see her like this. This face, her body, her entire being belongs to him.

With this in mind, Jeff manages to twist their bodies so that he's now on top of her. He quickly grabs his spare pocket knives, stabbing all four hands to the ground. He presses his knees against her badly injured one, making Carlotta cry out. He places his hands around her throat, squeezing tightly.

He grip becomes tighter at the sight of her cheeks flushing more into a rosy shade. "You like this huh? Fucking masochist, you like it when I hurt you like this...break you like this." He whispers, pressing down on her knee more.

Carlotta gasp for hair, but the glow in her eyes grew brighter from his actions and words. She couldn't understand why her body felt such a pull towards him, why her mind is yanking itself towards him. She didn't understand why, in a sickly way, this feels so right.

"Say your mine. Say you'll only listen to me, follow me- and not those fucking slenders." He orders, his grip becoming tighter and tighter. "I know you want to breathe, so just say yes and I'll let you go." He whispers into her ear.

Carlotta gasp, struggling to gain oxygen into her lungs. A part of her wanted to say yes. But the other was drowning in fear of what the slenders would do if she did say yes. She wants to please Jeff and Slenderwoman. She wants both of them to praise her. But Jeff is making her choose between the two, so she picks the latter.

Carlotta manages to bite Jeff's neck hard enough for him to loosen his grip only slightly. When he pulls away, she headbutt him- kicking him off of her with her one good leg. She bends her leg high enough to yank one knife out of her hand with her toes. The young girl uses her free bloody hand to rip the others out swiftly.

She slowly stands, all of her weight on her one good leg. She looks at Jeff, her expressions blank but her eyes dark. "No." She spoke aloud, confusing everyone but Jeff and the slenders.

Something tipped over in the killer's mind. "No?" He said through his teeth. Jeff always got his way. He was never told no by anyone but the slenders. He's always in control, never ever asked nor really wanted anything of his own- the one time he did, the rejection sent him over the edge. The serial killer has never been this furious.

The shift causes the hairs on everyone's neck to stand. Everyone knew Jeff was always angry, always annoyed at something or someone- but they've never seen him this pissed.

Jeff runs towards her, punching her in her jaw. Carlotta recovers quickly, using two of her right fists to punch him in his chest. As the first fight went on, it became more violent. Toby was right, this battle has become a blood bath. Both of them were beating each other senselessly, wildly. At this point both were bloody and bruised.

Slenderman and Slenderwoman look at each other, nodding their heads. They both stretch their tendrils, pulling Carlotta and Jeff off of each other. Jeff struggles against slenderman's hold, biting his tendril in hopes it'll loosen its grip.

"ENOUGH!" Slenderman shouts at Jeff, using his powers to give the killer an intense headache. "we heard what was said Jeffery. You are in big trouble." Slenderman grumbles in his static voice.

Jeff didn't say anything, keeping his furious eyes locked onto Carlotta- making a chill turn down her spine. A pleasurable one. Slenderwoman took note of this but didn't say a word. She looks at everyone before speaking. "this concludes her final testing. I want all of you to welcome your new proxy, Carlotta. Her Alias will be known as 'The butterfly killer'. Treat her as one of us. That is all, everyone is dismissed." The female slender spoke, both her and Slenderman walking inside the mansion- leaving everyone dumbfounded.







I'm pretty sucky at writing fighting scenes. I only came back to this book since a stranger who loves my writing, helped me feel motivated enough to finish this story. No idea when it'll be completed because my personal life is REALLY BUSY. But I thank you all that has stuck by this book and have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. So please leave a comment and vote! Happy late thanksgiving everyone and stay safe!!

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