Chapter 10: The Final Testing pt.2

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Carlota POV

I place the blade of the knife in the ground next to the sword. I can't get pass the thought of that skeleton bitch looking so familiar. It's making my brain hurt so badly I can't even explain it. Hell, everyone here looks so familiar but the only one that I remember is Jeff....Jeffery Keaton. He never did stop smiling that smile, the smile that I enjoy seeing from him. The smile that let's me know his acknowledging my skills. The skills I will soon use on him.

I sit on The wet grass waiting for the next opponent to step forward. I take one last glaze at the skeleton girl before looking down at my bloody hands.

"Where do I know her from?" My thoughts where cut short by the sound of footsteps approaching me. I look up to see a man holding a long, sharp knife in his hand with a white mask covering his face. But what caught my attention was the bloody smile painted onto the mask. I stand up looking at him up and down, arching my eyebrow.

"I'll take you on.", he said in a high pitch voice.

I bust out into a fit of laughter, "What the hell type of voice is that?! Can't even take you seriously! are you sure you wanna take me on? I mean come on, by the sound of your voice you must seem pretty terrif-" I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder silencing my laughter.

"Don't take me likely little girl, know your fucking place.", he said sticking his knife further into my shoulder.

I hiss in pain, "You bastard...FUCK!"

He pulls his knife out and tries to stab me again, but I throw myself onto the ground to dodge his attack. I roll away from him, reaching over for the knife I place into the ground. I pull the knife out, quickly turning around. I was nearly met face to face with his knife until I use my knife to block his attack once more. I kick him away, holding my wound.

"Wh-What the hell? why can't I heal?", I said watching him stand back to his feet. "I need to end this and now...."

He charges at me faster than expected. I dodge his attack, nearly getting cut on my cheek however I wasn't as lucky the second. Blood runs down my cheek to my chin, dripping off at a steady pace. I look down at my shoulder finally seeing its healing, but the cut wasn't. Something isn't right. I don't have enough time to even think one it, I have to take him down I cant keep dodging his attacks!

I grab hold of his arm, wrapping my legs around it then move my left leg over his shoulder. I place my right leg in the same position. I lean back, causing him to fall with me. I tighten my grip on his neck, holding both of his hands tightly.

"Tap out!", I yell at him. He does as told allowing me to drop my legs from around him neck and push him off of me.

I stand up a bit out of breath, watching him go stand next to the defeated opponents. I look back at the others. God still so many left. This girl with long brown hair, with two knives in hand, stepped forward. she has one green eye and the other is....a clock? what the hell? A Clock for an eye? Soooooooo scary! I roll my eyes, chuckling at my little comment.

"Hi I'm clockwork and the guy you just beat up is Bloody painter. Just thought you should know since you'll be staying with us that's if I don't kill you.", the brown headed girl said with a smile afterwards.

I raise my eyebrow at her, "You think you can kill me? Funny. Stop talking shit and show me!"

I run to run, clashing the knife I'm holding with one of her. She uses her other knife to attack, causing me to pull away. Shit two knives ugh! I kick her in her stomach then punched her in her nose, throwing her footing off. I dash over there to bloody painter and grab his knife before he could protest I run away from him to clockwork. My knives clash against her's. We stand there waiting for one of his to make the wrong move to lose. I stare at her waiting for any signs of her to slip up. I push on her knives more with mine, my strength straining. I need to find a way out this she looks like she can last like this forever.

She pulls away, causing me to stubble over my two feet. I catch myself, but froze hearing her voice from behind me. "Your time is up!"

I close my eyes waiting for the stab that....never came? I turn around seeing her frozen body, knives in the air ready to strike. I slowly back away, confused. I look around seeing everyone frozen everyone but....Jeff? I couldn't process what happened, but clockwork begins to move again in slow motion. I take this chance, taking the knives out her hands and appearing behind her.

I place the tips of the blades at the back of her back, the time finally turning back to normal. Before she could process what was happening, I stick both knives inside her. I push her body down, looking down at her with a frown.

"H-How did you.....", she said coughing up blood.

"I'm just as confused as you are."

I look up at everyone, all of them wearing shock expressions even Jeff. I look down at my hands tying to focus on what did I just do. I place my hands on my head, taking in slow, deep breaths. What the hell did I do? Did I freeze time?

I groan, feeling a headache coming on. I try to focus my attention on my next opponent. I tilt my head to the side, squinting my eyes to focus my vision on her. The more I stare at her, the familiar she looks. I open my mouth to say something, but my mind goes completely blank.

She smiles at me as I feel my body tense up. She notices this and laughs. "Oh, you don't remember me? Well that sucks. We had so much fun together, you me, and zero."


"Oh did I forget to remind you of my name? Silly me, I'm Jane but to you that's Ms. Jane."


Its as if the flood gates of memories opened up, reliving the memories of both zero and Jane. I scream to the top of my lungs, pulling at my hair. The memories....Why are they hurting me? why does it hurt to remember!? I feel every vein in my body bulge to the surface of my skin. I take a look at my skin to see my veins glow a shade of pink. The rush of unimaginable strength runs itself through my veins. What the hell is this power? The pain disappears from my brain as if it was never there. I stand to my feet, scanning over my body admiring my somewhat new form. I reach back to grab a strain of my hair, noticing that the ends are glowing a fiery pink.

I stare down at my feet, digging my toes into the dirt. A smile finds itself onto my lips. I chuckle which soon breaking out into fits of laughter. I hold my arms over my stomach trying to contain my laughter. I stop for some reason feeling anger flood my mind and thoughts. I look up locking my gaze on Jane.

I frown staring at her from head to toe. "Well Jane It seems like I owe you a moth'a fuck'n ass whoop'n. "

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